Here it is, thanks to everyone that contributed
Have a great E3 everyone!
Hi-Res Version:
Here it is, thanks to everyone that contributed
Have a great E3 everyone!
Hi-Res Version:
Other urls found in this thread:
Thank you, OP. It's wonderful.
See us at E3!
>Yea Forums "culture"
You're all fucking Redditors. Talk about video games or fuck off.
>that Hillenberg
Spongebob really did save E3 this year.
Just finished my bingo card
amazing god damn work OP, bless you
thanks op
>blocked out the sun
I can't wait!
Thank you OP.
Thank you it looks awesome
Bless you OP
Great job, OP! Posting gifs. Have a splendid E3 everyone!
So what are you all looking forward to this E3?
Thanks OP
You don't even deserve a (you), shitposter-kun.
Good shit OP
Thanks OP. Ya did good.
>Yea Forums
>video games
Uhm sweatie...
slideshow version!
Bros, help me out - anyone got the E3 2016 collage and the Road to E3 collage for 2017? I'm missing them.
Excellent work OP.
Now the real challenge is to list all the franchises repped with each character.
What was the total count?
Also do you have an archive of all the contributions?
There was an user in the previous thread who said he might make a compilation vid
Did you make this specifically to post it once the collage was done? Because if so then bravo
great job OP
Can you please upload it to
25% slower
awesome job to everyone that participated. This one was fun as hell.
Is there an album of them all available?
481 I think he said?
No OP, i want to thank you
it was my first time doing this collage thing, and i had lots of fun.
Something pertaining to SMTV.
thanks collage user, it's been a honor posting squills with you all
Man how far we've come.
No More Heroes 3
here's 2016
I don't have the road to e3s though so it would be great if you would post them
Amazing work user!
H A P P Y E 3 1 9 E V E R Y O N E
I love you all!
good shit op
OP, wonderful job but please give the PNG, Imgur compresses way too much.
Looks great and thank you OP
993 with a large margin of error, not sure of the exact number
That was the number of layers on the document
Chrono Break, of course.
Let's get the previous years in here to see how far we've come lads. (I just want them so I can save them)
beyond based
Great work, user.
Now drop every single one of those bad boys so I can a shitty collage video
Good night and farewell
Whoever did Mike Jones they are awesomer
I fucking love video games
>that Vivi
To the user who drew that, thank you
Always makes me happy to see the best FF character included in things
Oh well, i didn't make it to submit my squilliam but at least i made it in the voyager we did guys. This collage looks amazing desu, great job everybody. Hope i can submit mine on time next year tho.
Perfect, thank you.
Does anyone have the GIF for this year? I missed out all of it this time.
Thread Theme
'tis a masterpiece
I hope Capcom announces the "surprising" fighting game they have been working on
Thanks, OP.
lurk more
Good job, everyone. Here's to a hopefully good E3.
they're all here
Ultimate's theme is really cringe
I hope this E3 is video games
What's the best site to dump nearly 1000 images on?
A sequel to the best first person game of all time
Shouldn't Billy have a halo, too?
made me chuckle. great job user
Ah, thanks, I'm a blind bat I guess.
Redditards don't create OC, they just steal it for upvotes.
either the the confirmation or deconfirmation of erdrick this board will be in flames either way
Did Gary Larson get in?
Mother Remake
Some revivals, mostly.
Oh yeah, and also maybe that teased Def Jam game.
What's everyone favourite sections of the collage? I like the Death Stranding baby tower
>5 fucking years
(You) me please whenever you post, im planning on making a vid
I assume mega. Doesn't have to be now, it might take me a couple of days to make the video anyway
>Parasite Eve 3
but that exists, user-kun :^) GOD I WANT A SEQUEL SO FUCKING BAD
I like the e3 2018 version better.
I was that one person who was looking fowrad to the PC show until they announced Epic's sponsoring it. Now I guess I'm just looking forward to Nintendo and some multiplats from Xbox. If Bethesda has an Arkane game then that'll be exciting too.
please make it the Mr. Blue Sky meme
Next gen and Dino Crisis
When e3 ends im gonna make a collage of us going home
Why did Squilliam edits take off but Gundam edits didn't?
Next year we should have a bottom section of people sticking their palms out or something like that
geno getting revealed
screencap this
god it sounds so much better
One day F-Zero bros.
One day we'll go home.
CollageOP, thank you so much for putting in the work for this. Let's hope this is an E3 worthy of this effort.
