Why was Kingdom Hearts 3's final act and ending so insultingly awful?
Why was Kingdom Hearts 3's final act and ending so insultingly awful?
Because instead of incorporating all of the characters that had been introduced over the years in a way that used them organically, they lined up all of the villains to be fodder for Sora and all of the heroes to be jobbers that were in line to get their obligatory happy endings.
And then Sora died to set up the next game, because KH3 was more interested in setting up a sequel than telling a story.
Don't forget Xehanort getting off scott-free because "I was misunderstoot LMAO" and all the characters who did jack shit got happy endings despite having died and amounting to absolutely nothing at all in the story.
Essentially We've spent years being told this was the end point, the conclusion to the story as we knew it, and at its very least and end to an arc.
Instead of that we got what was basically an hours long sequel hook to a game we'll not see in the next ten years.
Even if Xehanort was a well-intentioned extremist, I appreciate the fact that all of the characters still hated his guts.
And then Eraqus came down on shit on that, forgave Xehanort even though he literally just killed Kairi, and took him to Heaven. Also, Eraqus is retroactively some brilliant man who foresaw all of this coming, even though he literally says before he died that he had no idea that Xehanort was still up to this shit.
And don't get me started on Kairi.
Absolutely spot on. The whole game was meh, and I was hoping the end would redeem it. The end was the worst part.
It was great
Because Nomura doesn't want to develop this shit anymore, he wants to make his own Final Fantasy Versus ripoff because he's butt mad he got kicked out of developing the original thing.
it was peak kingdom hearts
Because it was overhyped by people who waited since 2 and refused to play the others.
I'm just happy the next game seems to be going to be back to the series Isekai routes.
In the most insultingly stupid way possible.
No Sephiroth secret boss, no buy.
Of course they killed Sora. Everything modern is obsessed with killing off old characters in the most lazy way to replace them with new characters for a sequel or just because they hate the main character or some shit. The game ended with me at 2 in my own canon cause they took to long with this and just felt like a cash grab.
It's because it wasn't the final act and ending and instead a fucking cliff hanger that made it awful retard.
Because Nomura clearly just wanted to get it over with so he could make his real passion which is rebooting Versus XIII so he just cobbled it together and rushed it. There is 0 satisfying resolution or character moments to anything in the entire game.
Look at this video. The setup for 3 was honestly fucking great. This ending alone made me more hyped for 3 than any of the trailers for 3 itself. And none of it paid off. Look how much emotion and soul this video oozes and absolutely none if it is present in 3. You can shit on the hokey writing of Kingdom Hearts and I understand why people do but man the games really just had heart to them (no pun intended).
Fuck Sephiroth, there was literally no FF reps at all outside of a parody game in the toy story world that somehow plays into the secret ending and next game.
>Xehanort getting off scott-free
He died.
Because the game is 40 hours long with Disney filler fun, and the ending is 2 hours with the entire plot. I'm mad about the abortion of a good idea that was Xeno-Aqua and how every one dies just to come back 5 minutes later. They should have split the ending into 2 parts and placed one of them about half-way through
Someone will say he went to heaven right now
He turned young and went to heaven with his boyfriend, don't kid yourself.
I'm pretty sure when people say that "Xehanort got away with it", they don't mean that he's chilling on some island home sipping martinis, user.
Sure, he died, but he got to go to the same happy afterlife that Eraqus did and didn't look terribly unhappy about the fact. He essentially got a happy ending despite all of the stuff he did.
All dead things in KH probably goes to the same place.
I am aware there are no other FF characters which is also BS. The whole point of KH is Disney meets FF.
That screenshot doesn't sit right with me, probably because it brings up old emotions I used to have for the series that I no longer have.
Because it was all just crammed in at the end. In Kingdom Hearts 1 almost the entire game advanced the plot and in Kingdom Hearts 2 there was always little threads and there multiple revisits to Hollow Bastion to move things forward. After that they started to just shove the entire plot of every Kingdom Hearts game into the last 2 hours and it's really obvious and poorly done in 3.
First post entirely. If it had least played good it would've still been worth it but no. I'm having more fun playing a 3 dollar game on steam called Proxy Blade Zero. It has the same gaurd and dodge canceling of KH but with enemy design that is simultaneously more fair and harder.
I recommend any KH fags who liked the combat check it out to help heal the wound 3 left.
Because Nomura stopped caring and you should too.
Why is Xehanort dabbing in this picture?
To hide the tears.
>tease the box from the beginning
>never find out what it was
>tease the power of wakening
>turns out Sora has it all along
>Roxas is the biggest secret in the game
>teleports to the final battle out of nowhere in the eleventh hour
They wanted to subvert expectations.
