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Monster Hunter Thread
I have been avoiding everything since the reveal trailer. Is Brachydios in?
Maybe, all returning monsters so far are flagships (Narga, tism tiger and Glavenus) i'd say Brachy has a fair chance
My boy Glav is coming back.
Now they just need Glav's 3 friends and Rajang, and I'll be content.
Seltas queen definitely isn't making it in
Already got Nargacuga so i'm hoping for Gore and Shagaru next
I know there's like next to no chance the bugs will make it in and I'm even more pissed they add an ice shark in and it isn't zamtrios. Even worse is it's a fucking reskin of that fucking stupid fish.
>tfw glavenus is going to get nerfed hard
He didn't even make it to years old.
Glave and Astalos were both pretty shitty to be honest. Mitzune and Gammoth were cooler
>play in september with 15 fps and 30 second load times
>play in december-february with 100 fps and 2 second load times
Don't worry, he's in for sure!
Why not all four?
Hasnt chamelios only been in one game?
still waiting for Gore Magala
>You saw how those monsters are fighting!
>They're fighting each other tooth and nail!!!
Legit Gore/Frenzy virus tease. I think he's in.
That's the issue with Gore, another outbreak of the frenzy virus would be devastating to any ecosystem, which would make it weird if a plot focused game like World just kind of glazed over it. The new world is also where old and dying elder dragons go to die, so it would be kind of weird for a juvenile like Gore to head there.
Certainly wouldn't mind this guy being in, though.
Hasn’t been shown, but he’s got a good chance. Glavenus is in though so they’re definitely willing to implement Brute Wyverns with unusual ways of attacking, plus they’re both flagships. Brachydios isn’t confirmed but honestly I’d say he has like a 90% chance of making it. They said there’ll be at least one returning monster in each area, and we haven’t seen any returning monsters for Elder’s Recess (the only map he’d work in) so there’s a big Brachydios shaped hole in the Revealed roster just waiting to be filled.
What fucking console are you playing on? I play on PS4 Pro and it’s never dropped below 40 for me. Not that that’s good, but it’s far from terrible.
Brachy's stated to be a volcanic monster but he shows up in the deserted island and tundra too.
Yes, Mizutsune will be in (HH preview pretty much confirms it).
He was in all the second gen games, but didn’t show up again until 4U. He was in Gen and GU but now not in World despite the rest of the second gen EDs (including Lunastra, who hasn’t been in a game since FU) being in.
He only skipped gen 3
Think we'll get another trailer during Microsofts E3 conference or something?
Not yet but 7/14 of these monsters are in already so I'm sure Brachy will be in before long and Gore will soon follow.
Or they could just put him in and not care about any of that like they did with Generations.
Yeah the way they’ve been dropping these trailers with little to no fanfare seems more like it’s building up to something than it being the main trailer or event. They’ve only premiered Wirld stuff at Sony or independent events before, but it’s definitely possible they’d show something at Microsoft’s conference. MGSV of all things (the official announcement, not The Phantom Pain by Moby Dick Studios tease) was announced at a Microsoft conference, so it’s not out of left field for Japanese publishers to debut stuff for multiplats typically associated with Sony at Microsoft events.
I agree, especially with the Iceborne release being so close. It's only like 3 months off, no reason not to build the hype right now.
Iceborne's out before TGS so that only leaves E3 and Gamescom for announcements, we got DMC5 on the Microsoft conference last year so a big trailer on Microsoft conference this year seems likely
Nah the new trailer was called the E3 trailer so that's it in terms of new reveals. But in Japan, it's called the 2nd promotional movie. So we have another 2 more trailers before launch so most like one for July and another one for Gamescom in August.
>Monster Hunter World Iceborne Master Edition Monster Hunter World
You dumb fucking Chansey, it’s;
>Monster Hunter World Iceborne Master Edition + Monster Hunter World
Get your shit together.
hey, don't bully her
Are they selling the dlc as its own disc as well?
It's only a matter of time...
...yeah...only a matter of time...
This should be a pretty reasonable addition considering narga and tigrex share the same skeleton as barioth, right?
It wouldn't make any fucking sense to skip him in Iceborne but you never know with the World team
I wish user, but Barioth is also the infamous black Sheep of the trio. The guy still only got one subspecies from the third gen and no variant what so ever except for a shitty mobile game.
When does IB release again? And what are the time frames between trailers?
Yes, which is exactly why you shouldn't expect it.
He's in.
Crossing fingers for Cham's return, he was super eccentric in his movements in 4U and that made him a very standout dragon in his hunt.
Full Fated Four returning seems unlikely, they might only want one representative to return, but Glavenus' return struck me as really surprising because of how ridiculous his 1000-degree heated knife tail is. His fight is so exaggerated and anime to be in World but he is in. This give me hope that the team are going "fuck it" and just including over-the-top monsters simply for the hunt
Iceborne releases Sept. 6th. New trailer dropped this week after the previous trailer about 4 weeks ago, but for the week leading up to the new trailer they were also posting short videos showing off new weapon moves. E3's the biggest game show before release so either they're building up to another reveal or they just wanted to get their hype in before everything else at E3 distracted the audience. Either way they're there at the show floor with playable demos so they may very well show something new.
>Sept. 6th
+6 months for the only platform that matters...
Yeah, matters so much you don't have a release date even 5 months after the initial announcement.
Only bundled with the base game, otherwise you’ll have to download it.
Should I continue playing on PS4 or start over on PC for this?
>Agnaktor will NEVER come back
The team developing Iceborne is a separate team from the base game, and the director for Iceborne was a planner or something on Gen/GenU so I don’t think they were ever as concerned about realism as the base game team.
