Gameplay < Graphics

>mfw people actually think gameplay is more important than graphics

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>mfw people think you can rank elements of art

shut up and go back to playing switch with shit graphics.

Just watch a movie, the gameplay is ass but the graphics are good.


Stylistics > Sound Design / OST > Gameplay > Story.

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lmao probably playing shit like mario kart looking like a goddamn ps2 game, go play with your blocks you child

Also when it comes to graphics, realistic tops everything.

Realistic > highly stylized > weeb shit > cartoony/mario level

Oh, nvm not based. You're an actual polygonal grafixfag.

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well uh yeah if you can cleary see the polygons then the graphics is shit.

in realistic style you don't see that. that's why it's objectfully 1000x better.

You hitting the good shit right now too aren't you? I can feel it brother. We are transcendent beings you and I. Away we go.

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only if you agree with me brother.

Nah, I forge my own path.

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y'all may not agree with me but it's whatever. anything that doesn't have the best graphics sucks ass.

This thread has been connected.

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You don't need my validation. Keep shining true on what you believe to be so and it will be so.

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But a game is defined by its gameplay and aesthetic. Graphics are as important as you want them to be.

You mean, people can have their own opinions?!?!?!?!?!?
It was revealed those obsessed with "graphics" over everything had an average of 89, meanwhile those seeking gameplay and/or storytelling with little "cinematic experience" averaged 97 IQ. Either way both are low values.

i agree, i wanna feel like im in the real world when i game because im a physically incapable and I cant even so much as hold up a gun in real life.

What's the deal with graphics?

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This what I said would happen, gaming would go to shit because of walking simulators and graphics whores.

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Whatever bitch. I play primarily arcade games, but graphics > gameplay. Just looking for "fun" is the equivalent to junkfood.

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Kill yourself normalfag realism is worse than 8bit Mario graphics

I feel bad for people who can't enjoy a game or a movie that isn't made with modern technology. If you can't immerse and enjoy something that isn't brand new and fully optimized in user friendliness and ease of use, then that's a personal problem. Nowadays everything is designed to be easy and addictive, instead of actually engaging or good. Of course someone will say "you can have both" but that's not what we're seeing right now.