This entire series story is absolute garbage, 1 was the only decent one if you consider it a kid's story (and it's a great one at that). If you expected anything good after the shitheap that was 2 you're retarded
I can't wait for Xehanort to return in KH4 as a good guy for no reason at all.
And for MoM to get off scott-free for some stupid reason.
No one should have because 2 was the perfect ending to the trilogy. Nothing after it actually exists and is just a mass fever dream.
Because Nomura and the staff were painfully out of touch with what the gamers actually expected and wanted from KH3. We should have seen the problems coming the moment Nomura expressed surprise at the fact that Aqua is a popular character, despite that being a fact ever since BBS came out.
So instead Nomura was focused on making a sequel and making Sora look cool for it.
Still a good game though
Kingdom Hearts 3 began with a million different fucking plot threads and barely any of them went anywhere. They just crammed everything in at the end and gave every plot a 5 second low effort conclusion. The Roxas subplot runs through the entire first half of the game but that also goes nowhere because Sora just gives up and forgets about it and then Roxas just shows up out of nowhere anyway and they don't even have a single fucking conversation together. Then theres the scene where Xemnas reveals to Marluxia and co. about their Keyblade origins and where does this go? Nowhere. Oh right, I guess its just bait for the mobile game.
And with all this Nomura has the fucking audacity to end the game on sequelbait? Fuck Nomura and Fuck Square Enix.
>They wanted to subvert expectations.
This invariably ends with (usually edgy) garbage.
Kingdom hearts was fun from a stupid fanfic turbo autism point of view like you would see in a newgrounds animation. Ya you could take it a little serious in a epic way but then you see Micky come running in with a giant key hitting ant shadows and you can't help but laugh a bit if you weren't some person who would watch cartoons all day in pajama's. I had fun with it and it had its moments but it couldn't even be something more cause of the Disney stain.
Two is my perfect ending also.
KH1 was simple and clean.
Chain of Memories was okay, but somewhat dragged down by the worlds largely being filler.
KH2 had a lot more flash, but the story started to go off the rails and just became "Let's do watered down movie stuff while we wait for the plot to show up".
Everything afterwards just became an increasing avalanche of awfulness, from Roxas not even a relevant character in his own story to muh time traveling Xehanorts.
It's hilarious just how similar KH3 is to The Last Jedi.
Though at least KH3 had some good parts, but it's the ending that fucking ruined it and the entire series.
As he should be, what Nomura did was fucking shitty and he deserves to be lambasted for it.
Every KH fan who isn't a shit eating retard who would be happy with anything should be seething over KH3.
because its kingdom hearts
There are only two things I want out of this:
1.) The new game stars a new main character
2.) Sora stays dead
Are you retarded?
>Turns young again and is carried into a bright shinning sky by the best friend he betrayed and killed, smiling all the while.
I know it isn't "heaven" but come the fuck on man
>KH is a series that (partly) revolves around Disney stuff.
>In almost each world the respective villain of the film the world is based on meets his/her respective deaths/comeuppance, with even Lady Tremaine being blown to bits in BBS.
>Meanwhile the main villain with quite possibly one of the highest killcounts of any villain in the company's histroy gets to happily fuck off to the afterlife with his buddy as teens.
I legitimately hope Nomura dies in a fire.
Bad story aside, they didn't evolve it enough past kh2 gameplay wise. This game felt very stuck out as a ps2 game in the PS4 era
It felt more like one of the handheld games.
That's because the same incompetent team led the combat design.
Cause Noruma fucking changed it multiple times. He confirms this in the special edition letter to the fans
The Disney worlds are there because they literally have yo be at this point and they're just as irrelevant the story as they were in the first game
Oh shut up you stupid ironic weeb
Not like the preceding 90% was any better.
The mobile game fucked everything up honestly
Reminder low quality posting and trolling outside of Yea Forums is a banable offense
BBS planted the seeds
Then you'll be wanting dumbass
First game they had plenty of relevance? Maleficent, Hook, oogie boogie and Jafar all were the OG Organisation for Ansem
CoM and 2's Org should have been made up of FF villains to mirror the Disney ones.
Why was Kingdom Hearts 3 so insultingly awful?
fixed that for you.
At that point it could have been redeemed honestly
>TWEWY getting sucked into the clusterfuck that is Kingdom Hearts
oh god no please no at least DDD was just a cameo
considering Riku was in Shinjuku i'm bracing for the worst
Why is Kingdom Hearts 3 the worst game of all time?
As someone said earlier. Noruma/Disney didn't research into what people wanted out of the game
Did you play Final Remix? We already got the worst, everything after this is just salting the wound.
Are we pretending that TWEWY was some great story that didn't convolute itself?
