Why does this keep happening?
Why can't remake devs just make the originals but better?
Why does this keep happening?
Why can't remake devs just make the originals but better?
just because the outfit is not the same doesn't mean there is something wrong with the choice
Based blind retard
I litterally don't see anything wromg with the remodel. What's the issue here?
He looks blue now. Half Dunmer?
what is this for, exactly? skywind?
It's the same?
people like you will get the gas chambers right along side the juden
It's just the lightning his hands look normal
So basically you want him to be a balding boomer. Boomer taste is so predictable.
It's fanart vs the official card art for Elder Scrolls: Legends
Honestly does anyone else hate updating character models in general? they always look off. I just stick with the originals
>card game
who gives a shit
Looks more like Keanu Reeves to me
Is this build achievable natty?
Right one actually makes him look like a deviant pervert.
The original Morrowind models were a wonky mess in a rare example of something in "OLD GAME GOOD" actually being a technological limitations, combined with a lack of 3D modeling expertise.
The fan art is depicting the result as players would've seen it, implying that Crassius' (and everyone else's) skull shape really was as fucked as the models made them out to be. Some would have you believe that the shitty modelwork was charming and gave the game unique character and dareisayit soul, so in a hypothetical remake they would rather have the mistakes expanded upon to preserve that feeling, rather than ignore and replace them with something that would've been done at the time if the resources were available.
Meanwhile the official card art just depicts him as a generic pervy human with unremarkable features, easily interchangeable with similar characters in other media e.g. you could say it was art of Littlefinger from ASOIAF and everyone would believe you.
would skoomamode be considered natty?
Whats thems pictures from?
>he doesnt like the original models
the best that argonians have ever looked
Oh. So it's fucking nothing.
He looks like someone who would diddle kids
Yeah I hate it most of the time.
Like I'm just supposed to take some random sweaty fuck's "remodel" mod at face value as if they have any artistic merit to begin with. Same goes for texture packs too.
I'm not saying that the devs no best, or they can do no wrong, but they have a team of people making sure that every addition and aesthetic choice fits into the game and looks as "right" as it can be. Some fuck in his basement isn't going to have that.
There's times where I'm pleasantly surprised, but that's not often.
>devs no best
*devs know best
"""Altmer""" according to TESO
literally nothing wrong with the original models
I do like them, I even think that as a general principle remakes should strive to recreate the final game assets rather than the ideas and the concept art that might've existed for them, I just don't deny that they're objectively shit as models often are in old games. But just because they're shit doesn't mean they should be discarded, rather, they should be celebrated and made into the best possible version they could be for the fans of the original, without the tech limitations.
>The art of Caius Cosades doesn't have a single skooma pipe in sight
the argonians in morrowind were cutie pies. they decided to make them really beast like after this game
It's just a fucking human.
i have to admit thats a pretty good drawing though.
Look way better than Skyrim's to be honest.
I'm talking about mods, my dude.
Specifically the ones that claim they make the game "better".
too bad it will be a bad remaster of ww2 gas chambers so I won't die
No, fuck you, TES shouldn't look like a generic MMO under any circumstances
Its just a fucking generic human with pointy ears they couldn't even bother to give her golden skin.
The races literally look better than they do in the single player games.
You're talking about a model replacement for a human. You're bringing up the aesthetic of the game as if replacing the human model with something that looks more human would ruin it.
Don't tell me what I'm talking about.
I'm talking *IN GENERAL* about modders making a game "better" via textures, models, or whatever else, as if they're in a position to make that decision, and they're equipped and capable to actually improve a game. Most of the time textures don't fucking match the game, models are shit and unoptimized, and they don't understand what the fuck they're doing in general or why decisions were made in the first place.
I don't give a fuck about what you're going on about.
ESO is the only way your dumb grognard ass will ever seen Elsweyr,Orsimer or any other niche location that won't get drawn from Todd's hat realised and put into a playable state.
Only because you're some weeb fag who rolls human in every game and can't stand anything that doesn't look "beautiful" people like you are ruining RPGs.
You replied to a post specifically talking about character models. You're not very bright, are you?
I like how Elder Scrolls elves have different bone structure than humans rather than them just being humans with pointy ears.
Makes the elves feel much more alien and different, as they’re meant to be. So fuck you and your shit taste
>t.butthurt by not ugly people because can't related to not ugly people
damn, that's an old image.
The High Elves in Morrowind looked less shitty than the ones in Skyrim. Daggerfall had the best versions of all the races. Fuck off Skyrim shitter.
they were also cross-eyed in morrowind
He probably would, he's based like that.
He wrote The Lusty Argonian Maid after all.
Soulless expectation
the important thing to little kid me was you could take the clothes off in the inventory screen and see all the glorious dos titties you wanted
Yeah except they look nothing like that in the actual game, which you don't know of course, since you are just a bandwagoning retard.
was Scooby natty?
I know I'm an idiot for not recognizing this until now. I'm so used to him being a meme, I completely filtered out the fact that he was a real person.
Plus he looks completely different without a mustache.