How would people even react to the announcement of a new Chrono game? I can't even imagine the scenario at this point.
Because Gundamfag is a nigger who probably likes Unicorn.
Squilliam pose easier to draw or abstract out, I suppose
Mostly animal crossing stuff since I'm pretty starved for info
Animal Crossing switch news and the next Smash character.
Yeah and Zeta is shit too, but you don't hear me complaining.
>Mine still is in
Happy to be in the 5th years old Squilliam and the last one of the 2010s.
Post the 2015 and 2016 Road to E3 for me. I am missing those.
a smash character that isn't jrpg shit
Thanks OP and have a great E3 as well!
Tremendously Baste!
animal crossing either being amazing or garbage
Aw, hell yeah.
if someone is making a video this would probably be perfect music for it
That would be cool.
>last one of 2010s
>2020 next year
time flies so fast
>Yeah and Zeta is shit too
Fuck off, Fukui/Katoki.
I have zero expectations
>The middle section forms a giant 'V'
Smash DLC!
I love playing smash with friends and family
Nah, you misunderstand. 0079 is the only good Gundam.
anyone can see lil robin? I can't find her, she was submitted on time
>1990 will soon be 30 years ago
Ah shit. Is there any Nuclear Throne in this pic?
Bottom right next to the text post
Where's a good place to watch them E3 streams?? v4c is trash
asked what music should be used last thread and like 10 people said devil trigger
>Road to E3
>Squilliam anticipating E3
Why don't we make one where they're AT E3?
Like pic related but with vidya
The OG, I think.
I take it back, this is the best squilliam out there
The shitposting. This year looks pretty dead, didn't even make a report card.
Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums dumbass
Because as soon as E3 starts everyone stops being excited
Its over folks
Post all the squilliams you made
Talk about diving into the deep end! This is art, Yea Forumsllage-rad. And I can't give anything but a (you) to thank you for your service. Godspeed!
Music's Music. Question is: DO YOU DANCE?
You could try setting that up. I would take part.
this collage's composition is GODLIKE, props to OP
>Going the extra mile to add Stephen Hillenburg
God Bless you OP, you're a saint. This was a fun to see come together
On the pipe dream side of things, I'm still holding out hope for Metroid Prime 4, and a Xenoblade X port or X2 announcement.
On the realistic side, I'm hype for smashfag stuff and Astral Chain news.
I'm curious about the new Kirby project HAL is working on too.
Squilliam is them at e3,where they have a heart attack at the show
found it
>Tfw David Bowie is not around to see based Microsoft dominate E3 2019
There is one, but no bingo so far
That song is nice but personally I think Devil Trigger is better for a video representing this E3 too, represents vidya more
Let's See How Far We've Come is more for like a retrospective of every year up to now
Here's all mine
>all Mega Mans + Protoman + Bass at the bottom
>the Regis in the lower-middle left
>sad Golden Sun corner in the lower left
>Spongebob looking directly at Hillenberg from behind the 3 in E3
>that one section in the lower-middle right with a bunch of Jevils
>all of the Baba Squilliams
Everyone did a great job, these are just my favorite parts of it
My favorite individual Squilliams are probably the Light Warriors, TGT Rob, Burning Mr. Mime, Pizza Tower Peppino, Terry Bogard, the "Pokemon creatures" bed kid, and DQXI Veronica, and even then that's barely scratching the surface
Like I said, there's way too many good ones this year. It's going to be hard as fuck to top in 2020
today op was not a faggot
>Doom Eternal
>Smash DLC
>Elder Scrolls 5 maybe
>Dennaton's next game
>Halo Infinite
>New Rayman (please)
>Beyond Good and Evil 2
>That Godzilla fighting game from that one leak
Post yfw Microsoft wins.
another user said he was gonna do the video so it's up to him to put in the bangers
i suggest this
L4D survivors
sounds fun
>rabid Pasadena at the bottom.
Thanks for keeping my waifu, bros.
I've been mostly disconected from the vidya world this year so i'm as neutral as neutral can be. Guess this is the best way to be since basicaly anything would be gravy for me.
should have made big norm aswell
Killer instinct
and whatever retro is making
if i get at least two of those i will be happy
nice idea
but you should start as soon asap
fucking lol
it'd be their 3rd year in a row
Let's fill it up since nobody made one yet
Let's jump to bingo time
zoomers and nu-game journos alike would lurk for at least 2 hours before freaking out about it
All of those are 10/10 additions nice job
Plus the Slowbro is godlike
We didn't deserve OP
Based collage user, thanks for the amazing work
I love everything about this video, fucking kek.
