Got any pokemon hopes for this gen? Like a Billy club or some shit?
Got any pokemon hopes for this gen? Like a Billy club or some shit?
Another cute waifumon so I can dynamax her and have her step on me.
My pp is glad there is fat art of her already
Sonia saying trans rights.
Oh god it's the tranny artist isn't it
pokemon is shit
Have sex
Love this artist!
Shh don't let it slip
a more powerful dynamax transformation where it changes the form of certain pokemon and making them into "giga pokemon" or something and the gen of focus is gen 5 and 6 since mega evolutions dominate 1, 2, 3, and 4 however i think giga transformations will focus on gen 4 pokemon too when the dp remakes happen. (get ready for giga torterra, giga infernape and giga empoleon)
And regiGIGAs
>giga infernape
so what? the character is a female and the drawing is cute, trannys can delude themselves saying thats a man tho
Let's all welcome the newest /trans/ ally!
would suck her dick desu
too bad she actually has a real vagina
nice try OP, you just want a Sonia thread. that cool, I can share
Nah I actually just wanted to shitpost
>those earrings
Being able to romance Hop while playing as a boy.
dam now Nintendo is jewtendo
Don't worry user, I have fixed that terrible art work.
The character was fine but the background was severely lacking and lazy. This is the best I could do on short notice.
I don't know if I should be impressed or sad that you actually put in any amount of work to do that.
Why do trannies latch onto things that have nothing to do with them in an incredibly sad attempt to have any sort of relevancy?
Why don't they try to act like normal people so that others accept them more?
>any amount of work to do that
Like 1 minute of doing that while having a nude pic of her open in the corner of my screen while jacking off. Does that really count as work?
it's not really hard.
just a basic magic wand job.
>giga gigalith
>giga regigigas
>giga wailord
>giga arceus with the highest stats ever in the history of pokemon
Oh no I didn't think it took a lot of work, it was probably easy. It's the fact that you did it that I find confusing. Who are you trying to show off to?
They are literally fucked in the head.
Why do you all care so much? That's the thing that bugs me
You will never be a woman.
We care because our board about video games is getting spammed with this shit
Fuck off
Sonia is just a gateway drug to anglo acceptance, DO NOT interact with sonia posters
>why do you care about something spammed in just about every thread on the board
It's the same reason people tell /pol/ to fuck off.
Who the fuck do you think is spamming it? You're getting false flagged obviously.
It's pol that's posting it
You don't get to call anyone sad when you're trolling the Yea Forumstards epic style by pushing the tranny meme.
>Another cute waifumon
This. But only this
>Got any pokemon hopes for this gen?
Hopefully we'll get some powerful mons from this gen. I liked S/M but none of the new mons bar a dozen were able to affect the meta
Can you guys stop talking about trannies for like 5 minutes? Sane people don't give a shit and are just trying to fap.
She looks like she fucks naturally born men
Not every shitpost is /pol/. It's the same faggots who repost reddit and twitter posts here.
It's the implication of trannies and their symbol being degraded to nothing more than a cheap background and that any retard could draw something better.
A possessed jack in the box pokémon that's like normal/ghost or normal/dark or some shit.
If it has anything to do with society or politics in any way then it's probably pol. Their MO is to divide and conquor
Bitching about society or politics isn't exclusive to /pol/.
But posting the same 40%,13%, and any other fucking trash that ruins the board is.
Scary subtle subliminal tranny messaging
Well then, Guess we better fix the art more.
Lack of appropriate moderation ruins this board. The fact that you can get bait threads to archive after hitting bump limit is absolutely retarded. Shitposting and ban evading are a part of this site and nothing is going to change that but mods and janitors can't even do a fucking consistent job getting rid of the garbage that's posted here.
That I'll agree with, and as much as I want to defend the mods because it's a hight traffic board. They drop the ball consistently and ban shit that is absolutely vidya. I'd kill for a new /vc/ board.