Wtf we're going to need xbox live gold for master chief collection on steam?

wtf we're going to need xbox live gold for master chief collection on steam?

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I already have Gold being an Xchad, PCscrub.

and you just fell for the trap.

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Why are you lying?

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>editing to make le Yea Forums btfo controversy epic meme thread

You don't you double nigger. Stay mad that your last exclusive is leaving the xbox


To clarify, you WILL need an Xbox Live Account, which is free, but you will not need Xbox Live Gold for PC.

Follow these steps below to create your Xbox Live account.

1. Go to
2. Scroll down slightly, then hit "Create Account".
3. Fill out the information needed.
4. Once your account is created click "My Profile".
5. Read over the Terms & Conditions and then click "Accept".

And voila! You have know successfully created an Xbox Live account!

It sounds like Uplay


Thank you Ramdeep Patel


Not gold.

You need an Xbox Live account to be able to play the game, because that's how save games (between PC and XBone) and matchmaking works (at launch PC Only)

So PC users get free online in Halo but Xbox users don't when it's supposed to be their exclusive? What the fuck. This is ridiculous.


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It's never coming out, is it?

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yowr my cuppycake gumdrops

thanks for explaining because i've never created an account on any website ever

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No, this is how it's always been and always will be. Console players are fucking cucks and deserve to pay for online.

Looks right to me.


I also hope it means crossplay

Remember GFWL? MS doesn't want to make same mistake again.

The console peasants are dumb anyway.

Yes, it does.

Everybody knows it doesn't have Gold in it

I honestly feel bad if you bought an xboner for full price.

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Speaking of xbox live, do they still do that nonsense where everyone needs to have a unique name? I really dont want to come up with le epic gamertag

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its free multiplayer you slow motherfucker. they're just using the same system so win10 fags and such play on the same system.

Can you change the gamertag of Xbox live accounts? Not sure if I want to bring up my old one for this or just make a new one

Thanks Papa Phill

It is up to you.

I think it is better to make a new one, so it will link to your steam account.

based af

I like to add... It's totally free, and implementing the same Xbox account here and in the Windows 10 Store makes it so everybody plays on the same dedicated servers owned by Microsoft, and that way there is no population split at all no matter the store you buy it at.

The account is free and you won't have to pay a dime to play online.

This is just a log into the game.
No extra launchers or anything.

Gears of War 4 already does it on pc.
It's the same as the WoW client if you didn't have the bnet client downloaded.

Log in within the game after you have your account for some cross-play, cross-saves and features.

go fuck yourself shill


Good to know

do i need to upgrade from windows 7?

Thank you my fellow Indian shill


They said it would work on W7




cope more, snoygger

cope harder, xfag

Epic shill mad he got BTFO

learn to cope harder, seething s(n)oigger

>mfw everyone that gets into the beta will be using their original tags with names like xXxSephirothxXx94

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Wrong, you fucking retard.

Not without paying, but depending on how old your account is you might have a free name change or something.

>i've never created an account on any website ever
Then how are you posting on Yea Forums?

My brother

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Lmao wtf is this tutorial. Ive never bought into shilling on Yea Forums but this is convincing.

I'm just helping people get ready so when the time comes they are able to jump right into it!

Destiny 2 killed all hype for this now.


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