Team Protoman or Team Colonel?

So I decided to go back to play and finish the MMBN games I haven't yet. Usually I have not much problem with picking which version to play but this time I cant decide

>Prefer Protoman over Colonel
>Colonel's team's 10x time better with more cooler navis


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Other urls found in this thread:!J7QSFBTQ!lfXvE_3q19WFUSRdWdJI4MaHPvJ9XeAP3aqRDfGatZ8!ILZ3iBwJ!C98nQG-BawMIUy6BaPkk6A!wbZzxLQJ!ikICMacD7xS13zeC4hk_IQ!NyQDSSiS!NifzgQfZuJm4Xr8PCe5VcoaXUhXPvdSNnYVe8uOklx8!16BiVD4Q!A6pFKEYF09YzBlLq2gCWMXnZ9K0G_YGxInHX6dK7nCI!NrhkSKzC!H00ruF1ljTEi1gyrQMJwW3tYPDGAGNfuVUkT_XB1u9o!G8VjXSjY!HigLekH1YRxozZQwgsu7EA!pr5FVKCK!u7lZLlYxa72s8PUcDTicdg!1lkgnKgD!iGdGMLzQ73aWYH3eHgcSS8uzOKG0b8P9jipTbf7ZM3M

protoman is in every fucking game
play colonel, his dudes are cooler

Double Team on DS

I want to play the gba only

how could you say no to this absolute chad of a navi

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Just play Colonel, It's the canon version anyway, also the crosses you get are vastly superior than those of Protoman's.
Some people still prefer the GBA version because of the chiptunes.

I guess I will end up playing colonel then. Honestly Protoman's team is very lame in comparison

You do kinda still pick one version to play within DT, but i guess you could have him play Protoman and use the swap system to get the cooler team mates.

Consider the fact that Team Colonel was made a few months after Team Protoman launched, and it all comes together.
It even has an extra cutscene over TP.

Protoman best man

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Not in BN4 or 5 he isn't.

If you had asked me at launch, I would say Protoman.
However, 6 basically assumes you played Colonel since Colonel is a major character and the characters act like they know him well even if he's basically a cameo in Team Protoman.

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Blue Moon - Team Colonel - Cybeast Falzar
Red Sun - Team Protoman - Cybeast Gregar


>protoman is in every fucking game
Isn't that a plus, since he's been connected to the game since BN1? Colonel just feels like he shows up out of fucking nowhere

Yeah, Six's plot doesn't make much sense if you only played Team Protoman

Absolutely not.
Red Sun - Team Colonel, Cybeast Gregar.

Colonel gets a proper introduction in Team Colonel.
But if you played Team Protoman, and then play 6, then it really does feel like he shows up out of nowhere.

Searchman was in Red Sun and Team Protoman.
Aquaman was in Blue Moon and Falzar.
You are objectively wrong.

>not picking this chad

Attached: TomahawkEXE.jpg (371x655, 36K)

Also Tomahawk is in Colonel and Falzar.

Oh, are you trying to piece them together chronologically? Should've said so!
If you wanna push if further, then Tomahawkman is in Colonel and Falzar, and Numberman is in Blue Moon and Colonel.
But really, it's just about choosing which games has the Navis you like.

Colonel is canon and has the better souls. Protoman has motherfucking Protoman. Do as you will.

Yes, but imagine being 10 and walking into Gamestop, seeing both versions for sale. After playing the other games and taking into account all that you know about Protoman(that he has a sword, he's fucking rad, and he's a bitch to fight), who would willingly choose the other dude?

You have a good point there.

I would have been that kid, but I had already played X4.

Play Protoman, Chaud is best bro

Falzar > Gregar
AquaBreak for life.

Play both. Team Colonel is probably the canon version, though, since it has better written scenarios and has more plot related scenes that lead into BN6 better.

Luna is a bitch.

This, desu.

AquaMan and TomahawkMan are in the Blue Moon games. SearchMan is in the Red Sun games.

While true, this isn't a Starforce thread.

Oh? I thought BN and SF threads were cool with people talking about the other series in them.
If I'm mistaken, then my bad.

>The chad known as Gyroman
Best team

>all of Charlie and GyroMan's scenes
>they try to come across as menacing
>when Charlie is a goofy ass looking pilot and GyroMan literally is an Autobot

Made more sense with ShadowMan, desu.

good thing theres an undub


Searchman was based af in BN4 (and the anime), having him and Protoman on the same team makes it a no-brainer

SearchMan was a shithead in BN4 that kept shooting at you for no reason. And Laika punches Lan in the gut just because.

