Why do people say MGSV has the best third person controls of all time? Is it actually true?

Why do people say MGSV has the best third person controls of all time? Is it actually true?

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It was mechanically a really, really great game. With a couple more years in the oven and a few bases of the same quality of GZs base it could have been one for the ages. I still loved it tho.

maybe as far as on the ground, but horse controls? fuck no

Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2-how-to-change-horse-remove-saddle-Red-Dead-2-743851.jpg (620x413, 70K)

Never heard that but fuck is it true. Compare it to red dead 2, Witcher 3..max Payne 3 is pretty good too

I know this must be hard for your autistic brain to comprehend but not everything someone says is true

Why do games not want the player to account for their failure? Flying off the horse is some of the most fun in RDR2. The only part of RDR's horses i hate is them slowly going left/right to avoid shit on their own which takes some control away from you and often makes you slam into shit you shouldn't have.

>Red Dead
>Witcher 3
I dunno about Max, but the first two games control horrible. Input lag + """realistic""" movement is horrendous.

>horse controls
who cares lol, d-walker s best buddy anyway

They're pretty damn good. Even work well the keyboard/mouse.

that's why he's asking, sperg

The nigga literally built an entire engine for ONE game and didn't even finish it

Attempt to name a similar situation in the game industry EVER

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DAMN IT THIS STINGS! It could have been the greateat game ever, but they took it of the oven to soon.

MGSV had the best controls and the best stealth. Change my mind.

I will admit that the level design and boss fights were weak.

PES games use the FOX Engine, and Silent Hills was going to use it too.

The Deux Ex devs at Eidos Montreal built a new engine for Mankind Divided and half-assed the actual game. The series is now dead so they basically built the thing for a single game.

Jurassic Park: Trespasser. The game was very unpolished and wonky.

Even better i'd say, i remember trying a controller when MGO came out and just couldnt aim, had to switch back to kb+m instantly

That engine is being used for the Avengers game is it not?

The game plays so fucking good it makes me sad we never got a real expansion to it, luckily there are mods that flesh out the openworld shit

MGS4 has a more complex stealth system and enemy ai

>fun, propulsive
>press the button every few seconds to gallop
>fast, fun
>slow, boring
>have to tap A like several times every second just to go
>clumsy and awkward
I don't see it. in RDR2 its fucking retarded how they make you tap A so much. MGSV is just a lot more fun to control, even on horseback

I always thought Shadow of the Colossus did it best