They’ve said Winter 2019 for PC iirc, so only +3 months at most.
Iceborn will probably launch months later on PC anyway, so you probably want to stick with PS4.
Unless you got a buddy who can only play on PC, because coop in G-rank is fun as fuck.
You mean real like Xenojiva?
Jan/Feb/March is still winter, technically.
director for IB directed GU you goober
>he hasn’t seen ayylmao dragons before
What kinda sheltered white boy life do you lead?
Why not Monster Hunter World + Iceborne?
Not yet, waiting out for Zinogre and Seregios
I always sucked at fighting the Zinogre so I hope they add him so I can have a halfway decent challenge.
Will the PC version come with an iceborne bundle? I only buy games in g-rank but I don't want to drop 80+ on it.
I’d assume so, no reason for them not to.
I want Zinogre and Najarala in
Show it to me then. And why isn't Disufiroa in your beloved MHXX?
I just hope they create a few more non boring looking weapons and dont reuse the same one over and over
Well I see that the ps4/xbox versions are coming with a bundle but I heard that pc is being messed with for some reason so idk
Disufiroa is too anime even for XX/GU. I like Guanzorumu though, he’s over the top in a cool way not a cluttered way.
The PC version is just delayed for God knows what reason, I doubt they’d force PC players to buy the whole game again considering the reason they stopped making people buy the game again for new content was people on all platforms losing their shit over Street Fighter 5.
>full price
i've only played MH1 and MHW. I kinda got addicted to MHW in a big spurt and played it nonstop for a month. Once I killed everything and had a bunch of badass weapons I felt no urge to play anymore.
why would iceborne change this? again I'm not familiar with MH so i don't really understand how their expansions work. Do people usually start new characters? Do you *have* to start a new character? I would probably prefer to because I don't get how my character would progress through the Iceborne content since he's already got such armor/weapons.
If they had to add a Frontier monster which ones would you be okay with?
Base games have Low Rank and High Rank. High Rank makes everything stronger and adds new stuff, so you have to continue making new weapons and armour to keep up with the strengthening monsters. Expansions add G Rank (renamed Master Rank as of Iceborne) which is essentially another step up from High Rank. All the monsters from Low and High Rank Return even more powerful and with new moves, plus a whole bunch of new shit is added. It tends to be a much higher jump in difficulty than Low to High as well. Your gear from High Rank will give you a head start in Master Rank but to get all the way through it you’ll have to make Master Rank Gear from all the beefed up old monsters and the new ones.
A lot of the more grounded ones would be ok, though Baruragaru is my favourite. The way they focused on his ecology as opposed to making a cool anime fight would fit in perfectly with World. Also I really like Guanzorumu in spite of how over the top he is.
fix the maps
put a 720p mode in
I hope they get over the issues they had with Leviathan necks someday
I wasn't a fan of landlocked Lagi but Agnaktor and Mizu are cool
Do we know how the devs will handle the AT monsters when Iceborn will release ?
Like Will we get G-rank AT or are they already G-rank level of difficulty ? because G-rank AT sounds honestly ridiculous, but the later option imply that AT will be way easier.
That was during early development, so probably back in like 2015. I’m sure it’s been fixed by then, just not in time for World so they went with Piscine Wyverns instead. The Lagiacrus in the anniversary render looks much more polished than the one we saw in the alpha footage, so they definitely continued work on it after deciding it wouldn’t make it into base World.
Are guild halls like 4U again where you can meet and hang out before the quest starts?
Probably G Rank ATs, like how in past games their buff mechanic applied to both High and G Ranks.
You will continue with your old character. What you’re playing now is High Rank. Iceborne will be G Rank which means new armour,new weapons and new moves with monsters being significantly more difficult to hunt.
I would imagine G Rank would keep any new attacks, like AT Xeno's explosions, but maybe not the added gimicks like stacking Vaal farts or THE FLOOR IS LAVA
>Tigrex is in
>Akantor aka Big Tigrex aka Capcom can be fucking lazy and port a skeleton over pls, isn't in yet
Astera remains unchanged but the new hub is much smaller so hopefully they have less issues allowing multiple players in it. There’s still the Gathering Hub which works the same way as Guild Halls did but it’s separated from Astera, hopefully the two are combined in Seliana since Village and Guild quests were already combined.
I wish the story didn't suck donkeydick compared to 4U. 4U is the goddamn pinacle of the series (In my opinion) not to shit on oldfags, who played it on PS2, but in terms of weapon movesets, likeable NPCs/characters, and the sheer fucking amount of monsters and challenges, 4U was fucking amazing and nothing has come close for me yet. I burned through world in like 2 weeks. Give me difficulty, give me content. Give me fucking emerald congalala and molten tigrex one shotting plebs with blast. I have never enjoyed myself more, and I want more of that in world's environments.
They already have a hub in World it's just useless. Never made any sense either, the canteen in Astera itself even has multiple chairs still.
I hope the new town will let you see everyone in the session running around.
Makes sense. Thanks anons.
What's the most underrated monster?
Yes. Now we just need Zinogre and Zamtrios.
Zinogre is pretty likely, Zamtrios not so much. He has a skeleton completely absent from World so they’d have to add Tetsucabra alongside him or make a new Amphibian to make the work of implementing that skeleton worth the work.
Magnet dragon. And magnet spike please, thanks.
Pretty sure Zamtrios uses the same skeleton as Great Jagras.
i think they even said the insect monsters will very likely never show up again which sucks
Zamtrios and tetsu use their own unique skeleton, I’m no game designer but it maybe be in the game actually by way if the paratoads and could be blown up and given their animations
>Glavenus teased
Are you guys ready to make some Glavenus weapons lol
Good he's shit