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Stadia will teraflop
what's that big white blob in the corner?
That's Gabe Newell
Bust the trust
Literally Ouya 2.0
It's antisemitic to point out the noses of Google's investors.
10,7 seconds of delay
(You) for effort
I will literally never buy a streaming console.
I don't care if it's the future or not.
Normal people aren't virgins who care about delay that small. Their non autistic brains don't even notice it, they're too busy having fun. Fun. Remember what that is? Nope. You're too busy nitpicking irrelevant details
Honestly, 10.7 teraflops won't be that impressive compared to next gen. A GTX 2080 is 10 Tflops, and if rumors suggesting Microsoft will release their next gen console in a base and a pro model, the pro model is likely going to hit that 10 Tflop mark at the very least.
People use to say the same thing about digital downloads and look where we are now. The future will come no matter what grandpa, either get on the bus or get left behind
no one even fucking knows what a teraflop is, it's a fucking marketing buzzword like "bits" was in the 90s
this is gonna bomb so hard
fuck google
I'll show you all the teraflops alright
*unzips dick*
>1 full second later
>Unzips dick
You mean pants retard
How do you unzip a dick?
If I was rich why would I bother paying for streaming shit instead of buying every console AND a high end PC and buy the games?
I'm even slight above wagecucking and I still have all consoles and a PC.
That was my first thought when I saw this thread.
Isn't this for poor people though? Why would someone with money pay for an inferior experience compared to PC?
haha okay sure bud
Sure is fun dying in games cause my attacks are out of sync. Guess that won’t matter if all you play are muh progressive walking sims.
Get the fuck out, newfag.
Stop imitating newfags i know you've been on this website forever
I'm guessing teraflops is the new normie tech buzzword now?
Not every new piece of garbage is the future, shithead. Do you see any betamax other than you around?
Literally only you incels care about "superior PC experience" Imao
Normal people just get consoles and play for fun with friends
A little lag is not a problem at all
Wow, it will be up to par with last-gen consoles by the time of its release.
Kek you got me bud
fuck you OP, you stupid faggot
>a little lag
baby it's way more
I’ve seen this word misused countless times today. Are we being invaded?
You have to be 18 years old to post here.
Where the fuck have you been?
That's right, that's why we all play on Ouyas now
We've been colonized
Thread shoulda ended here. Spouting "teraflops" is like comparing "bits" in the old generations, it's pointless meaningless marketing shill speak.
/ic/ mostly.
Just because you're stupid doesn't mean everyone else is
dumb Ameri*an
Ironic shilling is such a trash form of shitposting
Sorry, but there’s a difference between buying something expensive, and making shitty buying decisions just because the item you want to buy cost more
I swear teraflops sound like a word they completely made up to sound impressive.
This is somehow sadder than just being a Yea Forumsirgin by default. Who the hell goes on a board of jaded jerks and tries to convert them religiously to a different political view?
Can nobody leave well enough alone anymore?
It's literally a communism service. Gonna crash Starbucks' across the country.
The 2016 elect1on rustled a few jimmies and now every major boards have their dedicated shitposting trannies
Hiro should allow gore posting on all boards until we flush these faggots out.
The Stadia will definitely be a teraflop alright
Is actually a Capitalist service because it cost 1TB every 63 hours
Reminder only stupid consolefags think Teraflops are actually the only indication of GPU power. The RX580, which isn't even a high end card, is comparable to the XboneX in Teraflops, yet can out preform the XboneX GPU no problem. Granted, the XboneX is held back by its garbage CPU, but I guarantee even if it wasn't held back by it, the GPU would still be worse then the RX580.
However, Teraflops aren't even that good of an indication of power. Look at the 1070, not the Ti, just the plain old 1070. It has less Teraflops then the RX580, yet out preforms it hands down, granted its not too big a difference in Teraflops, but the 1070 is still lower.
Teraflops is a fucking meme and anyone who unironically takes it as a significant measure of GPU power is a retard.
It's fake
Some poltards made it because no one was believing their "discord tranny" nonsense
This looks identical to Yea Forums threads. It all makes sense now.
Based chandler
Prove it.
Learn how to ban evade, post gore in every bait threads and every bait posts.
Also while an official greenlight would be ideal, the old guard is completly gone and current mods, being literal trannies, will never do that, especially not on 4channel™.
I have better internet than 95% of the people ITT.
Anyone who spouts this "only poor people dislike Stadia" shit is fucking retarded.
Anyone with enough money for decent gigabit internet is going to have a decent gaming PC already, making Stadia utterly pointless.
This is all assuming that they're not retarded.
Can’t fool me, tranny.
What games could that baby play?
It's real. It was a discord on [r9k]. Not sure if it's still up though.
>I-it's fake
>This is all assuming that they're not retarded.
It's Google's honeytrap. Get poor people to subscribe to a service to pick up marketshare and force SJW shit down your throat.
It's the Vote Biden 2020 service. You think the SJW/Anita Sarkeesian bullshit is bad now... imagine if Google controls the industry.
The people who are going subscribe to this are going to be wifi leeches.
And everyone who complained about Kinect... this is 100 times worse. Gotta play on Google device with built in camera/microphone or on your Chrome browser.
>”I-I-It’s fake, I s-swear!”
t. Beetho
But this is literally for poorfags who can't afford a proper PC. Same with consoles but that's another can of worms, at least they don't deal with hilarious input delay.
getting my router ready to block any traffic to/from stadia
10.7 FLOPS
Why are they doing this to the autists?
So Stadia will flop even harder than xbone?
What model laptop is that?
Just wait until someone cracks it and get free games.
I wonder how much marketing money Google's prepared to pump into this
Kek, who the fuck would waste time spamming AOC threads on /pol/
I mean, there are people who waste their entire day shitposting on Yea Forums.
used diapers
I'm pretty curious to see how this thing does. It's a downright terrible product/service no matter how you look at it. So the only people who will use it are idiots. And it'll be interesting to know just how many exploitable goyim there are out there
>t.discord tranny
Whats a teraflop?
A shipping container of those shitty flipflops that 3rd worlders wear and toss in the ocean
Must be some sort of modern art piece of some kind.
Hard drive storage is measured in terabytes, while Floppy disk storage is measured in teraflops
based burger
>touching eyeballs
Must be a pleasant experience
Age of consent was invented by feminists. Makes sense.
the 580 can't match the 1x gpu at all you silly billy.
You could be the richest man in the universe and have like 1tb internet and have a direct line connection to the servers.
It ain't going to stop your 300ms of lag from happening.
We are over 10 years too early for Streaming video games.
Do they censor everything in your 3rd world?
Patrician taste
but if we go by consolefag mentality, MORE TERAFLOPS BETTER, the XboneX has 6 Teraflops, the Rx 580 has 6.2 Teraflops. Also the RX 580 can actually btfo the XboneX GPU pretty easily.
Ultima 7