If pic related can get a revival anything can if there's fan demand.. What niche game/series that deserves a comeback? (Remake or Sequel)
If pic related can get a revival anything can if there's fan demand.. What niche game/series that deserves a comeback...
Other urls found in this thread:
mountain blade :l
SSX Tricky
with online play
Black and White 3 or 1 HD
Rumor is floating around new Jet Set Radio is Stadia exclusive
Spongebob is the maximum normie-tier animation, and this is a remake pumped out to cash-in on nostalgia
None of your cult-classics are coming back.
not even this one.
Baten Kaitos dammit. Xenofags already had their run. Its time for magnus to make its return.
me when I'm licking my boyfriend's husband's gooch
fucking this
>Simpsons at E3 for some reason
It might just be a skit for some company but my money's on a remake/sequel
The only video game that could easily be called the "Smash Bros Killer".
Formerly GTA
Timesplitters literally any of them and i could die happy.
Already comfirmed
Battle for Bikini Bottom needs a General on /vg/ considering how much it's getting talked about
It's been 1 day, dude. Also, it's more likely to get a general on Yea Forums than fucking /vg/.
I guarantee it gets a remake at some point. Too many people remember and talk about it fondly to ignore.
I hope Battle for Bikini Rehydrated is the beginning of a new trend based on making remaster of good ol' PS2 games
For anyone who think this is a joke
Think it will get an E or an E10+?
To be fair, he posted the DS version.
With all these remakes and apparent nostalgia, is it getting to the time where the PS2/GCN/Xbox generation is considered "retro"?
>all maps are circles: the game
needs more than a remake, needs a reboot
literally the best battlefield to ever exist
When the ps5 and Xbox two come out, so probably next year
That generation is already 10+ years old user. It is retro at this point, and if not it will be by the time we reach 2020.
That's all remakes dumb Nintendoposter
This game is still super fun
don't say that
I really want Gex to get a new 3D platformer, but it would probably come with horribly outdated jokes and references
Tony Hawk
>tfw no tokyo megaplex or mercury city meltdown in glorious hd
Legacy of Kain needs a sequel due to the last game ending in a cliffhanger
Tribes was always overshadowed by UT and quake, and to a lesser extent halo
THQ Nordic bought the rights
Needs a Sequel instead
>wtf bro you bumped the dozenth smash thread off the catalog this shit needs to go
Based but let me present to you
Tony Jay's been dead for years, it won't be the same
Dont worry its probably just timed exclusive, most exclusives are now a days
Transformers needs another game with love and effort put into it.
Tech/combo videos for budget brawlers and fighters are always super appealing to me and I don't know why.
Man the third and fourth games looked like shit in this series
I should've gone to Warrick uni youtube.com
Free love is too tame for him
unironically Chrono Cross
Give the rights back to Gilbert and let him make Monkey Island 3 and finish it properly
>I really want Gex to get a new 3D platformer
You'll get 20 hours of Dana Gould reading bad Trump jokes & making Big Bang Theory references.
Just this times a million
A new Tomba!, more like the first one.
Umm...Take your facist glorification of the military industrial complex elsewhere before I throw a non-dairy milkshake on you, sweetie
This but the great juju challenge
fuck off
for the love of god please
You racist incels will never get another Advance Wars! Have sex.
pic related
>what is Valkyria Chronicles
I would say by next year, yes. In 2020 the PS2 will officially be 20 years old.
>all maps are circles: the game
If its remade I think all the maps should be octogons
The Blinx series.
Skies of Arcadia sequel brother
Id rather see the Simpsons Game 2
absolute shit taste in this thread
Too damn charming to never have a sequel or remake
Remember "Operation Moonfall"? After that was when I started believing.
A sequel please.
Lollipop Chainsaw
I will die on that fucking hill.
>In 2020 the PS2 will officially be 20 years old.
They were working on a sequel for that but it got canned at the last minute for some reason.
This or Vectorman
Honestly the only franchise that's neglected by Sega more than Super Monkey Ball is Jet Set Radio
The gba version was unironically based.
The Xbox 360 is almost as old as Super Mario Bros was when the PS2 released.
Man those games and Devastation were the tits.
Give me a new Billy Hatcher, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System,or Ape Escape game pls
Syphon Filter
It's happening bro.
>The Blinx series.
I could have sworn that Phil Spencer said he wanted a new Blinx at some point.
Well, it was primarily a driving game. Makes sense for all the maps to be circles.
