What is Yea Forums reading tonight?
Visual Novels
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Nothing tonight, but everyone should play Kamidori.
Nothing I wouldn't get btfo for admitting I'm reading.
ef - a fairytale of the two
The Bible.
Recommend me a kamige. The last kamige I played was Subahibi when that came out.
Is the bible black?
Is this Unteruberbalsch?
I would only play a visual novel for sex scenes, and even then skip most of the dialogue
also unteralterbach
What are YOU playing OP?
I finished I/O the other day. It was an interesting ride, but it started getting fucked up after C'. Should've just ended with E and had C' and D' available as something under the extra settings. The shit added in the prime routes adds a bunch of useless twists and reveals that add absolutely nothing to the story when you look back on it like Nabu's plan felt pretty disjointed from the work as a whole
please give me a visual novel
What's a VN you don't see mentioned you really like?
Mine's a little indie thing called ENIGMA, I really liked despite its short length. I hope more people play it.
Why not just look at he CGs then?
Heres the vndb for those interested.
Shame that the porn gets in the way of the gameplay. Game would literally be better if it was only echishit.
Don't post drunk kids
I don't like the emotional effect VN's have on me
Saya no Uta was the last VN I read and I loved every minute of it but I'm not used to feeling feels
>Shame that the porn gets in the way of the gameplay.
I think that is the least worst problem you can have in a VN.
I have zero respect for you EOP weebs that eat up this shit.
You will never be Japanese.
Has VN ending ever make you depressed?
Funny, I finished that one yesterday. Mitoko is the only interest of it. The other girls are pretty meh.
unironically Doki Doki Literature Club
go ahead, make fun of me
DDLC is pretty genius but these fags will get uppity because it's westernshit and normalfag bait.
fate SN i don't like shirou's voice
Does it have chuuni battles?
This is gonna be super obscure but has anyone here played National Park Girls by Sekai Project
I don't think depressed is the right word, but finishing WA2 left me pretty emotionally drained.
I'm sure there's more you hate about it as well
>don't like shirou's voice
Well too fucking bad!
Hello, Yea Forums. How do you like your coffee?
What's the story behind this CG?
>all ages
He unironically grows on you
What can I say, I like camping
>Picture didn't upload
100+ hours of SEIBA
You mean he grows in you.
With swords.
He really likes swords.
Setsuna or Kazusa?
Kazusa. Setsuna is a great character, but I'll still go with Kazusa every time.
mmmmmm swords
i like kazuki fumis bad games but most of them are not translated so i see zero discussion outside of the jp thread.
Muv-luv Unlimited
The ending where you choose to send your chosen girl with your unborn child to another planet while you stay on earth and fight the aliens
I legit felt depressed and could not stop thinking about it for a day after that, really I have yet to find another piece of media that stir up those feelings like that one did that being said, Alternative got me good too
I hate this bitch. Pretty much made me drop the VN.
just don't user
Poor Mayushii.
Oh no, not this doujin.
>tfw i've fapped to this
The endings to KnS1 and 2
One of those things that bothers you more the more you think about
Actual spoiler coming up.
I mean it.
You got your cute loli waifu pregnant, you are also the dismembered remains of your body in that trash bag she keeps cause she cray cray too.
It's annoying how many people complain about Hanachirasu for having Akane as the protag, the whole point is that you're seeing things from the perspective of the chaotic madman that the honorable tragic moralfag has to cut down
I’m on chapter 3 of pic related. Do I need to play UDG before watching the 3 anime and V3?
I know killing the homunculi in My Lovely Daughter is important, but how do you fuck them?
I want to make Mud Girl Arhea's new mother.
SHUT UP user
It really makes no difference whether you play it or not since it briefly shows up in the anime and doesn't matter for v3
Is fate/hollow ataraxia good
You save your adopted daughter from her mad mother and you died. Your daughter can't bear to lose her daddy again so she end up crazy, she put your rotting corpse inside trashbag and carry it around her bakery shop pretend that both of you still live happily together.
You also fuck her a few times in her route that's why she's pregnant.
Not really. UDG only give a small portion of plotholes that many deem unnecessary/unimportant to the story.
Play it if you're REALLY interested or if you loved Toko OR if you want some banging music
Alright thanks. Would there be spoilers in the anime for it? I plan to play it after finishing the mainline games
Euphoria...see you all in the 9th circle of hell
Somebody recommend me a VN that will actually make me feel something. I've read Muv Luv, everything by Key, Fate/Stay an the sequel, all the Majikois, Steins;Gate, Umineko + Higurashi, G-Senjou, and pretty much every other commonly recommended VN. I think I've read pretty much all the ones that are worth reading and am getting sick and tired of reading charage and moege.
>Recomend Kamidori to all my friends.
Like, kill me dude.
I didn't watch the anime but i've played all the games. Am pretty sure there isn't any.
How anyone not like this absolute madman of a sword autist? He's probably one of the most enjoyable protagonists I've seen, especially considering all the shit he pulls.
>Deleted unteratelbach because I thought I'd never play it again
>This gave me an instant boner
Nobody believes us. Then next thing they know they have 100+ hours in it.
Swan song
>jumps over you and slashes your neck
Everything personnel, kid.
.....What the fuck is the name of this?
>Everyone flipping their shit about the Geiger shit doujin.
Already read it unfortunately. I legitimately think I've read all of the English VN's that are worth a damn by now.
Why would you go out of your way to illustrate this shit? Whoever drew this manga should actually be investigated, I have no doubt at all that he's going to hurt a kid someday.
>tfw haven't worked on my VN in weeks
Somewhat. The Anime is just the closing points for both of the original DR series and UDG.