We got gamed from the start
You're an alright guy, OP.
Hopefully more anons will finish their report cards now that the collage is finished. The last report card thread died with less than 70 posts
Add assman to next years E3 in the center
I'm trying to find a pic that works,
I was thinking of an empty theater but then I realized if the seats are empty then all the cushions are upright. Pls Halp
ILL CONTRIBUTE NEXT YEAR I SWEAARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last years submission.
there's a follow-up to this as well
Imagine not getting you pic added to it
About time it was finished. Thank you OP.
I remember when people uttered that sentence during that Kung-fu Panda knock-off stream The ending was literally video games
That was 3 years ago
does anyone here have an E3 schedule for when all the conferences take place? I don't want to miss anything.
haha yeah
Only one I made. I'll make a few more next time
>Tfw been there for all years except the second one.
I shouldn't regret it this strongly yet reality still remains, fuck everything.
Thanks bro
>somebody saved my art
I also made Tyrone and another one which is just an ugly looking sketch i made on my notebook, but they are on a friend's cellphone right now, so i can't post'em.
The shit show of everything. EA's stream is Saturday, so that'll be fun
Also the hope that Microsoft has some fun shit for PC and Nintendo shows some cool shit.
You can do that?
It's a nice art, user. ALWAYS
>Herbet P. Bear
>3 Babas
>Noby Noby Boy
>A Squilliam made of previous collages
How can one collage be so based
>the shellder's knowing expression
literally made the pic
forgot about this one
It's not that bad I knew mine was bad I rushed making it since it was within 30 posts of the end
>you will never fuck minus 8's goomba
If there's a video to be made, use this
Please remember the good times
>mfw my squilliam took over one of buckyfag's spots
Just these two, but they were fun to make. I will definitely be participating again next year
naisu desu
Hope this works
OP's image constists of like a thousand vidya characters and people.
How many of the pictures did you have to edit to fit in well?
thank you collageanon downloading now
>those Madness Combat ones
who is making the video I've seen like 3 people say they're gonna make one
I believe in you user, we'll be waiting for you!
here they are, how'd I do?
Only planned to do 1 or 2 and look how that turned out.
Only one I did.
I love these.
based as fuck
>buckyfag in the folder
I'm glad this was the first year I participated.
For the love of god I hope all this Banjo teasing is for a good reason(s), nearly every other favorite IP of mine came back these past few years (RIP Silent Hills though) and this would just about top it off.
Otherwise just general surprises and good games amid the inevitable cringe.
I'd say like 80% had to be edited in some small way while probably like 25% had to be edited a lot to fit
This is great
Tremendously based OP, now waiting cock in hand for someone to deliver the video.
>his trying to end the drama made more drama
He was really stupid,but at least he learned and apologized.
>buckyfag in folder
still nice to see my Squigly second in line
this has multiple squills like buckyfags in there. would it be too much to ask you to curate the folder and only include those actually in. i really do not want to try scouring over the collage for which ones are actually in.
i plan on starting on and hopefully finishing it tomorrow
Do rosterfags even play Banjo games? also, it only has 2 good games, and Microsoft can't make a good collectathon game
Oh yeah there's gonna be some doubles in there and some that didn't make it into the collage so watch out for them whoever makes the video
The link works
Thanks For the good shit man
Who here did this since the beginning
yeah I'm thinking BASED
>Dante leads the crowd going into E3 2018
>Master Chief and Thrall lead everyone back home in 2019
Do it you magnificent bastard
he learned, and apologized by making more drama. and discord drama at that.
>the ocean prince from my fuckup is still there
goddamn it
There's actually 4 Babas
this one is really great
Oh shit nice
Banjo and Kazooies return
>When you go looking for yours and don't find it
Well I'll get in next year
goddamn it
This was my first year, had a lot of fun.
Have a nice E3, everyone!
/r/ing for someone with lots of autism, and time on their hands to pinpoint which of the squills in the folder arnt in the collage. buckyfag's obviously, the rest i dunno
2018 OP here, just wanted to stop by to say great job from both OP and all the wonderful people who made squilliams (I made the Dante/Demi-Fiend and Sneed squilliams)
And OP, I really liked the way you arranged the squilliams
I have one last thing to say: FUCK BUCKYFAG AND FUCK POSSUMFAG
Each year i'm amazed at how many it ends up being and think "this is it no way there can be more next time around" few times does it feel this good to be this wrong this fuckign often.