Cool design and Soul, though.

Bad. Very bad. Meddy is godawful in combat and her perks are terrible, especially because her charged shot has a limited range, so enemy viruses can stall out and make you fail liberations.

Generally good. Hits rapid fire, so speedy enemies he works poorly on because they'll only take 1-2 hits before evading.

Fucking A-tier. I just wish his charge shot was Longsword instead of Widesword, because he can suffer the same fate as Meddy with viruses evading if you get a shitty chip hand and are forced to rely on charge shots. His shield reflector is great for counteracting this though.

>The chad known as Gyroman
Really fucking good. Hits best at long range, but due to his mobility can end up swarmed and fails in close range.

You also forgot to mention the MVP Napalmman and the underrated tank that is Magnetman. Napalmman is fucking amazing and he kills in liberations.

They're supposed to be jerks; they're from the game equivalent of Russia

How would you say Colonel's Navis compare?

guy's a fucking dick, and so is his netop.
and I honestly did not care for his soul's unique ability. "but you can search for chips you want!" fuck off, I build my folders in a way that I can always play with the hand I'm dealt.

>there are only two characters from Sharo
>the friendly one beats the shit out of Lan
>the unfriendly one commits an act of terrorism because he can't be fucked to take off his parka

You may be right.

Unfortunately, I can't say. I never played Colonel, because like described I was a kid that never played the X series and so wanted to play as the superboss Protoman that I had so much trouble fighting against in previous games.

>Stuck with V1 viruses all game
>Start postgame to release V2 viruses
>Get further in postgame to release V3 viruses

what the fuck were they thinking

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Literally me, I walked into gamestop and went "who the fuck is colonel" and walked out with team protoman in my hands

dude, numberman saved me a ton of times with those rolls

The Nebula games were as dumb as the villains.

Regal did nothing wrong.

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They had a winning formula with BN2/BN3, what made them think players would want to replay the game 3 times?

Sure he did. he appeared in BN4. that LP series was great, shame the original images of the first few were lost to the void, but at least the most interesting one was reconstituted and archived well enough.

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>tfw a 12vulcan with +10+10+10+10+10

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You can only slot in five chips. Why are you talking as if you'd slotted in six? And why aren't you using your +30? Wtf is wrong with you?

>tfw the only way to play mmbn pvp is a bunch of convoluted shit on emulator

Not the guy you replied to but
Good support since him and the allies around him take no damage at all outside of combat, but playing as him limits you a lot since his range is poor

Very Hit or Miss, his RNG/HP based attacks can either anihilate everything or do shit damage. Requires mastering but he's not bad

Great since his V sword can pass block panels so he has long range but his liberation skill thing isn't very good.

Alright, his charge attack is longsword so he'sdecent in combat, but he has too little HP, not very different from gyroman except he has less range.

Decent but compared to Meddy he's way better, his paralyzing charged attack is actually pretty good.

He's fucking crazy good, his charge attack is a 3x2 axe swing that does a good amount of damage.

I haven't played in a while so I don't remember more details but overall team colonel is much more fun IMO.

I was exaggerating friend, but I think you can get +10 damage bonuses with the number soul? Outside of the regular chips of course.

iirc numbersoul is +10 to null chips

Honestly, don't remember. Maybe it's time I give the game another run through.

Oh, well then. Super Vulcan, +30, +10, +10, +10, NumberSoul's +10


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At that point you could just talk about BN6 and go:
>*Draws Vulcan*
>nuffin persunell
>*Presses Beast Out button*
Since it has +30 as standard.

Oh, how i loved the "I WIN" button.

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[laughs in super armor]

Yes Toadman is superior, but where is the waifu factor?

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Toad man's waifu factor is Ribbita

Meddy's annoyance and terrible combat ability killed any like I had for her. When I open a battle and fail the liberation because her attacks won't reach I get mad.

Also her pants are stupid, while Roll gets a skintight spandex suit.

OP, here it's my favorite Navi ever from EXE series. No wonder I would be in doubt.
Also didn't expect this thread to be still up

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In the operator, and if we take those into account we can't forget Cream.

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user you don't have to do this

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Yea Forums fucking loves MMBN, i love how close to reality it ended up predicting with the CAPCOM SCIENCE.

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I abused the fuck outta the game with my gyro soul folder, seaseed and tornado just shits out so much damage

Alright then. If you say so.

