The most commercially raped franchise of all time

>The most commercially raped franchise of all time
>Consistently relies on same iconic imagery despite a universe of content to lean on
>Original archetypal characters are serviceable, exactly zero compelling / complex characters
>Ships in space going pew pew! That'll never get old!
>a Kingdom Hearts caliber story about "friends" and "light and darkness"
>Villains named 'Savage Opress' 'Darth Plagueis' 'Darth Sidious'
>Lightsabers! Those will never get old!
>force powers consist of psychic throws and casting blue lightning from finger tips
>Good guy blue ligthsaber, bad guy red

Who the fuck is actually excited for this shit?

Star Wars fans have got to be the biggest bunch of brainlets in all of popular media.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I just want it to be good. You die hard Star Wars fans are the whiniest fucking children on the internet, I swear. You want them to take chances with this rotting corpse of a franchise yet always bitch and moan whenever something's slightly different. Hang yourself with a rope, you mongoloid.

hard pass

I only play masculine games.

>Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen: Order


Hey bro you just posted cringe

>Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order: EA

the ultimate red pill

Based off the OP, that guy is not a Star Wars fan. More likely he hates Star Wars. Anyone who complains that Star Wars has a story about good vs evil never liked Star Wars to begin with.

It's not slightly different though. It's the same shit. It's original trilogy with tie fighters, stormtroopers, x-wings, lightsabers, jedi, sith, etc. It's not different at all that's why people like OP are complaining. There's millions of things you could do for a story in the Star Wars universe and you tell us ANOTHER one in the Original Trilogy timeline. They do it because retards like you go "I KNOW WHAT THAT IS! I CLAPPED WHEN I SAW IT." Kindly kill yourself.

There's at least a dozen good star wars games, still hoping this one will be good but I don't have much hope. Any new games aren't going to be much good until the ninth movie drops and devs can fuck around without worrying about breaking canon.
Shitty bait though

I assume they're writing it with at least two sequels in mind, and there ARE retards out there that won't immediately associate the word "jedi" with Star Wars, so they kept the Star Wars name in the title to ensure those retards know what kind of game it is.

Hope you're ready to take out a mortgage on your house to pay for all the lootboxes.

There are Star Wars games without Jedi/Sith on the main stage, although it's tricky to pull off when the force is the main attraction

All they had to do was make a full Darth Vader game, people would be lined up for miles to buy it.

Pokemon fans eat way more shit.

The problem with SW is that the license was so expensive that Disney was desperate to just get their money back and refused to take any risk at all.

Only movie spergs are the real brainlets who have no true understanding of Star Wars kino. For instance you not knowing how Sith work trying to rag on their names.

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>>Lightsabers! Those will never get old!
this is true, though

But it's not bait.

I feel this way.

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I'd love to see a SW game from the Yakuza team.

Can't top:
Star Wars: Darkforces 4: Jedi Knight 3: Dedi Academy

Then you haven't played many of the games or read any of the mostly shit books
There's tons of stuff that breaks away from the movies, but if you really hate lightsabers and space battles, it probably isn't the franchise for you.

I know it's bait, but originality is pretty much dead in the sense of modern storytelling, because every story beat, trope, twist, or narrative trick has, somehow or another at some point in time, been done numerous times in any way that fits a framework of life that we can relate to. Entertainment franchises essentially run on the idea that certain people enjoy particular types of stories, and if they can make an ongoing story set within a universe with rules that ground it in some sense of relate-ability while still qualifying it as escapism, then people will come back again and again for "that same shit" because they enjoyed it the first time, and the second, and the third.

Basically, bitching about a franchise being repetitive is retarded, because it's a criticism you can level at any creative work that features numerous entries within it's fiction.

>Original Trilogy timeline
A. It's all one Timeline, and
B. Takes place in time frame between the OT and the prequels, which is actually a relatively unexplored time frame with extremely high stakes for any surviving Jedi, one of which this game revolves around.

Also, the Lucas stories as basic as you can get, but the universe itself is expansive and fascinating, and there's quite a few tie-in works, video games or otherwise, that managed to capitalize on the setting's potential pretty well (the Jedi Knight games and KOTOR come to mind)

And the Yuuzhan Vong were fucking cool. Fight me.

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Reminder that they are going to ruin the old republic even further.

Star Wars: Dark Forces IV: Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy: Remastered: EA

>another game interquel taking places between 3 and 4

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a shame the last good star wars game was like 2005 or 2007 or something

It would be fine if they weren't all shit, but we'll never get a game where you play as an elite agent of the Empire hunting down Jedi. That wouldn't be kid friendly enough for Shitney.

>Lightsabers! Those will never get old!
Correct. More games need to have them. Even fantasy games should stash a "beam sword" or two as secrets hidden away behind high difficulty areas.