Truly glorious.
Fucking hell
I've made some others before, but I couldn't find it. So, here's this year's one
fucking kek
Only two this year, I need to step my game up for next year. I am sure I will remember what I want to do next year.
>mfw it ends up being CvS3 or another crossover game like CFJ, but it's actually good this time.
>Recurring characters from other sagas return for the end.
Oh fugg is this the end of E3? I think i can hear the ending music at distance.
We've already had explicit confirmation that Halo Infinite won't have a br mode though?
SMT V, please bros just give me release date
still the best art of Elena ever, amazing work user
I meant after the discord shit.He did kinda redeem himself in some ways.
Catbox if its 200MiB.
Well thank ye, user.
>watching buckyfag get removed in real time
Holy fucking BASED
Star Wars reaction guy got removed at one point. Also I'm pretty sure that awful warped Earthworm Jim didn't make it.
And the Battletoad.
Nintendo vs Capcom please
Good thing something covers her hair, i fucked up.
>tfw tom jones is in the collage
please god give me something related to terraria's update
the general is so fucking dead it's just horsecocks and calamity
Only if Rash has the bike
>OP removed buckyfag even in archive
Alright I found a decent picture.
This is Yea Forums goes to a theater (a theater that could be described as being very comfortable, a comfy theater if you will) to watch E3.
Draw some dumb shit, tell me what seat you want them in, I will try my best to not fuck something up. By the end we should have a cool collage of vidya characters watching E3
Also I will deal with the bottom row of seats by just cropping that out
Pls be the return of Darkstalkers
Terraria devs confirmed one major content update announcement at E3. Don't worry
Good shit, hope it turns out good. Dropping some music choices
one of my 5 that didn't look like a dumpster fire
Still can't believe my shitty Eikichi made it in. He's easily the worst drawing in the whole thing.
Wait, did the 2018 collage ever get a video?
I fucked up and posted the wrong version and didn't realize it here is what I meant to post
thanks to you too user
Representing Puyo SUN
at least you aren't buckyfag
Some anons say it did but i haven't been able to find it be it lookign on youtube or in the archives themselves.
I'm almost certain it never did, fucking bummer.
Could someone please dump the rest of the missing Squilliam's and RoadToE3's?
Apologies, I'm another "hard drive died" fag
I'm on it
it didnt
Just went through and removed all the ones that didn't make it in
I've waited so long
Glad he has a corner with his brethren.
Well fuck
If it's not too much to ask, can the guy doing the 2019 video do one for the 2018 collage afterwords?
if there's a squilliam thread tomorrow post it there too
could you please point out which earthworm jim?
this goes to everyone btw pic, and/or filename of
>My Patapon got in
Bless your soul collage user
i got the squilliams, someone else will have to do the roadtoe3 though
what are you waiting for? make a thread now.
Guess you're right. God bless, user. Was gonna redeem myself this year and make a better one but didn't have time.
>Extremely efficient no drama collage OP
Yeah, i'm going with based and dash of redpilled in this one.
ignore this
thank you very much collageanon
if i have the time i might do it, but id need all of the squills in it
I love this one. This is the first one in this collage I've made.
Here's 2017. Which ones haven't been posted yet?
I'm pretty shit, desu. I'm hoping I can become better at drawing.
how did I not notice this one?
Don't know about the filename but I was talking about the one that was an already-existing render lazily edited to resemble the Squilliam pose
To the user thats doing the video,
is there an album or mega with all the fininshed collages?
I can help, you have great taste btw.
>You're all fucking Redditors. Talk about video games
talking about video games is reddit you dumbass
>tfw this feels like yesterday
How far we've come
Explain bucky to me, i dont visit drawthreads often.
and 2018.
road to e3 2018, and 19
>Hitler out of nowhere
it was a different time
thats probably a good idea, thanks nigs
Banjo getting revealed thanks to BASED NEDRY
>Gaben in the collage
We were still so naive.
That's all of the Squilliam's including the ones I replied to and the OP, thanks fellas.
I'm pretty sure this is the finished road to 2018
Postin mine
long story short.
avatarfag showed up and caused a ruckus. then Yea Forums figured out that he made a kirby fanfic and was a giant faggot on twitter
he's in this years but drawn!ewwmQCba!YTVxHEpD0iwy7f8_547LGbWzsN1rB8QH7X9gcDcvftA
Here's a mega of every squilliam + the .psd
>long story short.
