Tales from the Borderlands

Was this game any good? I liked BL1 and it's DLC, liked BL2 but didn't get the DLC, and never played pre-sequel. Was thinking about getting this and the pre-sequel to catch up before 3 comes out.

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I just finished it today, it's pretty alright. It's not as good as TWAU, or season 1 of TWD, but it has it's moments. Ending was lame though

Never played but I hear it's one of the better telltale games, at least according to the borderland general. Feel free to pirate it since telltale is gone.


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Overall it's okay. It has a couple pure kino moments in it which definitely make it worth a playthrough.

Think of it more as a TV miniseries. You should probably play Presequel first if you want to know who all the characters are, but it's not really necessary. I thought it made the world and setting much, much more interesting than the main games ever did, while still maintaining a slightly irreverent tone. Without going overboard too much like the main games. Made me wish for a story based 1st person shooter RPG in the setting.

How good is pre-sequel then?

really shit other than the parts on Helios.

More of the same with a few variations. I liked the low-G jumping/double jumping, liked ice elemental, didn't like lasers. If you like plot you might prefer going through BL2's DLC first, then Pre-sequel, then TftB. If that doesn't appeal TftB is enjoyable enough without being too tied to the previous entries.

My favorite Telltale Game and adds a different touch to the Borderlands universe. It had really amusing moments and in general was pretty cool.

Best mechanics of the series, but sadly not much additional content

It's the best Borderlands game

>This gets a sequel in Borderlands 3 with the Tales cast returning
>TWD gets its shitty last season saved by the literal creator
>Minecraft gets its final season because of Netflix
>Stranger Things will get its game eventually because Netflix is "exploring options"
>TWAU gets absolutely nothing, not even a leak on its story, and is left to rot in its grave
Unironically, how do you get over this kind of crushing hopeless disappointment? I haven't felt this bad about a game since Megaman Legends 3.

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it's the only good telltale game aside from Sam & Max. what a shame

>Was this game any good?
It's a pretty good movie.

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>find a new series to obsess over
>realize that Telltale would have fucked it up anyway because the team behind the original game hadn't been with the company for years by this point

Its the most entertaining out of all the Telltale titles

Cute, but ultimately meaningless. Its only purpose is to explain how Atlas gets back into power for BL3.

It was the most enjoyable TT game for me.

>Not Strong Bad's CG4AP

As far as Telltale goes i"d say TWD S1 > TWAU > TftB

If you liked Jack in BL2 there's no reason not to get this, the game is pretty much his goodbye. Rhys is a good character, so knowing him come BL3 might be good, same with Vaughn.

I'd say if you're interested and have the time you might as well.