I know what you mean OP.
But as a fan, trust me, any genuine fan is getting repulsed by this trash reveal.

How many modern games actually have weapons like lightsabers though? That actually wouldn't get old.

I have a sort of distant longing to be excited for it, but any time I think about it and start feeling a bit interested I remember,
And then I stop giving a shit because even if they don't fuck it up immediately on launch if it becomes successful then they'll end up fucking it up post-launch or somewhere down the line by either farming it for sequels until it turns to shit ala Dead Space or it will just be shit right out of the gate just like EAfront 1 and 2.

does city of heroes count?

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This. Republic Commando is of the most kino Star Wars games and the Jedi/Force have a negligible role.

That (((slight difference))) is the replacement of whites. I'm not a cuck like you so wont be supporting the blatant white genocide propaganda in kikeywood

holy shit that poster looks so bad.
>these helmets

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Yeah, I know. I would count it as an exception to the rule, though, and the plot isn't particularly special.

>in a single player game
You'd have to be retarded to buy them

i love what boss said when he saw the lightsaber in this section

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I don't remember that. What'd he say?

an elegant weapon for a more civilized time, eh? well, guess what? times have changed!

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sith protag is going to be a girl, calling it now - look at the chest those are tits

Based retard who goes on an autistic rant because he can't grasp what the complaint is about

The fan made cover was better, this one looks like some off-brand battlefield clone

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that was obvious right away dude. not really a mystery


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>The kings of comedy

if the gameplay is good i'll be happy

The complaint is about Star Wars being Star Wars.

You might as well complain about a Gundam series having giant robutts

i would like it more if i could be an alien

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The complaint is about another fucking Jedi with a blue lightsaber fighting another fucking Sith with a red lightsaber in a time period we're already fucking familiar with and has been done to death. If that's all you think Star Wars is about or has to offer you are fucking retarded.

based retard

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>the kangs of comedy
you had one job

But the whole point of OP's post is that nothing's different at all.

Silly user, aliens aren't as marketable as the blandest character designs in existence.

They need to do another series like KoTOR that's set so far away from the films they can do whatever they want.

They haven't done anything different in years. Everything Disney and EA has done with Star Wars has been a retread of old shit. Is this bait?

OP's complaint isn't actually about anything, though. He just pointed out random aspects of Star Wars often shared throughout the franchise and said "I don't like thing and neither should anybody else!"

It's the most brainlet opinion ever, and it's common. OP didn't actually point out flaws, he just ranted about the most broad descriptions he could, attached a negative connotation, and called it a day. Vapidity personified, just like every other brainlet here.

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I'm a nigga. I got no job!

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>Clone wars is good because there's a semi-decent action scene every six episodes!


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>main character is a souless ginger
they really outdid themselves here, literally could not be worse

Not the guy you're replying to but OP is very, very clearly complaining that they keep doing the same middle-of-the-road shit over and over. If you're really such a smoothbrained buffoon that you can't read this, then I'm just going to have to dab on you.

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Learn to read retard
>Consistently relies on same iconic imagery despite a universe of content to lean on
>Lightsabers! Those will never get old!
>force powers consist of psychic throws and casting blue lightning from finger tips
>Good guy blue ligthsaber, bad guy red
All valid points. But please, keep being autistic and posting your meme pictures.

Will we ever get a star wars game about a Atheistic muggle Military superpower that seeks to eradicate all force users so they'll stop fucking up the universe with their religious squabbles, and have villains who aren't Dark side users as the big bads?

Not from Disney/EA.

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The problem with "everything else Star Wars has to offer" is offered by many other sci-fi franchises, and more often than not, far more competently. Jedi Knights, Sith, and the lore/drama surrounding them is a defining aspect of Star Wars that no other franchise can quite copy effectively, and it's a lot less basic than you portrayed it in your opening post outside of the films, which I agree are surface-level compared to the expanded universe and internal mythology.

And the most retarded part of your opinion is that there ARE other games that cover other aspects of franchise; Rogue Squadron, Bounty Hunter, Empire at War, and even some that still incorporate the Jedi tropes within a less conventional story, like the Dark Forces sub-franchise. But one thing that I think everyone can agree on; there isn't any game out there that adapts the traditional Star Wars portrayal of the Jedi and Sith even slightly competently, and Fallen Order has the potential to fill that role.

Notice how all those other games you listed were from before Disney's takeover.

>there isn't any game out there that adapts the traditional Star Wars portrayal of the Jedi and Sith even slightly competently
Kotor 1

isn't the next Star wars movie basically going to be KOTOR: the movie?