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internet connected toilets

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Monitor water usage

damn i love battle network npc girls


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>Need to manually load the dishwasher.
>Once you're done loading it there's no reason not to just start running it right then and there when you have direct access to the dishwasher interface.

I don't understand.

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That's a surprise. I always assumed that the series got so many hate in the fandom and was contantly accused of "ruining megaman"

Posting for posterity!

>Battle Network and Starforce!J7QSFBTQ!lfXvE_3q19WFUSRdWdJI4MaHPvJ9XeAP3aqRDfGatZ8
>.cia file versions!ILZ3iBwJ!C98nQG-BawMIUy6BaPkk6A

>Star Force .nds!wbZzxLQJ!ikICMacD7xS13zeC4hk_IQ

>Rockman.EXE 15th Anniversary Sound Arrange Best Tracks!NyQDSSiS!NifzgQfZuJm4Xr8PCe5VcoaXUhXPvdSNnYVe8uOklx8

>The original Boktai trilogy patched and shit!16BiVD4Q!A6pFKEYF09YzBlLq2gCWMXnZ9K0G_YGxInHX6dK7nCI

>The manga version of the Crossover Battle. Django vs Rockman!!NrhkSKzC!H00ruF1ljTEi1gyrQMJwW3tYPDGAGNfuVUkT_XB1u9o

>Megaman Art Books!G8VjXSjY!HigLekH1YRxozZQwgsu7EA

>Gregar patched

>Rockman EXE: Operate Shooting Star (English Patched) DS ROM


>Shanghai.EXE V.0502e13 /jp/ Translation!1lkgnKgD!iGdGMLzQ73aWYH3eHgcSS8uzOKG0b8P9jipTbf7ZM3M
>Shanghai.EXE GoogleDoc (Maps, item locations, etc)

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I still believe the BNverse is some sort of dystopian hell with how almost everything depends on Navis to work and how fucking easy it is to hack on stuff and make them go haywire. They have a fucking enviromental prevention system that stops the fucking planet from murdering everyone with natural disasters, for god's sake.

Fuck that, BN is awesome.
And it's not like Capcom was neglecting to make platformer Mega Mans since MMZ was being developed alongside Battle Network.

>They have a fucking enviromental prevention system that stops the fucking planet from murdering everyone with natural disasters, for god's sake.

It's easy to point at their dumb shit and laugh, but I fear we might be taking the "internet of things" stuff a little too far ourselves. That could be us in another 50 years

BN2, the FreezeMan mission, he freezes the whole net which causes a special system they use to prevent natural disasters to stop working, causing earthquakes, tidal waves and strong UV radiation in the different cities of the game. Their whole world is at one single Navi wrecking shit from complete anihilation.

>tfw as a kid called him "Collonell" because I was retarded
>still read Team Colonel mentally as Team Collonell because it was so ingrained in my brain

Because we can.

There was a split when BN was "active", but that cooled down around when SF2, the whole MEGA MAN IS FUCKING DEAD period helped cool heads on most fronts too since it is pretty clear in hindsight there was no real "competition" over resources since we got BN and Zero basically side by side consistently through the whole GBA lifespan on top of other stuff, and both got their Sequel series on the DS.

And you know Xover united everyone in their hate of Mobage instead.

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Story wise its Colonel since 6 starts out as if you already knew him.

>Implying that in 20 years some random schmuck from a laotian cooking forum won't hack a drone and kill everyone who calls his waifu shit


We're talking about a Japanese game so...

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BN then: Fun Saturday Morning Cartoon with Silly Scenarios.
BN now: Scathing sociopolitical commentary about the dangers of the addiction of technology and how DUMB people can get with it even when it is superfluous.

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>"Collonell, stop the coop now!"

Anyone not larping at a dumbass 10 year old.

Blue - Colonel - Gregar because they are the trio of superior versions

What I want to know is how humanity phased out Navis the way they did after 200 years
Shit, it seems like they somehow managed to phase out the entire internet, but at the same time haven't. I don't get it at all.

Protoman cause Meddy

I "like" Red Sun better because you finally get to fight Roll.

Very drawing out the meaning of "Like" there for the record, shame we never got a Glyde fight.

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Glide was the most useless piece of shit in the entire series.

>Be around since the very first game.
>Be one of the main character's friend's navis, so he's always around instead of one of the one-and-done scenario guys.
>Never, EVER does anything of importance throughout the entire series.

It's kind of impressive.

Mami was pretty cute though

Unironically Lan making the world know his name.