Because you are a melodramatic, hyperbolic bretard
The story tied up nicely before FR, yes.
Except for the part where you got the secret reports and they said "jk, Joshua is small time, there's research going on about separating human souls, and there are infinite parallel worlds." It was always KH lite. Pretending otherwise is stupid.
There is no real Hell in KH and it’s not like throwing him in RoD would have accomplished anything because that place poses no threat to anyone dark aligned.
Nomura's typical hack writing.
Apparently according to Nomura it's a different Shibuya.
Even so Sora running around modern-day realistic Japan is fucking stupid. The fact that it looks to be a rehash of DDD with yet another pointless new character to be shoved into the cast doesn't help either.
Reminder that youre still seething
Once Nimoy started throwing around "ancient keyblade wielders" and "the war of legend" it was over.
Cope harder retard
Whats wrong with everyone having a happy ending?
>Apparently according to Nomura it's a different Shibuya.
He just said it was a different world. The same word is used for all the worlds in TWEWY so he basically told us nothing.
Villains are typically punished for their deeds.
He wasn't a villain though? His intentions were pure, his methods were questionable though
I'm talking about the main story, not the lore expanded upon in the secret reports.
Ending was pretty much the mess I was expecting but I had a blast with the final battle itself.
>Fighting the 13 Norts.
>Facing Armored Nort in various warped sections of the city.
>Xehanort stealing the light from you.
>That fake game over screen and final trinity limit.
I’m willing to stay for at least one more game if it means more Xigbar.
>His intentions were pure
Which is a retcon.
Fuck off Nomura
>Just ignore the parts of the game you don't like and it's good
Oh okay.
>Seething fag spergs after being called out for acting like a pubescent girl
I want Kingdom Hearts to drop the Disney shit and just focus on the original characters. There is tons of room for really interesting character development and plot-lines, but they have to shoehorn in Xehanort clone #12 causing mayhem in a Disney film, giving less time for proper plot development. Give me a KH game with more original worlds. Those are always the best parts of these games anyway.
None of that shit actually affects the game, it's completely optional.
Because you have shit taste.
Honestly I havent seen this much of a shitshow of an ending since FFXIII-3, but I can at least say that there was nothing really redeemable about the FFXIII series to begin with so nothing of value was lost
it wasn't. we didn't know the full story then. "nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so" nomura
>lol ansem brings them a body and they do everything offscreen so roxas can be irrelevant after one fight in the graveyard
>lol she only shows up in graveyard and is totally irrelevant
>lol they job harder than anyone else in the whole series at the keyblade graveyard
>lol he had it the whole time and pulls it out of his ass last minute so you can go to the keyblade graveyard
I could fucking go on. KH3's problem is that it unloads all the fucking important shit into the last two hours of a 30-40 hour game, which makes both everything you did before feel totally fucking pointless, plus it makes everything that actually happens during that final act feel rushed as all hell. It sucks ass and ends up feeling like one big shitty Disney advertisement more than any other game in the series.
How the fuck is it that we STILL haven't had ONE SINGLE FUCKING KINGDOM HEARTS GAME that could tell its story with the same respect for its audience as KH1 or— hell— even fucking CoM?
The whole series was awful you dumb faggot
Except it's still part of the story no matter how much you want to ignore it.
Yeah, you can because they're secret reports put out of the way. They don't impede on the main story in the slightest.
If parallel worlds were at all relevant to the main plot outside of a gag chapter, then you may have a point.
>we didn't know the full story then
We did, dude liked darkness and thought light was unfairly powerful so he wanted to remake the universe with equal parts dark and light. 3 retcons that into "darkness is evil as fuck bro, I'm just a poor little light boi that wants to keep darkness and light completely sequestered off from each other.
Have you even seen the KH audience? What is there to respect?
And? What exactly is wrong with it? You're really going to cry about one little throwaway world building line?
Is KH pretty much dead to anyone else?
I remember the kh3 hype threads being my fucking favorite, I'd always go right for them and even went on /khg/
ever since kh3 dropped i ignore pretty much all kh shit. Too bad really, I dig the convoluted ass story but the end of kh3 was just fucking atrocious
>it brings up old emotions I used to have for the series that I no longer have.
The worst part is that the remind shit will probably be made specifically to address this and they’ll fuck it up too. I just want off this ride bros...
This shit.
This shit right here.
I would've forgiven that entire cluster fuck of a final act if literally the last scene wasn't a sequel jerk.
>If parallel worlds were at all relevant to the main plot
Where did Joshua go at the end of week 2 in the main story?
>about one little throwaway world building line
Try actually reading all the reports, you fucking idiot.
They've pretty much gone on record saying Sora will ALWAYS be the protag.