My nigger. NEVER EVER and goddamit it pisses me off. The CLOSEST things we've gotten are Singularity and Mindjack
Good game
Capcom has been parading his Joe's corpse LONG ENOUGH. Just give us 3 already. If not this then I would love a new Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, or even a new Arc the Lad.
Eh, it ain't all bad buddy. At least all those games you bought as a kid will be worth something soon.
Sony renewed the copyright recently so something might be happening with that at some point soon.
Well. I know GameStop considers it retro
Is it weird that I would prefer total remakes of the first three games rather than a sequel to Logan's Shadow? Not only because I think it's a great wrap up to Gabe's story, but because I would absolutely love to see how they expand the levels and gameplay to fit the modern era.
Seriously. How is there not a battle royale/free for all monster game yet? With pacific rim, gundam, eva, and godzilla tie ins.
>I could have sworn that Phil Spencer said he wanted a new Blinx at some point.
He responded to a Twitter chain that was talking about Microsoft bringing the IP back.
>Ahh the Blinx crew back in action. Love it.
So it's clearly something that's on his mind.
I really want Shrek 2 game
>Is it weird that I would prefer total remakes
Not at all. I would prefer they went that route myself and slapped them all in one box like the Crash/Spyro remakes. It would be a day 1 purchase for me no question.
is bfbb better than mario sunshine?
Based boy
sega literally turned down a jsr project because they didn't see enough fan demand
get fucked
Never ever
Ah, a man of taste I see.
How do i beat last boss
>game is remade
>neutered to appease npc politics
>Apu removed from the game
Don't forget bumblebee too.
But fuck we really love him in here
There hasn't even been a game remotely similar to this to come out after the 5th gen.
The Warriors game. The R* one, not the shit arcade fighter.
I would really prefer if you'd be quiet.
Oh ok. I just wanted....
Since we're talking older gen games, anyone remember a car game that was about 4 agents or something? I believe it was two girls and two guys? I had very faint memories of it so I don't know what it could have been called but I'm pretty sure it was for the PS2.
Why not just merge Yea Forums with /vg/ at this rate.
klonoa dtp is the best platformer, but its not darksouls, so namco couldnt care less
Also this
A sequel would be better imo. Have you tried playing it recently? 99% of missions are just. "drive from point A to point B, you have 1 minute."
Don’t toy with my heart like this
>If pic related can get a revival
You mean one of the most recognizable faces in animation?
>tfw it comes with that scrapped Jailbreak post game mission
Panzer Dragoon
>Baten Kaitos
I knew at least one person in this board had to have good taste.
>removes the entire soundtrack and replaces it with the Ultimate Battle 22 soundtrack instead
Nothin' personal, kid.
After Burner
Time Crisis
PM isn't literally dead but you know what I mean
Sounds like Wreckless: The Yakuza Missions.
He needs a new game that isnt poor man wario land 4 like shake it did.
yeah I hate that the driving game has driving game mechanics
My dude I fucking loved this game. I wish I knew where my guncon went so I could hook it all up again. I still have my original PS1 and a CRT TV so I could do it.
Do it user, I'd give you my copy to play if I could. I was poor so I never had the gun, but I was a god with the d-pad.
My nigga. The only game that sorta captured that feeling of playing The Thing in game form.
I remember busting my ass grinding for points in the story mode and unlocking the dragon because it's a fucking dragon, why would I not want to play as the dragon and then being disappointed with it because his combos sucked dick.
Tell me more.
SSX 2012 port as well
Spore 2.
Darkspore rerelease on GOG without DRM.
Half Life.
We're getting something at E3, but still.
>ctrl+f custom robo
>no results
Duel links but with regular rules
I couldn't beat the pogo stick level forever
The dream remaster
Sub out 2012 for On Tour
It's like one of the most mainstream cartoons in the past twenty years
No no no no! I liked it as a kid therefore it's perfect, totally not shovelware where most voice actors sounded they got woken up at 4am to dub their characters
The series "Spongebob Squarepants" is mainstream, but the game "Spongebob Squarepants Battle For Bikini Bottom" is super fucking niche. Licensed games have a negative stigma for being terrible, so when one that's actually good that comes out people don't expect anything of it except the few who've actually played it. Ergo, niche.
Please and fucking balance the last race
Skies of Arcadia I don't care if it's just an HD port to PC at this point.
You saying there was a demand for this spongebob game? Should I expect a Rocket Power: Beach Bandits remaster on the horizon?
That game was pretty tight.
Yep and the chances of a sequel are basically zilch now since n-Space went belly up a few years ago.