For the past 4 days I've done pretty much nothing but read Hollow Ataraxia in my spare time. I'm a huge fan of Lancer getting more screen time and the Avenger/Bazett duo is also very promising. I also started Maitetsu a while back but that's kind of a slog for me to read. Should I stick with it or drop it for either Tsukihime, Subahibi, or Kamidori?
Saiminjutsu 4 boys,going to look up senpai’s skirt
Comu black dragon in the gentle kingdom
I watched a stream of it
Also it's incomplete right now
Read it, twice actually.
I remember the red color
One of the first VN's I read actually. Read it right after Muv Luv because it was from the same translation group. Looking forward to Hello Lady!
. . . .
This is fucking.......If I could purge anything from my mind....no. From this world permanently it'd be this. It's too real.....it's too......Jesus fucking christ.....the worst part is.......it's fucking awful. This girl is permanently fucking Broken. Unless somebody does a Josuke edit like they did for Henshin.......THIS SHIT. Needs to fucking cease to exist. The real WORST part is........this could actually fucking happen in real life.......and it'd have the same effect......if not worse......
I've been playing Majikoi. I only have to do Wanko's route and the true end but the game kinda drags a lot and gets pretty boring a times.
I downloaded the sequel already so hopefully it gets better.
Also I'm kinda thinking in dropping it in favor of Suba Hibi.
Damn, nice.
Does it make more sense the second time you play it?
What's that one VN where you take care of a loli and it's based on some real life disaster that happened in asia?
been reading all the translated Sci;Adv all the way from Chaos;Head. Got the absolute madlad ending and Leskinen ending in S;G 0 but don't really have the motivation to get the other endings. I've 100% all the other translated Sci;Adv VNs and liked them a lot but S;G 0 just feels bland and boring most of the time.
I just realized how old monster girl quest is...fuck
Yeah, there was a lot of foreshadowing I missed during my first read through. Also knowing how it ends and the theories surrounding the ending made it a more enjoyable in some ways.
Reading E School Life till ClockUp's new game this month
>Getting triggered over baby's first loli rape
Man, I can't get mad at you because I know you might be retarded (lol) but refrain from posting like a faggot if you don't even know how bad it can get.
fun times
Teaching Feeling?
Please respond.
I need this, someone please.
you ok user?
Love Triangle Trouble. Can't wait until I get on to Senpai's route.
Ok this made me shitter-shattered. Vampires can’t set foot on holy ground.
Reading Chrono Clock right now, not bad so far.
Had to drop If My Heart Had Wings because holy shit reading about gliders is about the least interesting story for VN there is. Girls were cute though
The premise of this game is really intriguing but I dont think I could handle how depressing it supposedly is.
I mean I got a bit sad after watching Madoka recently, its probably not for me
Hey there buddy, you sure you’ll date a nerdy witch?
Is there any reason why I shouldn't?
Fata Morgana
Kamidori is shit
Not worth replaying multiple times for each girl
It's really, really sad, user. But it's also equally good. It's a little like Fata Morgana, but without the light at the end of the tunnel.
>Had to drop If My Heart Had Wings because holy shit reading about gliders is about the least interesting story for VN there is. Girls were cute though
I just skipped through all of that shit. It was worth it, all of the girls are great.
But Fata Morgana is revenge porn.
I don’t like her works because they don’t seem real enough
Why didn't you save her?
I couldn't save any of them
It's a shame about her dying, yet the friend in KnS 2 can actually be saved. God damnit.
The House in Fata Morgana - Chapter 3
fault; milestone - havent finished yet
Gonna finish reading Keno's side story in Overlord first though
it did happen actually
I googled this shit expecting a Reddit result and I was sorely disappointed. You nigger actually wrote up that shit.
I've been playing a little bit of Umineko in the past few days even though i'm still in the first chapter. I just reached the past where the first disaster occurs.
I finished Higurashi quite recently and Umineko looks like it's going to be even more mind blowing.
Tell me you saved Shugo's wife at least.
Random normal VN for this week.
Maybe something similar next.
Shes cuter here imo
....Wait so it's a Hentai/Doujin based off of real events? Or do you mean the edit.
KnS2's villains were better than 1's. Debate me.
Feel free to use it as a copypasta
cute sword autist
Typical DDLCfag.
Sometimes they do.
I really need to read this someday, I assume reading original Muv-Luv first is required to read Alternative?
Yep, it is.
geiger counter
it did actually happened in real life, government asked the author to put it down too.
The worst part about Geiger Counter is that it is super easy to fap to yet you guys talk about it as if it was disgusting.
It's literally a run of the mill loli rape doujinshi with a small after story.
Literally mundane.
Gj user, I just finished getting all the CGs and it was a really nice ride. I know in the vndb forums there's a few different interpretations of the plot and it should be interesting to see them. Not that the potential for analysis is super high or anything but you can tell there's some design choices that push for a different message than just "live happily", and it's neat when this happens. I need to finish it tonight.
I need blood related brother sister.
Its the only thing
better than SN
the case that made me quit. I knew it was that cunt too because >authors.
Yes absolutely. God damn all the girls in Muv Luv are great in their own way. Alternative broke me a bit. How much do you know about it?
who is this anime girl that reads nietzsche and how do I make her my waifu
That sounds very interesting. I'm gonna try this out now.
I'm currently taking care of a post surgery mom, are there any good VNs I can get on Android for the next few days?
SGZ made me depressed by how shit it was
Unironically Gyakuten
Why would I debate someone who is right?
Otaku Adventure which is actually making me (lout out loud). I finished Gohard and Waifu routes and am playing the Isekai route then I will be done.
i'm playing a bunch and can't pick one.