Battlestation thread

battlestation thread
ill start

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Other urls found in this thread:

get a fucking faceplate on that outlet you heathen


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thats just sad

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cluttered but very cool

who haha le epic retro XD im so cool am i in now v so coooomfy right guys XD fuck off you stupid nigger trash

Attached: battlestation.jpg (1632x1224, 157K)

>projecting that hard

I've seen this meme shit before, prove it's actually you and not just a repost

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Attached: setup.jpg (750x752, 120K)

Is this under a bridge?

Attached: image0.jpg (1125x939, 701K)

It's obviously an unfinished basement

Attached: battlestation 5.jpg (1200x900, 203K)

sup yall, its ya boi

Attached: nk battlestation.jpg (1024x683, 442K)

That's comfy

I wish I had a low ceiling room

You rike?

Attached: 20190524_205853.jpg (3984x2988, 2.29M)

How do people stand to love in such filth?

Attached: jungle battlestation.jpg (2048x1536, 744K)

How do you deal with a very sweaty ass? Every time I get up a putrid smell comes up, it's awful.

Was your Dreamcast in a house fire?

Thenk yu

I bet he came on top of it

Is the curtain supposed to be in the lamp?

No the previous owner painted it blue
It was the cheapest one I saw on ebay and it came with nba 2k so I figured eh that'll come off with some rubbing alcohol
it didn't

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Okay, I guess.

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gib wallpaper

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Ta com promoção na livraria do nando moura


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Some BS will never be bested

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>make a reaction image in paint years ago for a Yea Forums thread
>now its shit quality from copy pasting and there is a water mark of some russian shithole website

Attached: SomcQ03.jpg (1024x768, 242K)

It's not yours anymore once you share with others on the internet, if you can't deal with this, then don't make shitty reaction images anymore.

My nigga

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amazon deskchads rise up ive had this thing for lik 6 years and it just werks

Does anyone have the pics of the user who couldn't reach his living room because there was too much trash and always used new socks instead of washing them?

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>send friend a picture of my current set up
>he uses it to start a thread on Yea Forums
OP is a faggot and a native american jew

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! having an unflared chance dildo up my ass feels good! teehee

Attached: furfag tranny friend !!!.jpg (10000x5973, 3.64M)

I've had it for 8 myself, got it off Craigslist for $20

Attached: 4KqmKzS.jpg (1024x768, 164K)

Post full nude pictures please

USSR shouldn't have collapsed

stop being a faggot orbiter and just go on his fucking twatter like you usually do

fucking cringe. How often do you get guys over?

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>adding watermarks and decreasing an images quality protects me from being called a faggot
Suck more dicks nigger

looks comfy

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Wasn't this from the guy who was living in his parents' crawlspace secretly after they kicked him out?

Post the twitter pwease uwu

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Most of the actual Yea Forums stuff still unwired right now since I'm waiting on cabling and a second Extron.

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kys ___faggot___

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nice lain vhs set my guy

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is that a FW900??

Trash can and toilet at the same time, trully the work of an ingenious mind.


Are you a h4cker?

That's actually really fucking cool and the best way to play a lot of old games. Some VERY old games can't even be properly emulated


Why hasn't she posted hers yet? Is she OK?

This is your average /home/ fag

Why do you have a dead pig next to your battlestation?

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I wish you wouldn't stack your consoles like that son

You can make it come off if you scrub it more, if I was you and really wanted it clean I'd ask leddit

Attached: mysetup.jpg (1024x768, 143K)

Thanks, I've owned them for a long time and take good care
I unstack them when I use my 360, which is not often

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I only have two of his figurines and fell dirty

I unironically want this

Mirin' zyzz hard. Get rid of the weeb shit

carry on then

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Truly a man ahead of his time

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Yep. Then they found out and kicked him out for real.

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Is that figures from Fritz Lang's Metropolis?

>he doesn't know

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gib? seriously though, jealous as fuck. I've been looking for one within 50km of me for 5 years, not a single hit.

What is it

I'm guessing you're not allowed with 100 yards of any schools.

Do you serial kill

Someone please link the video
It's been years I need a good laugh

The Hearthstone pillow is the most offensive thing

Oh shit it is I didn't notice that
Now I want one

FW900 monitor. Widescreen 24" CRT, basically the best CRT ever made for computers

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do you have that wallpaper saved and if so can you post it?

Is that the 1440p one

Comfy as fuck desu

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You should probably broaden your search horizons. I had to make a 3 hour drive to get mine. Either that or camp at someplace that does a lot of CAD stuff that's about to let go of their gear.

It's a 16:10 PC CRT that can resolve resolutions up to 2304x1440 @ 80Hz. You can find some higher-specced 4:3 ones floating out there, but it's one of the best value propositions floating out there for a high end widescreen tube.

Last image of this station probably, before the rebuild.

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>guy fawkes
>cawa doody

Nice wallpaper/10

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Here you go

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not bad if you clean up after yourself you dog

I used to have that exact Sharp television as a second monitor. It was pretty shit.

You got any good voyeur vids from that spot user?

Problem is that I live close-ish to rich hipsters in Melbourne. Aside from the fact that Australia is a wasteland for AV equipment, any decent CRT will go for about triple US prices. The last 480p PVM I saw sold for $900 at auction...
The only time I got a PVM for a reasonable price, I had to travel 2 hours into the hills.

Please don't post mine without my consent.
Search wowie_meowie on Twitter.
I don't meet guys often, so not regularly.

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What's your job? That apartment looks cozy af.

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>100 dollar mouse
>Gesture button (which is supposed to be utilized frequently) gets stuck with use
>Mouse stops moving because it thinks you're pressing the button
>Special tools needed to open it up
>one hunnit dollarydoo paperweight
How do you make the greatest mouse ever and ship it with the most retarded design flaw? What the fuck Logitech

Are there any other wireless mice with horizontal scrolling wheels?

