Shadow of the Colossus...Now with multiplayer support

Shadow of the Colossus...Now with multiplayer support

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I've heard of playing with your food, but food playing with you?

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Wong wing ban bon. Getoon Fuckoo outtoo of maai boarduu.

Haha casual racism XD

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haha niggerfaggot xD

Haha I hate black people XD


She isn't chinese and those aren't dogs

Fuck off nigger

I'd like to take this moment to remember the horrifying event known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre that happened 30 years ago this month.

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I ain't racist, that's a nigger thing!

>She isn't chinese
How can you tell? Arr rook same

The chinese are literally worse that any other race, not even baiting
No other tourists let their kids literally shit on the fucking street/carry their babys around without fucking pants
Also, I went to China in 1995, was riding a bus. There was a small wierd hole in the floor, I thought it was just an old beat up bus. But no, it was a fucking SHITTING/PISSING HOLE. The bus ride was 2 hours long and I saw 2 parents with children just hold them above the hole and have the kids shit through the bus floor on the road. Fucking subhumans

back to the r_thedonald, newfags

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I guess an actual chink knows the difference. Go back to your chinese weaving basket sweatshop.

if you can't recognize faces then you are probably an autist

The uncalled for catchphrases rule always cracks me up thinking about those godawful signatures on old forums.

Go to bed, Ari.

I don't know what you mean, those were great.
"The world isn't perfect. But it's there for us, doing the best it can....that's what makes it so damn beautiful."
~ Roy Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)

You learn the difference when you go outside and aren't situated in some landlocked shithole.

on this site on 1989 nothing happened.

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Merely pretending

I went to Egypt in 1989, those arabs smelled like shit and had no sense of pride whatsoever

Why are they all sleeping in the street? That's dangerous.

how can chinks ignore the corpses on the streets and continue on their daily routine like nothing happened

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Chinks aren't even humans.

shut up nigger

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>westcuck seething mad over china mastery of ancient hole technology

Get a load of this fucking nigger

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