>Someone else did it so no one else can
Holy shit you're so fucking retard. Yes, let's ignore a good story idea like: because someone else told a story like it before. Let's ignore all interesting stories like a trooper struggling through the Mandlorian Wars. Do you know why shit like Rogue Squadron and Republic Commandos are so loved? Because they're not boring ass Jedi stories.
>B-But I want to feel like a Jedi...
By your own logic this game shouldn't even being made since literally everything in the game has been done before with the Jedi Knights series. You're so fucking retarded it hurts.

No, but there's going to be a series of movies based on it. Fitting with the theme of Disney just re-treading everything.

>in both EU and Disney canon they point out that Sidious and Vader hunt down rogue Jedi themselves, even suspected ones
>we have a Padawan waving his lightsaber like a retard

Disney's takeover had less to do with it than the fact that they exclusively entrusted the license to Electronic Arts, who continued to try and milk Battlefront throughout the years until now.

Still, all the news I've heard about FO has been alright so far. Aside from the E-rating and the current lack of gameplay, I don't really see much to complain about, yet.

I -love- KOTOR, but it is also a very non-traditional portrayal and interpretation of the Jedi/Sith conflict that can only really work in a time far removed from the OT and even the prequels.

It's also something that can never happen again, because it was a story crafted by the old Bioware...

>the traditional Star Wars portrayal of the Jedi and Sith
And what, pray tell, would that be?

Ssssh youll rile up the EA and Nu Wars shills.

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Now you're just splitting hairs. Point is all those games you brought up were from before Disney/EA and the series has stagnated in both the movie and game department since the takeover. All the stuff OP is complaining about is exactly what's been happening since then.

There's one in the thread already that's clearly from fucking Reddit and a faggot.

Yes, but I want to hear what the retard thinks it is.

Maybe that was him.

Without getting into spoilers, Kotor 2 did, although via individuals rather than some nation.
Also the Empire killed off all but a few force users, and the only leftovers that aren't being actively hunted are the leader and his pet dog.

How many Star Wars games have there even been since the Disney buyout? Battlefront 1&2 plus a mobile game?

I got to admit, that was pretty good.

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>A faggy Ginger and a nigger.

And how long has it taken them to shit out those turds? How many games did LucasArts make in that time?

TORtanic? I know it was under EA but I can't remember if it was before or after.

Ginger is an anagram of Nigger.

TOR was before Disney

What u describe sounds like this

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This is my point, Mr. samefag; I'm not sure what you're bitching about. The entire time, throughout the history of Star Wars's video game successes and failures, almost all them have been what you want from the franchise, and almost all of them are just games ranging from okay to above average that have far superior peers within their genre, and now one comes by, one that you barely know anything about other than it takes place after Order 66 and that lightsabers are involved, and you throwing a shitfit that it looks...very much like a Star Wars story. What are you complaining about? All I'm getting from you hate that a Star Wars game seems to be pretty invested in something unique to Star Wars that nobody short of Jedi Outcast/Academy has really gotten all that right so far.

Basically, you don't really seem to have much of a point to argue for or against. You just seem to be ranting. Did this game piss you off, somehow? Is it because the protagonist is white? What is your actual issue with the game, because I doubt that it's because it's "conventionally Star Wars."

>Posting this CGI shit over the kinoest produced for TV Star Wars media

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>turn 'good' partly through the game

No. EA Front 2 was shit for the same reason.

>traditional Star Wars portrayal of the Jedi and Sith
You mean like paragon of light vs massive evil? Yoda vs the Emperor? I would say Jedi Knight follows the theme of the OT pretty closely, what with the force user having some moral difficultly before swinging back to the light side.

That's fucking shit. Why would I want to play as some bitch getting killed on the cover?

>Cal Kestis is Disney's Galen Marek

U right u right

The problem has been clearly explained to you, but you refuse to see it. And that is why I am now dabbing on you. You brought this upon yourself. Don't make me do it again.

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If after all of this you're still so retarded you can't understand what people are complaining about you are hopeless. Multiple people have explained in multiple different ways what the complaints are and you're still too fucking retarded to grasp it.
Just go back to /r/eddit already and keep eating up the same shit that they keep serving you. You clearly love the same shit over and over since your brain can barely handle an argument.

You still haven't answered my qeustion. What is the "traditional" portrayal of the Jedi and Sith?

And he's trained by a negress
But he has a funny side-kick robot so who cares right?!

That's what I mean, there aren't really any games post Disney to list. All big name games have to be massive triple A titles with top notch graphics and years of dev time. There aren't going to be more than one game every 1-2 years until the scene changes or the license gets passed around.

>Don't ask questions, just consume product and get excited for next product.

He did right here:Which is exactly what this joke post told you he was going to say:

There you are again, with the same fagging
>The problem has been clearly explained to you
The only thing anybody can possibly extrapolate from that cavalcade of incoherence is that you're not all that big a fan of Star Wars, but think some of the spinoffs and the setting are alright.