If KH3 didn't end the way it did there could totally be a new hero.
But no.
Sora forever.
It was rushed as fuck.
You can tell since the entire last world + final boss + ending was vastly inferior to KH2's. Heck I even enjoyed DDD's final boss because of the time gimmick.
NGE ruined video game endings, because now every ending to a video game or trilogy has to pull the snatching defeat from the jaws of victory meme.
Isn't NGE like decades old?
>You can tell since the entire last world + final boss + ending was vastly inferior to KH2's.
No, you can tell because we had reports for WEEKS about a closed-door showing of a trailer where Sora explores Scala Ad Caelum as a full world complete with unique cutscenes, and all of that is mysterious missing in the final game.
>Where did Joshua go at the end of week 2 in the main story?
Yeah, and was that relevant to the story of Neku? Neku's story was the main story, not where Joshua went after he got math bombed. Clearly our definitions of convoluted are different.
>the dirtiest, greasiest, oiliest girl in the game with her shiny black hair
>no sleeves on her outfit so everyone has to smell her subway sandwich armpits
Who the hell likes Xion? Get those onions out of here.
>It has nothing to do with the main story
>I meant it has nothing to do with this one main character
Put down the goalposts.
It was probably just the opening.
My guess is that that’s gonna be part of the remind stuff
Please try to understand, they had to spend their time modeling Elsa's dance and getting the secret endings ready.
>It was probably just the opening
>literally talks about sora walking around scala ad caelum and finding the chessboard in a cutscene
>other reports of this same trailer talk about sora sliding around on the cables connecting the towns
>"just the opening"
Xion is a teenage girl, which means that her armpits smell good even if they stink.
why did xenahort kills kairi?
Hopefully that's where they are heading. It shows in three that Disney pushed this out the door. Obviously sick of the stuffing around. Wouldn't surprise me if they distance themselves from KH. Maybe they leave the main characters like Donald and goofy
Probably just showing off the location design, it was never actually going to be in the game.
They do that garbage cause it makes the fans want more so they never satisfy.
What? Your argument rests on the case that extra worldbuilding convolutes a story that is understandable without it. The story is no harder to follow since all the player needs to know is that Joshua survived.
Not that user, but the English version of KH3's ending Xehanort dialog was butchered to hell and back for whatever reason. His motivation is the same as its always been in the Japanese version, he just elaborates on it slightly more; use KH to nuke the entire universe into a blank slate, monitor the blank slate to make sure the balance in that blank slate is never upset. The English version makes it sound like he's a lightfag out of nowhere.
Xion was adorable 358 and having to kill her was heartbreaking. It's not her fault she was an oily, greasy, stinky clone.
What makes it any different from the FF cameos?
Except no, separate but equal was never his goal. He wanted a 50/50 merged universe like he believed himself to be.
You said the parallel worlds were unrelated to the main story. That is completely wrong. I'm not going to argue with a retard who sidesteps and tries to redefine things every time he's wrong.
Yeah, user. Totally. This song totally wasn't made for a larger area despite only playing for about ten fucking seconds.
user, we're agreeing. He wanted to nuke everything and start again to make sure the balance would never tip one way or the other, since it's impossible for it to be even in the current one.
This is completely wrong. I only played it in Japanese, and he very much comes out with "I was just trying to save the world the whole time!"
Will you let me live in my fucking dream world in peace, goddamn it?
To motivate Sora and how eviiiiiiiiil he is, despite forcing us to emphasize with that geriatric sack of shit right after beating his ass and feel emotional about him getting off scott-free, not bothering to tell Sora how to save Kairi while happily going to the afterlife with his dumb fuckbuddy as teens.
If it really is Shibuya I hope we get Noise alongside Heartless.
No. Check out how much of the OoB terrain is completely solid for no reason.
No you idiot. He wants to keep the realms of light and darkness completely 100% separate in 3, in BBS he wanted one single fused realm because lightfags thought they were hot shit always bullying the poor little darkies.
There's a difference between something being related and relevant. I stated that the story tied up nicely, which you took issue with, and that remains true even if you are never aware of the fact that Joshua went to tin pin land or that he's a bitchboy to the angels.
Not even the cringe moments are good anymore, we could at least laugh at the absurdity of final fantasy and disney together, but we don't even have that anymore, the let it go scene wasn't even laughable it was just fucking embarrassing
>going to the afterlife
>KH3's problem is that it unloads all the fucking important shit into the last two hours of a 30-40 hour game, which makes both everything you did before feel totally fucking pointless, plus it makes everything that actually happens during that final act feel rushed as all hell
most kingdom hearts games are like that though
1 and 2 only unload like 60-70% of the plot to the final world.
