Is it dead?
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I want mei to sit on my face
>lootbox game
Fuck Off
Pretty sure there's still plenty of 14 year olds and Ali A type manchildren that play it pretty regular.
look, he posted it again, now all of you fucking retards are going to have EXACTLY the same discussion you've been having ad infinitium for the last three years
yes it's dead because none of the girls have fat sweaty futa cocks especially zarya.
imagine the post workout smell
No but it is decaying, and I rarely see anyone care about it (outside events that release lewd skins). I wonder if Blizz pays actors to pad the seats at OWL
I can only speak for myself i haven't played this piece of shit since 2017.
Best girl deserved a better game.
>I wonder if Blizz pays actors to pad the seats at OWL
They definitely do. Nothing about OWL is genuine. It's all just fucking fake.
I just play for the D.Va skins
Pajamei is a miracle of the universe!
wait until the announcement that they're shutting down OW's servers
No, it isn't dead, quakuck. I still get matches all the time.
>angry over rumors
How do these people even use computers?
I really hope they come out with better maps and a none-nerfed Roadhog in the sequel.
OW2 is being done to reset the lootbox economy, so that the cucks can buy hundreds of them again. Just like COD year after year after year.
That roadhog nigger is the only character to consistently rape my ass in every fucking match
Yes, they're already planning overwatch 2.
It's not dead, but population has shrunk. A good portion of the community doesn't really care about their rank anymore either, so expect the majority of comp games to be throwing hell. Also, if you hated that the game revolved around a 8ish hero meta, well that hasn't really changed.
I only played during the Beta and thought it was fun but none of my friends or I actually bought it. Reminded me of the good old days of TF2, but it wasn't as good.
90% of the time I played as the speedboosting DJ guy who wallruns and he was really fun. Knocking people off the stage as the Gorilla was pretty fun too, but he seemed pretty awful. Only things I remember dying to was some edgy guy who spun like a ballerina and instantly killed you and some fat fuck with a grappling hook and shotgun.
shit, you mean I have to pay another $50?
I'm merely surprised there's a 2 at all. WoW and most mmos simply release updates or packs. To release an entirely new game seems extreme, even for blizzard.
you paid 50 dollars for overwatch? are you a consolefag or something?
People are theorizing that it's probably more of a PvE than PvP kind of game, likely to actually do something with its cinematic universe rather than continue trying to balance the absolute fuckery they've entrenched themselves in.
i'd be cautiously optimistic to see blizzard try to fix overwatch's mistakes in overwatch 2 but knowing them they would just double down on all the retardation and instead blame everything on toxicity again
I never understood the lore or plot of overwatch. Whatever it was happened before the game started yet for whatever reason all the heroes are fighting each other. There clearly was a lot of potential but I'm sure the suits rushed it out the door.
honestly thats probably the way to go about it
keep OW as a pvp focused shitfest for esports and make OW2 a pve character focused game like warframe or something
Lmao basically they going to try copy battleborn?
Sounds dumb as fuck.
If they do a separate game for PvE they can do sperate balancing shit to make a genuine pve experienced instead of some tacked on 7 minute shit people play for a week.
I don't really care about Overwatch lore at this point desu
"Nerfed" you are prob a low rated casual or don't even play the game hog is balanced when played by a normie and broken if played by a pro
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Roadhogs very design is the embodiment of bullshit regardless of how strong he is at the time
>hurrr durrr tank with huge burst and huge heals and if he gets in trouble he can just press q and it’ll probably work out alright
I pinned a roadhog and tracer stuck him and he survived. If that’s not retarded then nothing in overwatch is
Not sure if legit because I don’t know the source but I heard recently overwatch is down 39% compared to last year.
>No, it isn't dead, quakuck. I still get matches all the time.
how long does it take and i dont see the word fun in your post anywhere
>OW died before TF2
>mfw TF2 will outlive even overwatch 2
This post makes me want to kill myself. Are half the people browsing Yea Forums phoneposters now or what? It would explain why this place has become a location for discussing social media shit.
(loud boos)
Imagine OW2 with modding support similar to TF2