The Thing was alright. I liked Extermination better though.
Shake It was better. Wario still really needs a new platformer though I'll agree with that.
Friendly reminder that EA owns the Simpsons video game license.
This. The series was just getting better with 3 and they had the potential to make something amazing, the perfect Ape Escape, but it never happened.
Youve no idea
The only place I know of that doesn't consider it retro is /vr/.
The series that was forgotten because it had to compete with the other horror titans Residen Evil and Silent Hill.
It's time to let go
They should just allow 6 gen already (but forbid halo)
>Sony renewed the copyright recently so something might be happening with that at some point soon.
wasnt that because it was on the Playstation classic or am I misremembering?
My niggers
Not if it tries to conform to current era Simpsons, that's for sure.
this game was so damn weird
I tried replaying it a couple of years ago and I swear I had more trouble with it than I did when I was 9
Please don't toy with me user, can I get a source on this?
A game about city slickers pulling up in their fancy German cars?
This with online play.
There was a tournament being played at combo breaker this year.
Might as well remaster the entire trilogy.
at least pizza tower feels fucking nice
SSX 3 is basically perfect as is. That being said a version with updated visuals while retaining the original's color theory would be golden.
>Battle for Bikini Bottom remake that sounds like they are puting a lot of effort on
>Right after they announced they are making a Spongebob prequel spinoff where they all meet at a camp, which shits all over Hildenburg's legacy
I don't know how to feel with Nick
Ratchet & Clank but the Ps2 ones, not the thing it has become.
Why is jamie lannister in a shrek game?
Mad at Nick. I bet they'll have nothing to do with BFBBR
Mah nigga, I never thought I would see someone remember this game. Spent countless hours on this, I was always hoping for a sequel.
Isn't the Japanese 4 the same as the second Wii game?
>Battle for Bikini Bottom Remaster introduces cut content and adds online multiplayer
It's not a cash-in. It's the gold standard for remasters. A lot of these older games had a lot of interesting cut content, and any remaster of an older game should reintroduced that cut content.
Didn't they already remake R&C1?
Sid meiers pirates
Yeah, and it was shit because sony directed it for the movie and half the team was working on Arachnid-Male
Punch the magic she throws at you and than throw food at her
This bad boy
Klonoa but fucking bandai namco has him
ChuLip, Mischief Makers, Glover
Warband will come...eventually.
Make it pretty much the Silent Hills of stealth gaming. 3 hits and you’re dead, and constant management of resources and balance due to the fact that your cyborg body is a literal unfinished skeleton, grotesquely thematized hidden and high powered enemies lurking about mixed in with hallucinations of said enemies, a constant blaring soundtrack of Throbbing Gristle-style industrial. Hopefully you will sympathize with Raiden’s constant sobbing by the end
I want this game and I want it to sell well, I just hope the lack of graphical polish doesn't turn people off.
they really did drop the ball on this gem
I'd be down, but how would it work?
Steam ports of the PC Rainbow Six games.
Seriously underrated game
But yes, you are correct.
From Software already teased me by subtitling Sekiro with a direct reference to Tenchu. It's a good game, but the pain is still there.
Nah, that wouldn't happen. Plagiarism McGee didn't do this one.
Fuck that piece of shit. I want them to rerelease the old PS2 Ultimate Ninja games in one nicely packed collection with online play. I remember watching all of those fun tournament videos for the last two games back when I was absolutely crazy about series.
Endless Ocean
I don't get it
Toy Story 2 for the PS1
All I want is IMOQ to be remastered or remade with the same level of care as this new Spongebob game.
I also want this too. I fucking love Outbreak.
>trusting modern square
My hope is for a remake of MHW, this time done right
this game wasn't niche at all
They already rereleased it on PS4
This would bring me back to playing vidya.
seething tendie
Kyle Hyde 3
When the game originally came out simpsons was already full-blown unwatchable garbage
Unironically one of the best games of the generation right here. Pitfall deserved better.