>most kingdom hearts games are like that though
That doesn't make it good you stupid fuck. People have been criticizing it since KH2 started it, and even then, KH3 is undoubtedly the absolute fucking worst about it yet.
>There's a difference between something being related and relevant.
Stop being so fucking stupid.
>1 and 2 only unload like 60-70% of the plot to the final world.
Don't group in KH1 with KH2. The final world in KH1 doesn't even have that much plot in it at all beyond
and Riku closing the door.
i'm not saying that makes it okay, but you at least should have known what to expect
How is where Joshua goes relevant to the main plot? It is related in that it factually happened, but the story does not suffer for not knowing it.
KH2 had main plot in Radiant Garden, and had a proper length final world.
1's final world is Hollow Bastion, End of the World is just one really, really fucking long final gauntlet.
Mystery tower also had gameplay in trailers
>How is where Joshua goes relevant to the main plot?
>How are the actions and whereabouts of a main character/antagonist relevant to the plot
Is this the part where you pretend "I wasn't curious about it and assumed it was magic" means it wasn't relevant? That would be really, really fucking stupid.
Shut the fuck up. You do not know that as fact. Stop sucking dick on baseless assumptions
kingdom hearts was never good
>I wasn't curious about it and assumed it was magic
Considering he reveals himself to be the strongest being in the known universe under Johnny Knoxville, yes, yes I did just assume it was powerful magic.
KH3 is the best and you people are losers
If Sora's dead, then how is he gonna be in the sequel or mid-quel?
I liked the ending though. All the heroes are alive and together again. If people were expecting some grimdark nearly everyone died ending than they haven't played a kh game prior to 3.
We literally go to heaven world nigger
So now it's that you were curious about it rather than confused about it? Because for something to be convoluted means it's hard to follow, not that you desire more information even when it's not necessary.
So you're retarded.
That part that made me the most mad out of that whole ending is Sora just stops being angry to Xehanort killing his bitch
>not that you desire more information even when it's not necessary
>this didn't make sense, what happened here?
>oh well, it's not important
>I'll just ignore it
>Explanations for major plot points aren't really relevant
You're so stupid it hurts.
Not really. 1 and 2 had pieces mid game that pushed the overall story forward. Many events in the details sney worlds in 1 also did (Aladin, the whale and Peter Pan worlds)
Is that supposed to be sora as a twinkie wearing a tie?
Even then, though, plenty of story happens in the visits to Traverse Town spread throughout the game. Fuck, I struggle to think of even one world in KH1 that isn't plot relevant in some way.
>Deep Jungle gives us some nice characterization for the SDG trio— which was actually needed at this point since it's their first game— plus some hollow bastion/kairi foreshadowing
>Wonderland has a Princess that vanishes
>Agrabah has a princess that vanishes, plus a bit of Riku shit
>Monstro has a FUCKING SHITLOAD of character development for Sora/Riku
>Neverland has the same as Monstro, plus all manner of Kairi exposition
>Atlantica has some of the MEDDLING IN OTHER WORLDS shit elaborated on
The only ones I struggle to think of stuff for are Olympus and Halloween Town.
That's not Heaven you stupid retard. TLW is specifically a place for people who die but can't let go of their life and move on to reincarnation. It's purgatory.
What was even the point of the remind shit in KH3? I watched them and I don't see how they would help a newcomer to the series in the slightest.
No the RE:Mind DLC story which will supposedly focus on Xion
>this didn't make sense, what happened here?
It did. You knew Joshua was the Composer and that is why he had the power to survive. The details of his survival could have been completely scrubbed from the game and that would have been sufficient explanation.
Not even the part people are complaing about you dumb nigger. Read the fucking thread
The remind shit is the DLC episodes and other content that they’re going to release later. You’re thinking of the recap videos user
Olympus was Sora growing into the hero role and Halloween Town seemed like a random get for the game. I wish the later games were as integrated into plot like 1. That's where all the charm was
>Plot details that explain major events aren't important because I don't care
Okay, retard.
what the fuck does an anime have to do with a video game lol
2.9 is legitimately one of the most beautiful game experiences I ever had
I'd never even heard of this DLC but why would I be interested in it after KH3 sucked so much ass?
So where does the implication of reincarnation come from?
>OP complaining about the ending
>post my thoughts on the ending
Forget the thread, I think you need to read the OP, retard.
>Xehanort gets a fucking force ghost ending 30 minutes after killing a young girl for no reason
Really? Why?
Desperation really. I just want a fucking coliseum and a decent boss fight
What the fuck am I gonna do with all this fanart I saved?
What’s making people say it’ll be about Xion? If anything I expect to see what Sora was up to when he went to go get Kairi back.
