What is your wish, user?
I am the vidya game fairy
Good godzilla game
A game where you can play as a spider.
kick the shit out of sonic team and sega until they learn game design
No more video games.
Let me fuck you
I wish for this industry to crash and burn.
I wish for a Dissidia game that's just a soulcalibur clone
I wish to be with Reisen!
Doomguy in smash
Every user in this thread to obtain their viyda waifu/husbando.
I got monkey paw'd last time, but I'll do it again for you, anons.
Everytime someone asks for an HD, open-world Pokemon game with all the regions, I want to gain 1" to penis length
I wish for Microsoft to stop allowing PC fags to play Xbox games
DOA6 male nude mod ERECT version with pubic hair
+for Bayman +for Bass +for Raidou +for Eliot
I wish user had sex
Don't let Dying Light 2, Bannerlord, or STALKER 2 be disappointing
My wish is to see a massive dick using you as a onahole.
Titanfall 3 with good marketing or just the revival of Titanfall 2
I wish to make sick fuckin' games.
The first time was noble, but now I'm starting to think you just have a fetish for getting Madoka'ed
i want a harem of fairies and a couple titania wives as well.
also make vidya good forever
Bring back the good Paper Mario. Bring back the good Paper Mario. Bring back the good Paper Mario.
I wish I was fucking dead.