Not like "The Waveroad" was that much different from the Net and there were vestigial super-specialized Navis around in SF1, so i assume it was a straight upgrade and then obfuscating things for the average dumb user/budding net-terrorist and give them SOCIAL MEDIA (Brotherband) to distract themselves with.

SF2 and 3 basically had *NEW* Navi Equivalents, so i gonna assume Lan Blackboxed the shit out of his improved shit people jumped on immedietly because that is what BN People do and it just started to get cracked enough new people could work on it when SF starts.


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I like his Legends counter-part much more.

> bought double team for nds
> dropped after listening to VO for 5 minutes
Who thought that adding VO is a good idea?

It doesn't matter because the all that internet usage rotted the villains' brains. If Wily was actually smart, he would have just went poking around in some high ranking government servers for blackmail material. Instead he builds some full retard doomsday base that was so flimsy that it could be taken down by a single boy and his navi

i liked the liberation missions

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>Instead he builds some full retard doomsday base that was so flimsy that it could be taken down by a single boy and his navi

That's the whole Megaman series in a nutshell.

Sticks out here only because this Wily is supposed to be an expert in network technology, and he still acts like classic Wily anyway

You can take Wily out of the Timeline, but you can't take the Timeline out of the Wily.

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The versions were staggered on japanese release, with Protoman coming first and then Colonel releasing about 3 months later.

Dunno why.


Rate my chip folder.

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Looks like mine in my playthrough of BN3.
>Omega cracks tiles
>have a super unga swordchip deck without a single PA even though I know I could probably at least what, LifeSwd
lol oops


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SF2, I'm noticing, is a lot harder than 1 was, and not in a fun way. The problem I've been running into is that there are many enemies that go at turbo speed, only staying still for half a second or so, and unlike with the first game, I just don't feel like I have the cards I need to deal with that. I've been brute forcing my way through with lucky shots. What kind of folder should I be building to deal with these bastards, particularly for boss types like Ophiuca that guard and spam waves of attack-blocking projectiles?

It's better than BN4 which only gives you V1 Viruses on your first playthrough, V2 on your second and V3 on your third. Here it's staggered in a way that is better for 'progression' i guess. Also since there's EX viruses to find which I suppose you could call "x.5" viruses, it follows a more natural flow.

>Mettuar: 40 HP
>Mettuar EX: 70 HP
>Mettuar 2: 100 HP
>Mettuar 2 EX: 130 HP
>Mettuar 3: 200 HP
>Mettuar 3 EX: 300 HP

And 3 EX enemies are justifiably kind of scary because they can hit you for 200-300 HP instead of 10

>Roll fought literally only once ever
>Harp Note took a passive role in SF but was fightable
>Harp Note took her most active role yet in SF3 and yet she wasn't fightable

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I'm not sure if is capcom writers or devs that hate female characters to a certain degree.

I mean, sometimes feels they are just there for pad the cast.

What is this? A rom hack or a special version of one of the games?

I'm playing MMBN2 for the first time with this bad boy everytime I commute to work

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BN-like with touhou characters

never played it, but its supposed to be really good

whip out those wave command cards

You can overwrite your (up to) 10 blank cards with OP shit. There's a booster that gives you shit like +900 HP, +2 in your booster stats and +3 Mega/Giga capacity.

how are you liking bn2 so far?
shanghai is great. i legitimately didnt even know what touhou was until Shanghai.EXE got brought up for the first time here, and to this day ive never played an actual touhou game. i loved the battle network series, namely 2, 3 and 6, and Shanghai.EXE really feels like a BN7, in the best possible way. it's really well made

it's a ground-up Battle network game with Touhou characters (which you can rightfully enjoy without knowing shit about touhou)

What I personally enjoy is the element system. It bumps the elements up from 4 to 6 (adding in Earth and Poison) and each element has 2 weaknesses/advantages. Fire is weak to Water and Earth for example, but strong against Wood and Poison.

Don't forget, permanent Tribe King, at least i recall that being a thing and it basically killing the online right from release.

yeah, letting you tribe king with the wave command cards online was ultra shitty

Why don't more people steal BN's battle system? The only thing I've ever seen it in *poorly) is that game made by the crazy tranny that runs for congress.

I find it interesting how consistently people view this series. Almost everyone will pick 3 or 6 for their top game and they're usually seen as close together in quality. Then 2, and then we have the only real split on whether or not 5 is a good game. Everyone agrees that 4 is trash and that 1 is a flawed prototype, later refined. Most other series, people are full of disagreement over how to rank the games.