Dumb nigger. The complaints about xehanort's retcons and sequel bait. Fucking off yourself cunt
No they fucking weren’t
Ansem SOD was going to engulf all the worlds in darkness in 1, which is pretty fucking counterintuitive to the whole “balance” thing
For some reason I'll never get they thought it wa a priority to make the final game yet more Disney filler
>hype up kairi fighting since fucking KH2
>she FINALLY gets to do something
>gets kidnapped immediately and dies
Print it out and burn it. Then send video footage to noruma
OP's post doesn't even contain the words sequel bait or retcons. Learn to read, you fucking retard.
hasn't Nomura said he likes having twists for the sake of having twists?
those fuckers and the taboo crabs were the banes of my existence
Halloween town was about hearts and oogie boogie lost his heart there.
not kh tho
KH1: Disney Villains are working together, characters like Malificent and Riku appear in multiple worlds, Riku has his own story playing out alongside Soras, Sora has clear goals for why he's going from world to world, you slowly unravel the mystery of the story and the villains intentions as you go, you have a sort of home base world in traverse town with a group of recurring characters who react to everything you do making it truly feel like the KH universe is a real place with real things happening. Ends with you fucking killing the villain because he's an asshole that hurt people.
KH2: Pretty much all the same things I said about KH1 but even more. Hollow Bastion replaced traverse town as your hub world, the organization has an even deeper mysterious plot than the villains of KH1. Ends with you fucking killing the villain because he's an asshole who hurt people.
KH3: Lacks pretty much everything I just described. There's no hub world, there's no supporting characters, the universe is an empty void consisting of only the hero team and the villain team, nobody else exists or matters. There's no mystery, every character already knows everything that's going on and is just killing time pretending to be busy until the climax happens. The villain gets a happy ending in spite of being an evil asshole that hurt people.
Calm down autismo. I did and I gave my thoughts on the ending. I honestly don't know you're spazzing out.
So he likes to subvert expectations for the sake of it? That would explain why the story of every game he's directed was complete ass.
I genuinely do t understand anons. I, we were all so hyped for this game. I feel like I expected less and still preferred the game in my mind. The one that didn’t exist solely to bait the next game.
I remember the threads and how fun they all were. You guys were all a treat to talk to about this stupid series we loved.
There was no love in 3 though. It made us bitter and mad. Not in the fun way like the other games. It took advantage of our trust and patience all for that?
Just sad man. Even Naruto had better pay offs.
Inb4 they cut the Scala ad caelum content to put random enemies, a few cutscenes and retcon xion into it, that will be $40
>There was no love in 3 though
Only Versus XIII anger and Frozen.
How was kh3 general reception? It honestly deserved fallout 76 levels of hate but I'm guessing normies liked it because MASH X TO BE AWESOME. I just want Nomura and Square realize they did terrible
It caught a lot of flak here and even more on 5ch (there weren't apologists there like there are here) but the jp Twitter circlejerk pretended it was great.
As disappointing as it was, KH3 is nowhere near FO76 level. The general reception among the game was positive and it sold like hotcakes.
It did not deserve fallout 76 treatment. It worked for starters.
There were TONS of apologists on release and it's still pretty bad now in some threads but these days a lot more people are honest about how disappointing it was.
my only complaint is the fact that it felt unfinished similar to ff15 the city of insomnia. literally the biggest city completely reduced to being just a few corridors. and kh3 reducing twilight town to 2 areas.
I've been waiting fir Kairi to wreck shut since Middle School...
It was the only part of the game worth playing, but because they had to stuff 30 hours of disney advertisements in, the finale was rushed, multiple character revivals were done at the last second, and scala got almost completely scrapped. The boss fights were still fun.
This game must have been really fucking shitty if even Kingdom Hearts fans thought it was bad.
it was rushed and nomura is a hack who doesn't know what to do with the series anymore
FO76 is on a completely different tier from KH3. KH3 was at least playable, functional, and polished in all the ways you'd expect a game of its budget to be, though the obvious cut content and weird design choices aren't being forgiven here.
Because the series was always overrated by retards who don't know or care about story.
Because setting up this dude to be the biggest dick in the universe for the past games and at the last minute try and pull a "oh I was misguided all along" does not work.
Because resetting character development again and again a good story does not make.
Because this only being part of another conflict and not the closure the series needed after 18 years is not the way it should have gone.
KH3 was bad don't get me wrong, but it does NOT deserve Fallout 76 levels of hate, not even close. KH3, at the minimum, functioned as a game, there werent any completely shady dealings with products people have already bought, that shit actually functioned. If anything it should have recieved the kind of hate something like release DaS2 got, where it literally had to be patched to be fixed, but it still functioned as a game
I do wonder just how much the DLC will be able to “fix”, if at all.
