Should I play this game without mods on my first play through, Yea Forums? If not, what mods should I acquire?

Should I play this game without mods on my first play through, Yea Forums? If not, what mods should I acquire?

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don't use wesp patch man it adds cuckshit

Hello teen

There are no mods really just use the Basic version of the Wesp Patch.

play using the unofficial patch, but not plus patch

I'm not a girl, so cuck shit doesn't affect me.

just a warning man if you don't care about cuckshit go ahead use wesp

This is one of the saddest things I've seen on this site and thats fucking saying something.

You literally NEED to use the Unofficial Patch. It will crash on you half way through (or much earlier if you're using Nosferatu) and become impossible to finish if you don't use that patch. The GOG version comes with it already installed, so you don't need to install anything else.

There's also the Plus Patch (made by the same guy), which allows you to skip the (absolutely awful sewer level) and restores some cut content and also adds a few random original things, but it isn't really essential.

Give an example of what you're calling "cuckshit".

jeanette has sex ratings she doesn't give the player one in base game in wesp cuckold patch she only gives you *** other guys have **** or ***** before some fucknut says it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter WHY THE FUCK ADD IT IT WASN'T IN THE FUCKING GAME

Use the true patch instead if you can. Even the basic from WESP changes shit.d

That's... not... "cuck"...

Serious question: Are you retarded?

t. *

people said not to use the plus patch on the first time around but after having used both the basic and plus patch i don't really see a reason to not use the plus patch. yeah it changes some stuff but it's mostly minor, and enables so much other shit that i think it's not worth it to miss out.

True Patch adds weird watermarks and changes some textures. Fucking retarded.

The real question is, why do you care so much?

Did a girl you had a crush on sleep with some guy and not you?

Cause I kinda get why she didn't, you seem like a cunt.

it wasn't in the fucking base game you fucking retard it was added shit if you're gonna add shit why the fuck would you add cuck shit cocksmoker


I'm going to take that as a yes and she did fuck some other guy and you're projecting super hard.

just tryin to help new players if new players want cuckshit fine but i'm fucking warning in the case they don't want that shit you fucking asslicker but you fucks keep jumping on me for A FUCKING WARNING FUCK YOU



and yet Yea Forums memes are still unfiltered

It's purist autists. Like you said it's minor, nitpick shit you wouldn't even notice unless you've played it before. So if it's your first playthrough it makes no difference.

BTW you dumb fuck replying to the cuck poster. You're shitting the thread up replying to the pasta than the user posting it is. Ignore the shit and stay on topic.

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every single time
how do you do it lad

didn't fucking happen you goatfucker but you're gonna assume whatever stupid shit i can't stop you from being a fucking retard

sorry your girl said some other guy fucked better, can't say i know the feeling though :/

I was able to finish the game just fine without using the patch on my first playthrough

I remember wanting this game so bad when it came out
didnt end up playing it until a few years ago and only got about 2 hrs in, shits so fucking dated.

>it's minor
>it doesn't matter
>it doesn't matter
>but it does matter if you call it out but it doesn't matter that it was added in the first place
what the fuck man

You are getting super mad at something 99% of players either wouldn't even see or not even care about. You are literally the only person who cares, don't you have a fan wiki to edit I'm sure the Silent Hill one is missing you by now.




i'm fucking warning new players you fucking asshole i didn't know this was some fucking deep entrenched cuck community

Then you were playing the GOG version, which has it already installed by default, or you're lying, because the game hard crashes half way through if you're playing the retail version unpatched.

No, you're a literal autist who calls everything "cuck" when it has nothing to do with that.

Are you incapable of making a post that doesnt have the word cuck in it? You're more dedicated to your retarded joke then actual monks im seriously impressed

VTM:B is legit shit desu

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Does the current version of the Plus Patch REMOVE anything? I heard a rumor a while back that the Plus Patch (with version 10 or something) started removing spells/abilities/disciplines (whatever the fuck you call them). Like that 2 magic abilities (the individual spell things, not the whole groups of spells) were taken out because wesp thinks they're "overpowered", but I have no idea if that's true.

I played the steam version, and didn't even know about the patch untill I was at the sewers

He probably sees women holding hands with guys and starts screaming "cuckshit" while foaming at the mouth. But then that would mean going outside.

Can someone translate this post to english
I swear to god I've read this 5 times and I still don't get what the fuck he's talking abot

I've played through with and without the Plus Patch and never noticed anything missing.

He's saying that a fictional character in a video game having sex with other fictional not real
characters has triggered him because he has low self esteem and issues with women.

fuck you bitch it adds a fucking low star rating to the player character that's fucking retarded it wasn't in the fucking base game it was added

With the most recent version of the Plus Patch? It definitely wasn't a problem in older versions, but I heard/read a claim that wesp was taking out a couple magic spell things in one of the newer versions, because "balance".

lower star rating?
what the fuck are you on about?


jeanette gives sex ratings man in the base game it's only for other characters the wesp cuck patch adds one for the player but it's only *** other characters have **** or ***** man

Congratulations. I've never seen a bad VTMB thread on this board, and you've single-handedly changed that.

my fucking point is it was added in the fucking wesp cuck patch without documentation you fucks won't even address that it wasn't in the fucking game it was added in that fucking patch

He's upset that his self insert character got a 3/5 star rating when there are others that got higher. What he's not saying is there are others that got lower then 3/5, cause he's a little bitch.

Its literally text on a computer that you can walk past without ever seeing and has no effect on anything in the game at all.

I think those are gone in the latest version, Tessera said they just weren't necessary anymore

>jeanette gives sex ratings man
I've played this game several times and I have no recollection of this at all
Isn't Jeanette that slut bitch from the night club?
And if she is why do you care about the purity of a literal whore?

