Is this real life?

is this real life?

>entire first year of the game f2p
>dlc locations free
>insanely pro-consumer model


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my thoughts are blizzard and battle net with its blizzdrones is so shit that they had to run to steam and make it free as well to get a player base

My thoughts are it's an extremely grindy pile of shit game with no content and pay to win microtransactions.


clearly hasn't played or researched

It’s not a free game. It takes a lot of time to play and get loot. Never believe free.

Feels like a slap in the face as someone who payed $100 for that content

yes, point at me and laugh, I was an idiot trying to recapture his D1 years

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How many hours do you have in the game?

I'm pretty sure they had to make it free to everyone because it probably would have been more work to only give bnet customers free keys for D2 on top of migrating their characters

ask for your money back, user

assuming they dont change the duration or time the core gameplay loop takes, it's not too long imho.

you're definitely not the only one

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Destiny 1 was dogshit too, you're fucking losers.

It's been a long time since launch (when I bought it) and I put my fair hours into it, it wouldn't be justifiable to do that

But boy does Bungie have a way of pissing me off

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last i checked, ~500
a lot of that is idling in raids and in hub

this is likely a cause

I only played before the first raid released, did the game improved? i heard Forsaken was quite great

yeah but its Destiny so who gives a shit

Why was TTK so much fun then user?

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How is it a slap to face when you to play it first for a year

Do you honestly think that 500 hours in destiny 2 means jack shit on chan4?

Just because there are at least 4 autists ITT that can prove they have 2k+ hours in TF2 doesnt mean 500 in a single game isnt a shit ton

Maybe because you're easily pleased and don't mind activision fucking you deeply

based lmao

game has improved exponentially since forsaken, i'd definitely recommend giving it a shot once it goes f2p in september, maybe getting the dlc if you're really enjoying it.

i'm personally not complaining about it, but it's kinda weird how people who owned the game originally aren't getting any sort of in-game recognition for it, save for a veteran emblem and a few emotes

Based. Fuck this shit game and the "people" that play it.

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It wasn't, it was just mildly less shit than it was beforehand.

I don't care about the hours, al I'm saying is he's wasted 500 hours playing "open the chest" 2 electric boogaloo

in any case, it gives me enough experience with it to know I thoroughly enjoy it

TTK was what destiny should have been on launch. it was so well-received at the time because of it. I personally enjoyed it

Are you retarded or just uninformed? This is happening because bungie split from activision at the start of the this year

IS it '''freee'' or actually free

>bought the seasons pass + destiny 2
>it's all free now
>no fixes to core problems

Still dead to me. No reason to give them more money

The base game and all the DLC before Forsaken is free

base game + first two expansions, along with any fundamental sandbox changes are f2p

you can also dick around in the DLC zones without having to own the DLC

a lot of problems have been fixed imho, but its possible theres still something in there you might not like too much

also, I was also burnt by Y1, i definitely don't blame you user

Who cares goy, they already fucked you

The first game sucked ass and horrible everything. Why would I play the sequel.

Are you guys trying to trick me into playing a bad game again

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free action MMO fps

>insanely pro-consumer model
Literally the opposite


Because I could of saved money, also first year content then compared to now is kinda different. It's better now


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No. Yes.

a free shit game is still a shit game, who the fuck actually plays this garbage

Consumers are people that pay for the product. This is not for them

>insanely pro-consumer model
Unless you already paid for it.

>action MMO
Isn't anthem free soon?

If they're not giving me $140 worth of Silver they can fuck off.

I think you are still an idiot because you payed for destiny

The game will be void of players and you'll probably be locked out of shit like 99.99999999999999% of the pvp maps if you don't own the latest expack. That was my experience with destiny anyway. Bought the original game right after the first expansion pack came out with the moon raid, and I literally couldn't access over 75% of the game anymore.


i guess you make a point there, but what they're doing to remedy it going forward is a big step in the right direction. However, its not gonna fix how badly people were burnt by the first year of the game.

i'd love to give you a number but Bnet shut down any tracking in regards to player numbers and hours played lmao

You should read what the f2p version includes before vomiting that drivel out of your mouth.

the game is much different than it was back then. As of right now, all pvp maps, strikes, and gambit maps are f2p. i'd recommend giving it a shot once its free, you might enjoy it.

>Destiny only works if you fork over $120
NOOOOOOOO, it's almost like we've known this for 5 years

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They already did it once, I don't care if they say they won't do it again, they probably will.

But I have to buy something to access the Free content so it isn't really free

I tried to sell a bag of my shit and no one was buying so I made it free. You're welcome.

>remove ability for current owners to buy just Forsaken, now you have to get a complete bundle at a 66% markup

lol, no.
Suck my fucking cock Bungie.

you dont have to buy anything? If you're talking about it being on steam right now, it doesn't go f2p until sept 17. whats shown on steam is the most recent expansion

forsaken is the same price as it always was, but with more content thrown in now that a new expansion is on the horizon

still keeping that $40 pricepoint that it has always had

Listen up you deluded bitches. I played the ever-living FUCK out of D1, from beta, launch and all DLCs. Fun. Not gonna lie. But its no Borderlands. Suck it, nerds.

see you in 2020, user

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But that's a lie, look at BNet. You can get the season pass FOR Forsaken (that doesn't include it) or you can buy the bundle.

it was rhetorical: no one plays it, and by no one, I mean "no one" as a relative concept that includes people who don't matter; it's an ultimately dismissive and insulting concept that I levy because anyone who would fucking play Destiny 2 of their own free will is beneath all consideration

>falling for destiny
>falling for anthem
>falling for destiny... again
Can this cancer genre die already?

Once it goes live on steam sept 17, forsaken will be bundled with it's pass for $40, the original price of forsaken. this was mentioned in the livestream earlier today, i should have mentioned that. My bad

nobody is this naive, it was a joke

nobody is falling for anthem

You forgot that my beloved Eris is back, what a based and red pilled savathun worshipper.

eris is the goth gf we dont deserve

>and make it free
I got the game for free on the blizz launcher and never played it

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>savathun worshipper

yeah i was also curious about that

how do i claim it? I just see buy in blizz launcher as well

you cant play it rn if you dont have the game i believe. not until sept 17, anyway. the game is going off of the blizz launcher alltogether when it launches for steam.

i remember there was a period of time where you could claim the game for free, i think back when blizzcon was active last year, but i think you're gonna have to wait until september unfortunately.

(i definitely wouldnt buy the game rn off of the bliz client, just to reiterate)