>avatarfag showed up and caused a ruckus. then Yea Forums figured out that he made a kirby fanfic and was a giant faggot on twitter
Ah so a faggot trying to attentionwhore, alright then.
Just the usual shit.
in short, tried to get a forced meme into the collage. He apologised but kept coming back and starting shit
thread theme
Straightest OP ever
and here's 2019
Godspeed user, If you can give us an update around 3PM EST that would be much appreciated
Link the thread btw
This guy i made can be floating or in a chair,idc hes just a really shit drawing i made.
Man, there was a lot of ARMS ones in 2017.
assuming this is 2018? do you know if its curated or do i gotta check
Not just any Kirby fanfic, an erotic Kirby fanfic.
>that filename
>that drawing
Sorry I didn't make the thread right away, I was doin something stupid
Great job, user. I'm happy I could participate this year.
He wasn't the one who wrote that Kirby fanfic. You saw how he responded to us right? Lowercase I's in the middle of his sentences.
Stupid phoneposter posted stupid phoneposter meme and when people started calling him out he posted a KYM page in defense of the shitty bucky meme where we saw the dumbass defending it in the comments and found his gay twitter and everybody started mocking him
This is Bucky. He was made by an underage kid to try and be the next pepe/wojak. In order to accomplish this, he tried time and time again to force the character, only for barely anyone to care. During the creation of this collage, he tried to get Bucky in the picture, and succeeded for a while, until a heroic poster with a deformed Squidward head as the image pointed out he was an avatarfag. Buckyfag tried to tell people that he was a meme by linking to a Know Your Meme page that was blatantly made by him. Through this, people found his Twitter, revealing him to a be a gay furry Redditor who wants Steve in Smash, and found a bizarre Kirby fanfiction involving lots of rape called "Caught in Your Web" that he had linked on his page. People assumed he made it (he didn't but that doesn't matter), and in an attempt to disprove this, he started posting chats he had with other people debating their religious views. It was a magical time.
Why so compressed? Is there a bigger one?
Yes it's 2018, it has every squilliam that was used but there are a few duplicates
The non-squilliam pics in there are the faces used in the middle
Gundamfag is a nigger who uses bots to try and force a shitty meme. Squilliam will always be better, and I always report Unicornnigger's threads for ban evasion whenever I see them
Forced a shit meme
It got removed but people wanted his other stuff removed(unclarified why)
He sperged out
Everyone else then spergs out
Its a shit show
He apologized because the meme was shit and he drew it on a request(unprovable that it is a request)
He did not write any fanfic but reposted one for shock value
God speed user. You've done real good.
Until next year you fucking crazy bastard.
I'll bully a weak willed user into sucking your dick if you make both videos based video user.
God bless all the E3anons and collagefriends through the years
alright thanks. ill see if i can do it after this year's, but no garuntees
Does anyone have a Hi-Res Ver of other squilliam collage from previous years + road to e3?
based. thank you for your hard work
shellder takes this from an 10/10 to a 20/10
>green wojack
I don't see your bitch ass in the twitter threads. Go fuck yourself pretender
At least buckyfag didn't make it onto the main collab and the Road to E3
Wait, why is Senjougahara there?
Been making a Samurai Goroh one since 2017, but I was feeling decently productive this year.
that's why it got trashed
I think you won user
These are great
too based
Nice work man.
Could someone remember which year it was when the collage splintered into a hyper autistic war of anime or no anime factions? Was it last year?
someone makes a new general e3 thread, or just use after this one dies. ill be taking song requests, and maybe an update or two before the nights over
I've been here every year, something autistic happens every time but I'd have to guess 2017.
>2018 and 2019 both had mr.gimmick
absolutely based
lmao he actually got into something
If you decide not to tackle both of them I'll do one. Good luck with them though, thanks for doing this.
love the pinball space cadet
probably every year
Thankyou so much. I feel like I'm part of something.
The real video games truly was...the friends we made along the way
Nice ones, maybe next year you should make a Blood Falcon Squilliam
reposting what I said.
I think it would be better if you compile them during E3 since everyone's burned out by Squilliam collage. It's even better since there will be new drawings and meme material with E3 2019. Save it, OP
good shit OP, good shit
What ever happened to Gundam user? I miss him dearly.
Bless you user, and the other user that drew the Majima squilliam for me.