>crazy tranny that runs for congress
wait what

To be fair it's a kind of battle system you can't reproduce without it 1) being a ripoff entirely or 2) being an homage I guess or 3) being shit

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I played/replayed them all a few years and that really is the case. three had some pretty shit parts though like wandering the whole net looking for fire to put out, but I'll never not consider it my favorite game because it was my first

Revolution 60 was like, a smelly BN clone except you move slow, you have a 2s cooldown on attacking and AoEs aren't actually telegraphed to you until they're happening (Got a guy throwing a grenade that blows up in a 2x2? Well good luck predicting that)

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which BN game (that isn't 4) should i play first? I played BN 4 long ago, never finished it cause i got stuck. I was supposed to jack in to some wall, can't remember, but even with walkthroughs I couldn't figure out why the game wouldn't let me jack in. I'm not playing that shit

just to nitpick a bit but i do see a lot of votes for 2 being the best, but yeah you're absolutely right in that 2, 3, and 6 definitely seem to be consistently the top three BN games. 4 is actually not too horrible on the very first playthrough but it just gets so stale so fast right after you beat duo the first time, if you werent already sick of doing random shitty jobs for dumb idiots twice already just so they can play you in the tournament
i personally hate 5 because it was even more monotonous than 4. the liberation missions were fun like first like two or three times i did them but i found them very annoying very fast. the game is probably at least decent if you dont hate liberation missions
they really did a great job with bn6 though
also 3 definitely has the best post-game out of all of them. the game is fun even before you beat alpha, with the only low point noticeably being putting out those god damn netfires, but there is SO much content after beating alpha for the first time and its amazing

4 is fucking trash. Just play 2, 3, 6.

BN1 is almost skippable, even the DS port didn't do much to imprrove the actual game. It's extremely easy to cheese, since your chip capacity per deck was like, 10, so you can fill it with just 3 different chips.
BN2 and 3 are arguably the peak of the series.
BN4 is poop and requires multiple playtthroughs just for basic chips
BN5 is okay, an improvementt on 4 but still not amazing
BN6 is pretty gud

You could mess with 1 or 2 or just skip to the best, 3 blue version. It'd be hard going back though.

2 or 3
2 is pretty hard, and 3 has a couple annoying parts but both games are great. the first actually hard fight in bn3 is Bass, and hes the second last boss in the game, but the game does get much harder and there is a ton of stuff to do after the first time you beat the game

only casuals use Foldrbak

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The only stinky part about 3 is it requires cross game functionality for 100% completion, but if you download the Wii U E-shop version ROM of BN3 (or any BN for that matter), you're automatically given anything that's cross-game/network exclusive by using the Network button

Any chips that are earned solely from doing multiplayer battles is given to you. Mist/Bowlman chips in BN3 are given to you, opposite version megas are given to you in 4-6, etc. I think they even give you event only chips and in BN5's case even unlocks the OP Bass Cross forms if you desire. That being said I don't think BN6 was 'fixed' ever, as in putting in the butchered content removed in the NA translation, and worse, not turning off the crisis music after you beat the game. But you can fight Protoman FZ

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>not turning off the crisis music after you beat the game
Fuck, this is coming back to me now. Hated how you lost all the overworld music for getting to the end.

Some LEGO game ripped the system off so badly you could actually find BN sprites if you looked into the game data.

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>Games often made prebuilt chip folders the reward for long and sometimes difficult sidequests
>They're all fucking garbage

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ah fuck i forgot about the megachip star. yeah that is annoying
doesnt the crisis music turn off after you beat alpha for the first time? i believe the colour scheme stays the same grey dull shit but i thought the music went back to normal


oh shit im retarded sorry

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Honestly part of it is that it is honestly very clearcut what each game did in relation to eachother.

BN1 was testing waters, 2 and 3 refined escalated, 4 made many sudden changes as the series tried to reinvent itself at the height of popularity, 5 was basically damage control for 4, 6 was basically a final love letter with fanservice stops pulled out because it was the final one.

in BN6 the crisis music is supposed to turn off and go back to regular BGM once you beat the game but the NA version fucked shit up when it was cutting boktai content, which included the crisis music playing forever

hey, BN3 had you try beating navis in a time limit with the shitty premade folders.

it was my fault i didnt read the whole post properly cause im an idiot but thats nice to know
man i loved the time trials i thought that was so much fun

It's just in the NA versions? So do the patches that restore the Boktai stuff fix the crisis music?

I think what it is is more they took the japanese version which isn't fucked up and translated it into english.

But yeah it was only the NA version as a consequence of them fucking with shit.