Probably won't fix the main game but who knows, it could be good. Let us go through more Scala and I'd be happy. Absolutely love everything about the design of that place and I wish it was used more.
Also put in a MoM secret boss because we're missing our Mysterious Figure boss.
Personally I felt a lot of love in Toy Story and Monsters Inc. They had interesting ways of working themselves into the overall world. I really like how a Monsters Inc specifically was critical to reviving a main villain.
Those an Olympus were the only good worlds. I liked the Pirates world itself, but the story was boring.
Because Nomura was already bored of Xehanort and his arc and wanted to rush it to tell the foretellers/mobile game story, which he clearly cares much more about.
>the 25 minutes of story cutscenes they show towards the end that basically end up with Jiminy Cricket saying to read your Gummi Phone to figure it out
Pirates world was ok to explore with the ship mechanic.
Rapunzel world wasn't bad, great chemistry between the characters.
Frozen and Big Hero were terrible
Rapunzel was a giant waste of space. Frozen was the single worst thing I've ever seen.
The problem I had was that I never seen the 2nd and 3rd Pirates movie or Frozen, so I had no idea what was going on.
Frozen was fine from a gameplay standpoint and Big Hero was absolutely fine from a story one but they really did fuck up in other places.
>Frozen was fine from a gameplay standpoint
What part of running up a mountain, falling, climbing and repeating, then playing minigames was fine? The only remotely okay part was the labyrinth.
insomnia was literally bigger than scala and keyblade graveyard combined though
I mean the running up a mountain problem was storywise. Otherwise you’re still running from heartless to heartless encounter as usual. The olaf part was completely stupid though.
>Running through the same, boring identical areas and doing shitty minigames was bad
>But from a gameplay perspective, they were good
You can't have good gameplay with shit level design.
>go back to Frozen to get treasure chests and Mikey emblems
>makes me do the Olaf search again
I'm so glad I decided not to buy this game. I bought a PS3 because SURELY KH3 would come out. Nope. Then sony started censoring, so I decided to wait for Yea Forums's reaction to the game. I'm so glad I did. Fuck this shit, I waited a decade for this? Thank god I learned japanese and got into anime or I should have just killed myself all those years ago.
kh3 was so bad
I wouldn't call the villains jobbers as much as nonthreatening. Most of them didn't even care about Xehanort's plan and didn't want to fight, which is retarded since they're supposed to be the antithesis of the good guys. I guess the only evil ones were Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Terranort and Vanitas, as even Ansem and Xemnas didn't want any part of Xehanort's plan and were just there because they had nothing to live for anymore since they were dead and obsolete. Vanitas and Young Xehanort were just evil for the sake of being evil and didn't really do anything other than act cocky and get beaten up. Young Xehanort probably could have been interesting, as he seemed a lot more insidious that his older counterpart, but they did nothing with him. Terranort just didn't work because he was essentially a clone of old Xehanort, and the two could not coexist, so Terranort barely had any screen time and didn't even get an updated look or interact with the new Org. He felt like a completely separate entity/threat, but didn't accomplish anything in the end because he got plot deviced away 3 times. Also he just didn't make sense in any way in terms of time travel logic and his role within the organization. Old Xehanort was great up until his final boss, which was honestly kind of lackluster. But even then he was still good, not as good a climax as Xemnas or Ansem, but still good. It's kind of dumb how he lost to Sora, Donald and Goofy, even with the x-blade, since that made him seem weak. It should have been him vs all the lights to properly establish him as a threat. However, he he got completely ruined in the cutscene following his defeat after he turned out to be a lightfag and everyone basically forgave him. He's probably the lamest villain in KH now, and Xemnas, despite being ruined by DDD, remains the best.
>ctrl + f 'sora doesn't'
ok so here's something i'm going to let all of you in on (apparently) and that is SORA DOES NOT MATTER.
Sora as a character and basically anyone else in a main-line kingdom hearts game (KH1, 2, 3) do not matter.
Why? how? evidence?
Well...they're all tied together but it basically comes down to this.
You start off with Kingdom Hearts, a concept of letting a Japanese RPG game company create a game where the player character (and thus the player) can immerse themselves in Disney properties to keep Disney properties fresh in their minds and have them continuing to buy Disney things. When you pull back and look at it, it's like any other franchise based company game perfected.
And while I could go into the rest of the games all that needs to be looked at is the last game...
there are very clear efforts to strip the Disney aspects out of any part of the game and story. It is very blatant and obvious.
Not only that...but all the supplemental games and such pretty much let you know that the KH creator/lead fell in love with their anime story.