Just use the basic unofficial fan patch.

The entire game risks breaking in on itself halfway through otherwise.

why the fuck do you care that i'm warning players that might not fucking know about it it's fucking information new player should have you fucks won't address it's a fucking undocumented change in wesp cuckold bitch patch it's not fucking necessary to fucking add that shit

>Should I play this game without mods on my first play through
Why are you zoomer cunts so obsessed with this question?

I'm not a zoomer, sweetie.

You know if you hadn't even mentioned it most people wouldn't have seen it thus not been effected by it, you're not helping anyone.

The ratings should change according to your stats

you're not affected if you don't know your fucking airbag is defective til you are so what man

You are correct, a small bit of text in a video game is exactly the same as dying in a car crash.

Holy fuck this is funny.

yeah it wasn't in the game. but it isnt cuckshit.

>fucking Jeanette
>catching Kilpatrick's herpes

One could argue that the player cucks Bertram since they get to fuck Jeanette and even get rated higher than him. One could also argue that the player character cucks Chunk by the very virtue of their existence.

Ever since the base-game clans were revealed every thread has been this guy going on about the jeanette star thing. I'm convinced by this point that he's just trollin', because the alternative is too horrible to imagine. I can't believe I'm already nostalgic for vtm threads from only like a week ago...

I think that's actually a neat idea, but I also still think it doesn't belong in the Unofficial Patch at all since it's not a bugfix or a restoration. It's more like fanfiction that should only be in a mod.

The guy spamming it every time in these threads might seem annoying but he has a point about the Unofficial Patch still making unnecessary changes with the author inserting his fanfiction in what is supposed to be a bugfix or restoration patch only. This wouldn't have happened if Wesp didn't veer so far from his original goals. The Unofficial Patch has turned into a custom mod and if it wasn't the guy spamming every thread with cuckshit it was still common to find other people complaining about some shit with the patch that didn't belong.

hey man i'm just tryin help new players this game old as shit but i like it if new players don't need to know fine but it's fucked up if it gets everybody here assblasted i'll stop just tryin help

>Should I play this game without mods on my first play through, Yea Forums?
No, you should never mod a game your first time. I don't really understand why someone would change something they haven't even experienced yet. I don't consider bugfix patches "mods" though, so get one of the community patches to fix bugs, just don't install any custom content. A lot of the time the custom content isn't up to par with the base game anyway, although it's okay to get more content during later playthroughs because it's not all bad.

Play Tremere srsly brah

I played the gog copy p smooth desu

I think it's kind of funny actually because I have issues with the Unofficial Patch too, but I just don't like it for altering the game too much and not because it's "cuckshit". Keep spamming if you want because maybe this'll be what finally gets Wesp to fix his fucking "patch" back to how it was supposed to be. All the shit he's been doing lately is just getting more and more complaints ever before your cuckshit spam.

i'm not trying to spam tho more new players can see it if it's every thread get the word out but if new players don't care i dunno most new players i'd think hate cuckshit but it's fine with community here i guess

New players are now informed that you're a cunt and that these threads are trash, so well done.

Stop asking for mods everytime you want to play an older game, just fucking play it

what clan should she be in?

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I want vampire Annie Oakley.

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fuck you squirrelfucker go sniff a sphincter assrimming cunt

I can't decide what clan fits her best.

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You need the restoration patch or the game won't be playable.

Mods are for fags.

Meh I'll give that response ***

It's toreador. Pushing a skill to the absolute limits of perfection is an artiste thing.

>V is canonically homosexual
>The fledgling is a cuck
Why are rpgs so based?

40 keks

Celerity + Guns is broken as fuck so Toreador?

Who is more powerful in melee lore wise, default brujah or gangrel?

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Excellent advice, thank you very much.

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i can mod ratings higher but i don't fuck men you microdick bitch fuck you retards i'll let you fucking cucks be cucks have fun with your cuckold fest you disgusting cuck fucks

The fact that there are gangrel hunting fucking werewolves makes me say gangrel.
Brujah are more concerned with shittalking.

I'd say Gangrel. She was too much of a country girl to be Toreador.

cucknigger is SEETHING right now, based


FUCK, I meant Brujah.

that fits her even less than gangrel

are there fat vampires

Yes, Augustus was fat IIRC

Brujah managed to survive to this day pretty much on sheer strength alone, they don't have actual organization and they act like retards. Yet they still unlive.
Gangrel furry hunters are a thing, but it's more like that you call an actual hunter when you want to "Find and kill" a specific beast.
Vamps start at lower power level but can achieve more might than werewolves, it's a general rule for each clan.

Brujah and gangrel also embrace like rabbits so that helps

Those rabbit babies end up as caitiff most of the time.

Idk, she was an advocate for women in the military and I'm sure she SEETHED at Lillian Smith acting like a DUMB SLUT.

>it's more like that you call an actual hunter when you want to "Find and kill" a specific beast.

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>go on a week long holiday
>wesp's cuckshit autist is still at it

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>mfw reading the replies of that user who says he got cucked by Jeanette because of some mod

holy fucking shit there are some deranged people here

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I still have no idea if I should stick with the Anarchs or the Camarilla. So far I'm sticking with the Prince but I'm not sure. I'm in the Sewers btw if that changes anything.

Is this your first time playing? The Camarilla ending doesn't show you an important point at the end so I'd suggest Anarch for the first time
Other than that I like Camarilla more

You could literally almost hear him crying.

Yeah, it's my first run through. I guess I'll go for Anarchs then.