All you fucking magnificent bastards, have a great E3 (even if it's shit)
All of these are fucking great
Thank you, OP
Your wii was was hilarious, good job
Did buddha get in?
this is important
>Gundam user went MIA
>New guy posting Star Wars reaction guy in every thread
assuming youre reffering to the theater thing, or the collage video? the former isnt me, i just linked to it because i saw it in this thread
It's kinda upsetting to look at now
theater thing. My bad
Yup! I'm glad to have contributed to this giant ass collage, even if all I had to do was do a shitty crop from one single frame of the video.
all good. i just want to be available for song ideas without dedicating a thread to myself
Do you have a youtube channel I can subscribe to?
Well I'm going to sleep now guys, glad everyone likes it
Here's a quick progress gif I made
See ya
Keep this and use it as the first post for next years collage.
Make sure to sound excited to be part of 2019's E3 line up!
only after i finish making the video :^)
today op was not a faggor
good shit
thanks for being based
Yea Forums coming together for things like this is always a treat. Brings out the best of this board
Thank you OP
May sweet victories and good games come your way!
Every year, and while anime games are ok literal anime characters are not.
based golem
Good night OP, may you have a pleasing wank before going to sleep.
God bless you, OP
Did the meet n fuck user end up making one?
Thanks dudes.
I'll definitely give him a shot next year. The one true Falcon could use some love.
Thank you so much OP.
2017 and it was my fault for submitting pic related goku and gohan
It's been a while since I've heard anything from this, but has anyone ever added Lady and Trish to the official Devil Trigger gif after their reveals?
SMTV that will play like IV A but has the battle camera like nocturne.
FF7R to not be shit and have a multi port release after exclusivity ends on xbox and pc also more combat details.
KH3 DLC to bring back radiant garden and have a coliseum/cavern of rememberance area.
New Nier game.
Just Cause 5 that goes back to 2/3 gameplay wise.
Mario Maker 2 has more stuff than what is already revealed.
Megaman Battle Network Legacy Collection for PC and Consoles with the unreleased remake of BN1.
New Yugioh game for all consoles.
Paper Mario HD Collection with TTYD and SPM bundled together on the switch.
Final Fantasy XVI reveal.
This all of the R2E3's? Wasn't there one where the train flew by the sun?
I see mr video games, did Dr hazmat make it on the collage?
never got updated sadly
>tfw made it in with candlejack
Feels go
bottom left
The fucking imgur pic is even shittier quality. What games are you playing OP.
May life give you the greatest lemons OP. Rest easy.
Also games is an avatar
there was a larger one in the last thread
Dr.hazmat is based but games is an avatard
This is very good I hope thread isn’t dead by the time I say this and I hope you see it
At least not an autistic and shitty one. The initial threads were great
Pikmin fucking 4.
enjoy your pikmin 3 switch port
Atleast those 2 are somewhat videogame related.
Thanks. Nice to see Pepino from Pizza Tower on the bottom left too
Alright fine you earned it
I should participate in this next year. I'll probably add some a rouguelike character or that guy on the cover of Phalanx just because it'd be funny.
I see you, thanks family.
Why the Spongebob moment with Squilliam? Just curious
Holy crap, that's some Kubrick levels of subtlety.
Fucking based
Yeah, I see this going for the next year
Man no matter how bad this place gets it still filled with the bastards I know and love
Kill yourself
Doesn't matter. Had fun.
Honestly surprise no one drew Sonia Thiccums
>janitors deleted the gundam thread
This is a special night. Way to ruin the moment.
Metalgreymon, Gatomon, Ranamon, Tentomon, Scylla and the Liar Princess
Good idea
>No Neptunia
Goodbye forever anons. Row Row fight the power
>all those competent drawings
and yet we're still stuck spamming wojaks
i draw meme comics sometimes user, i promise
I always see them here, in the pinned thread
Yea Forums is fucking packed with talented people. They just don't give enough of a fuck to do shit with it
Sleep well, OP. Stay Based
I wish I contributed more to this year's collage than last years. I did like 5 or 6 last year but this year I only did 2.
Can anyone tell me where this one is?
>A deals a deal
Man, that shit really was forced, I don't get why it was even in this.
Hey man. Good luck out there.
fucking legendary
This one is shit. There's random anime characters when it's supposed to be Yea Forumsidya
What purpose?
Here's Starman
Competent? man i fucking suck but i put effort on it, like 5 hours in GIMP between 9PM to 2AM for a 400x400 drawing.
I submitted Sneed's Feed and Seed as a joke, thinking it wouldn't get in.
Has anyone listed all the franchises referenced yet?
That one was the troll one, even done before time.
See for the real one.
There's an unfinished Pastebin here