Dead Head Fred, please
Fuck I thought I was the only one here to play this
for five minutes
Worst thing about the game is the shrunken head levels and the camera but I still liked it
Gotcha Force
God Hand
Ghosts n Goblins
Rival Schools (or at least introduce Rival Schools characters into Street Fighter)
Slam Masters (or at least introduce Slam Masters characters into Street Fighter)
Mega Man Legends
Final Fight
Star Gladiator
Viewtiful Joe
Dino Crisis
Lost Planet
Capcom vs SNK
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
The Last Blade (or introduce Last Blade characters into Samurai Shodown)
Fatal Fury/Mark of the Wolves (or introduce more Mark of the Wolves characters into KOF)
The Tower of Druaga
The Legend of Valkyrie
Virtua Fighter
Fighting Vipers
Last Bronx
Panzer Dragoon
Out Run
Space Harrier
After Burner
Golden Axe
Jet Set Radio
Beyond Oasis
Dragon Force
Crusader of Centy
Zone of the Enders
Guardian Heroes
Gunstar Heroes
Mischief Makers
Alien Soldier
Dynamite Headdy
Ninja Gaiden
Monster Rancher
Mystic Heroes
La Pucelle
Rhapsody/Marl Kingdom
Soul Nomad
Makai Kingdom
pc release at the very least
Just add waifu element and it will sell millions. They already have great girls design.
>People think licensed games based on popular franchises they liked as a kid are 'niche'
>No dot hack quadrilogy
I'm disappointed in you Yea Forums
Not really niche, but I'd kill for a Resistance remaster/remake
Danny > Timmy > Spongebob > The shit I took last night > Jimmy
Looks like the answer was Destroy All Humans.
Pokemon Pinball
>somewhat unique and interesting concept for the world and its characters
>really fuckin' nice graphics
>amazing soundtrack
>creative level design that never gets stale or repetitive
>lots of secrets to find despite being a straight-forward platform game
>ending teases at a sequel
and yet,
>released late in the console's lifespan
>awful sales
shame that such an awesome game never got any kind of sequel
There was a comp scene for this.
No fucking joke but it died out a couple of years ago.
Red riding hood is top tier.
Yes, there legitimately was demand for BfBB. It’s the definition of a cult classic.
Treasure barely makes sequels anyway
It already exists but is mobile trash.
Wasn’t Red Riding Hood banned for being OP?
Team Buddies
Im tired of remakes. They were some of the best jrpgs I've played but .hack needs a revival. An actual The World mmo with a new story and updated graphics would be amazing
Twisted metal.
>Warband will come...eventually.
I've got some good news, user
Ever since I played Demon's Souls I was just CONVINCED they were going to reboot or remaster Tenchu on that engine because everything felt perfect for it. The backstabs could easily be re-worked into assassinations from different angles and all that. All the different weapons could be different weapons for created multiplayer characters. A Tenchu with invasions and a straight up VS mode would be my perfect game, basically. I loved Wrath of Heavens VS mode, my friends and I played it all the time.
Yeah. The scene died a bit after that since most people only learned how to play her.
It would probably be a tall order, but the original games with an online mode would do me good. I miss how comfy early 2000s MMOs were
Spongebob has never cared about continuity anyway. One episode claims that the Krabby Patty formula is an old Krabs family recipe, while another claims that Mr. Krabs came up with it himself. One episode claims that the formula is kept under Mr. Krabs’s mattress, while others show it inside a safe at the Krusty Krab.
There was evidence of them planning on doing a mission after the Warriors make it back home to break Ajax out of jail
Ever since I played Demon's Souls I was just CONVINCED they were going to reboot or remaster Tenchu on that engine because everything felt perfect for it. The backstabs could easily be re-worked into assassinations from different angles and all that. All the different weapons could be different weapons for created multiplayer characters. A Tenchu with invasions and a straight up VS mode would be my perfect game, basically. I loved Wrath of Heavens VS mode, my friends and I played it all the time.
wtf idk how I posted this twice. it kept saying connection issue before. Never had that happen.
so spill it, faggot what the fuck
Forgot Skies of Arcadia under the Sega list
Mission Impossible gameboy game remade as a hitman esque game.
You know those movies aren't solely about killing people, right?
Warband is already out
Never fucking ever, but I would be all in for a remake or a sequel to 1. The opressing atmosphere and music alone was something to behold.
If they could get John Carpenter to score it, guaranteed kino.
>Farmer 1 in next gen graphics
Would be too based for this world
>Everyone shared a single health bar
>Friends would beat up the one that got everyone killed
This game was fun
Psi Ops spiritual successor. Third person shooter with heavy emphasis on psychic powers and physics. Multiplayer with levels full of spike pits and killtraps and stuff to throw people in.
Also pic rel
These are solid answers.
But user, Syphon Filter already got a reboot starting with Days Gone.
>Psi Ops spiritual successor. Third person shooter with heavy emphasis on psychic powers and physics. Multiplayer with levels full of spike pits and killtraps and stuff to throw people in.
Yes fucking please.