Attached: MX Master.jpg (425x425, 13K)

>90s bedroom

nice. If you were a girl I'd kiss you.

Yeah, it's only appreciated in retrospect sadly.

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Are you staying in your mom's guest room temporarily?

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Haven't left this thing in at least 4 months straight other than to go to store
Probably longer I lose track of time

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Watch out for that big spider top right corner

>everyone with their nice looking rooms and top tier desks
>mfw I have a nice desk too and I love the decorations but because my shit camera it makes it look horrible
>afraid to post a pic
kill me

that Nu Gundam isn't just for show.

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reminds me of when I dropped out of hs and just sat at home all day playing on my shitty dells.

It might look kinda crowded since I have the VR out but it gets the job done as in an all in one kinda deal.

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Lain, is that you?


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lol @ all them fans

Nice, a fellow PS4 + Switch bro :)

Dead silence and no temps above 50c ever. Worth it mane.

What the fuck? Is this the american dream? Eating Mcdonalds for me is like a religious holiday.

here's the wallpaper if you want, I cut the text out from model kit box art and use them

Attached: hi-nu-gundam.jpg (2560x1440, 1.83M)

Comfy af

meant for

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I hear that. I got a 1700x and a 2070 myself with a simple Evo 212 cooler but changed the fan on it. I think it's a Corsair one.

had those monitors for 10 years
just got some for me mum cause she needed a couple

finally upgraded to something more than 60hz recently but those monitors were great and survived like 20 different moves

Once again I'm here

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r8 and h8

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disassemble and put in the dishwasher

>same mousepad, mouse, keyboard, and i think monitor
great taste

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Love the placement of those Iomega Zip drives.

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all thosen etwork caards, yah this is some workplace "IT closet"

This guy actually plays his game. Fuck off with your de-cluttered all my controllers are locked away in the cupboard but I have every color varient for the 64 on display.

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It's literally the exact same picture every time why would you think that one is any different

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VERY nice
what meme benefit does a vertical monitor serve
does it make Yea Forums seem like you're using your phone you gay phone posters
very cool chair

why in the corner

Where did you get that chair?

mods please fucking ban this retard holy shit all he does is post here for people to give him money

This makes me feel anxious
Like how do you even move around without knocking shit over

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Not enough space for the keyboard and my arms to stay in front of the monitor.

for work, easier to read documents in portrait. i'll probably revert back once i get a bigger desk.

good keyboard

Attached: current bst.jpg (3264x2448, 1.88M)

what keyboard


HappyHacking Keyboard Professional2

Websites are better viewed vertically, most of them have insane dead space horizontally. Also works perfect when i'm working on the main screen and have tasks/tabs open on the left. I also don't need to turn my neck as much and it takes up less space on the desk.

Attached: Battle Station.jpg (6104x4032, 2.4M)

>he has a glass desk that's one straw from breaking the camels back and shattering all your equipment
>doesn't have a granite or marble desk for aesthetic, lasting quality and a nice cool touch for your hands and arms

Attached: marbledesk1st_z.jpg (1500x1001, 82K)

I have more than that in mine.

that's a big heel

Which desk is that?

for you

Attached: 1.jpg (4032x3024, 1.29M)

Say whatever you want, i had a friend in Mexico whose room was like this and we played Smash in his N64 all day.

moving that shit would be a pain
I'm not a millionaire who's chosen his forever house

Use a magic eraser sponge with isopropyl alcohol.

fucking footfags

just google diablo 3 concept art

>Poor as fuck
>But has a guitar and a macbook
Ah the retard life choices.

more dog

>Tfw Corsair C70 is no longer made
Sad as fuck.

cool stuff slick stuff neat stuff

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Looks like the Walker Edison 3 piece desk . I have the same one

good evening fellow lain posters

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bros. I'm finally gonna fucking do it. I'm gonna join the mustard race. What should I know before getting into it? Anything you'd recommend or tell me to avoid? My budget is in the $3000s starting from scratch.

all rooms that involve loving Lain always seem to be just slightly depressing

>bros. I'm finally gonna fucking do it. I'm gonna join the mustard race. What should I know before getting into it? Anything you'd recommend or tell me to avoid? My budget is in the $3000s starting from scratch.
Buy a full size Optiplex tower with a 3rd/4th Gen i7, shovel in RAM, graphics card, and storage.

Use your remaining $2300-$2500 on hookers and blow, or hold onto it like a responsible adult.

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Tell me about the console, why is it in a cage and not out with the others?

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>pump it up

clean your room

Attached: luigigay.jpg (480x480, 24K)

why twist the tv and consoles, but not the entire stand?

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>hacking into the mainframe

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His TV wouldn't fit.

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how long did he think he can trick them?

Fuck idk why my photo flipped

based pac-man fan

good base. just needs dusting and decor

I legitimately have no idea how to decorate, I am very much a function over form guy.

i see an aigis nendoroid i reply

Attached: 0257018462723.jpg (2592x1796, 1.6M)

Please tell me that is not an all in one computer.

i used to do this but then i took the emulator pill. my consoles are in the closet now.

No it's a shitty old TV i'm using as a monitor

Aigis is my robo waifu for life. Love her

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I used to have this Daibadi Aigis figure and had it in my battle station sitting around for photos, but even though it looks nice it's actually a pile of shit that couldn't stay in one piece. the stand wouldn't even properly fit into her back. how pieces of her are just scattered around. I'll get the figma someday

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is that a headphone stand that you are explicitly not using?


oh it's a lamp

No, thats a lamp, and my headset keeps falling off of it, so i just put it on the left monitor

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