I mean, it's alright to admit if that's the case. I'm not a big fan of Macross, but I liked Macross Plus and I dig the concept of Valkyries.

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Re-read the comment chain.

>There will be no good Star Wars games until Disney gives the license to tons of different studios
>This will never happen

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There are multiple people asking you a basic question, dude. What definition of Jedi vs Sith do you have that's so specific as to have never been done in any game, ever?

Not even samefagging but you wouldn't know since you're from /r/eddit.
>Maybe if I use lots of big words I'll seem smarter
Sorry retard but that's not going to cut it. I'm sorry you're too retarded that people are bored and tired of the Jedi vs Sith story they keep regurgitating into the mouths of low IQ brainlets like yourself. I do like how you've dropped all your previous arguments that got blown the fuck out.

I'll tell you once more:
Ever since the Disney buyout, Star Wars movies and games have been nothing but retreads of the same shit, refusing to take risks and do anything new.

>don't articulate a point, just quote Red Letter Media

My point was that most Star Wars games involving the Jedi try to add in a lot of lore, INTERESTING lore, mind you, but busy additions to the lore nonetheless, that try to re-adapt the jedi-vs-sith bit into something original to that title, and while it's cool when it happens, it's often either dubiously compatible with the lore proper, or actually doesn't involve Jedi-vs-sith much at all and we haven't really gotten a Jedi game that just tells the story of an average Jedi Knight.

What games were released? Two Battlefront titles and a bunch of mobileshit. Fallen Order is a step up in every department. Would have liked that Visceral-developed game, but can't have everything I want I guess.

>dubiously compatible
How so?
Explain how Jedi Knight and KOTOR fall under this category.

>In over half a decade of owning rights to the Star Wars license EA has made a whopping two games
>A shitt reboot of a great franchise and an even shittier sequel to the shitty reboot
>EA single handedly made the fucking government go after theirs and Disney's ass whole because of fucking Star Wars lootbox shit that did nothing but damage the brand
>Disney gives absolutely no shits and keeps the contract on instead of revoking, damages be dammed, they can pay for it and not even feel a dent on their accounts
I can only assume the money Disney is making on royalties must be some real good shit, because if I were them I would've taken the license from EA in an instaed, even if it meant breaking a contract and facing legal issues, I'd be fucking Disney, paid 70 billion dollars to buy Fox, paying EA would be giving out pocket change.

>Fallen Order is a step up in every department
Except for all the reasons OP listed, which was his whole point. More of the same. We've yet to see gameplay but I can only imagine it'll follow suit. Likely another third-person over-the-shoulder action game with some cinematic walking sequences, since that's what all the focus-tested shit is doing these days.

Don't even bother. People have already tried to explain this too him but he's too retarded to grasp it.

Jedi Knight involves Jerec and his Sith cronies (who, in general, are a bit of a stretch) and that Valley of the Jedi nonsense, complete with a DBZ powerup. Outcast and Academy are alright, but Desann was a shit villain and not much interesting happened in Academy outside of the dark side path.

KOTOR and it's following titles are both guilty of the "more of the same" crap OP hates, but cranked up to 11 (Emperor, but immortal and COOLER comes to mind.) and Darth Nihilus is basically a fanfiction character.

>More of the same.
We haven't really gotten much like it in the vidya department though, have we? Name one game like it. Which you can't, because we barely don't even know what fucking genre it is.

True story, I purged my entire life of Star Wars after seeing TLJ. 25 years of fan investment erased. I sold everything I could on ebay and threw out everything else. It was oddly freeing. I feel creatively unshackled, like I'm no longer restricted by the shadow of this shitty generic giant looming over me. I'm no longer getting into conversations with emotionally arrested people about laser swords and space wizards and recently nazis. My life has entirely improved since removing Star Wars from it.

He said KOTOR, the Emperor stand-in only shows up in TOR so doesn't really support your point.
There's nothing fanfiction about Nihilus either, he's a cool design with a simple twist of him being weaker than he appeared because the Exile counters him. He hardly steals the spotlight like a donut steel perfect fanfic character so not sure what that term means there.


That still makes it the best Star Wars game in a decade, hilariously. Battlefront 2 is decent now, but it gets old real quick.

This right here is the real canon prequel
Far superior to episodes 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9

Based retard who can't do any research "Master lightsaber combat and the Force to take on any challenge in this new third-person action- adventure Star Wars title from Respawn Entertainment."

This is the only piece of work that should be called Star Wars.

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Can't just enjoy KOTOR while acknowledging that some of the films are shit?

Can't wait to see porn of that protag.

Why was Kotor 2 so fucking good.

It made me realize how fucking amazing the star wars universe could be if done correctly

because kotor 2 was made for adults and took a very morally gray stand to the whole jedi/sith conflict which goes against lucas' JEDI GOOD SITH BAD NO QUESTIONS