Let me put it this way:
KH1--> a fucking action RPG that has you playing along side AI Donald and Goofy as you visit Disney worlds and yet somehow seems like some sort of fantastic epic from start to finish.
KH3 --> a fucking action RPG that has you playing along side AI Donald and Goofy as you visit Disney worlds and yet somehow most of that feels like it doesn't actually matter to the ending plot and anyything else you may have known or done from previous games doens't mean anything and there is all of this other material you need to know etc etc etc...
To the point where your main player character, Sora, is just an incidental factor that all the bad guys seem to discount despite the clear demonstration of skill and power....
>Suddenly Axel and Siax have a friend they were looking for the entire time
God I hate thinking back on this game.
KH is the perfect example of how to not write your villains.
>Of course they killed Sora. Everything modern is obsessed with killing off old characters in the most lazy way to replace them with new characters for a sequel or just because they hate the main character or some shit.
Nomura's outright stated that Sora is not being replaced any time soon. He's the Ash Ketchum of Kingdom Hearts, and it's his series overall. The big thing is that Nomura's so much more interested in his phone game plot line and new villains that KH3 basically exists to end that entire factor without even fully resolving everything just so he can focus on X's shit more.
I remember reading an interview where Nomura said if someone guessed or correctly predicted something that was written for the KH games before release that Nomura saw before release then he'd purposely change the story just to make it unpredictable and to keep players guessing.
It also reminds me of a GRRM interview where he said if someone guessed the story online prior to release then he would never change it because there is a clear reason why they guessed that to begin with, and gave an example of if you foreshadow that the butler did the murder and all the clues point to the butler but then see online people are guessing the butler did it, so you change it to the chamber maid instead it then ruins the original intent of all that forshadowing and clues, it leads to nothing and becomes pointless, a waste of time and it betrays and insults the readers intelligence.
Nomura is a fucking hack, how anyone can still defend him is proof that KH fags have the shittest taste imaginable.
>Nomura is a fucking hack, how anyone can still defend him is proof that KH fags have the shittest taste imaginable.
Who in this thread is defending him? People who loved the KH series hate him now.
Gays on Twitter and kh forums
Twitter is a massive circlejerk that should be ignored.
>KH3 --> a fucking action RPG that has you playing along side AI Donald and Goofy as you visit Disney worlds and yet somehow most of that feels like it doesn't actually matter to the ending plot and anyything else you may have known or done from previous games doens't mean anything and there is all of this other material you need to know etc etc etc...
The problem here is Disney. Disney's restrictions are much more notable this time around. They nearly turned down Toy Story until Nomura said "No Toy Story? Then we WON'T make KH3." It's Disney why the Disney worlds feel so isolated and separated from everything in the grand scheme of things. After all Disney also told Nomura that he cannot use Oswald for a cameo. It's Disney. If the Disney worlds suck and feel like aimless filler it's Disney. The attitude that Disney had of giving Nomura free reign from the early 2000s is GONE. Now that Nomura has to literally discuss the Disney worlds with the current animated film staff like for Tangled and Frozen? Making the levels for this series has become more tedious. From what I hear Pixar wasn't "yay yay" happy at the suggestion of treating Sora's visit as canon to Woody's world.
And speaking of Sora I really don't like how he's written. In a continuous story a protagonist who doesn't mentally mature along with his experiences and stays dumb and infantile is honestly unappealing. I'm not asking that Sora becomes like Riku but his lack of focus and general stupidity makes him an unappealing hero. I've dropped Shounens because I can't stand the idiot hero. And since someone mentioned Ash from Pokemon no one is going to say Ash is their favorite character (in fact it's Team Rocket who most people praise due to their development and charisma). Though to be fair Ash is eternally 10 years old while Sora is 15 and he's a teenager who acts like he's a child. It's just not pleasant or believable. Goofy's son Max in the Goofy Movie behaves like a teenager. Sora does not.
Sora is an ideal protagonist for a Disney crossover game because you really need a protagonist who reacts with enthusiasm and excitement when he enters a Disney world. That's his primary function as an audience surrogate. That childlike sense of fascination and wonder is the entire purpose of his existence.
Then why age him? In fact why a teenager? Why didn't Nomura just make him 10 years old and keep him like that just like Ash from Pokemon? People would forgive his stupidity if he was a child.
Because he also knows that there's a sizeable adult fanbase. 15 is meant to be a middle ground so everyone can sort of empathize with him.
Because KH2 happened where he actually did grow as a character a bit and did get a little smarter (or at least more cautious). After going from KH2 to DDD in the series' length because of having to make constant filler games (this was a 7 year gap from 2005 to 2012), Nomura tried to soft-reboot Sora's character to KH1 but even more naively stupid, for some reason.