Time for a Pyra thread

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Stop spamming this shit.

not my fault if u r a faggot


i want to fuck it

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>play some xeno 2
>Turn it off and lose all progress because no autosave

First console was snes too, ive just been pampered.

cursed thread

The leftheria housewifes dream sequence foreshadows that Pneuma is Pyra and Mythras true form, and even separated they have the same personality, since they are the same person.
I honestly think that both Pyra and Mythra reviving at the end is fetish fuel.

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>I honestly think that both Pyra and Mythra reviving at the end is fetish fuel.
Did you play the game? The ENTIRE GAME is fetish fuel.


Please don't post mobile images.

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Why are hentai artists the best character designers?

the problem with this end is that both pyra and mythra keep their memories

I thought that was the point of that scene too, but somehow a decent amount of people seem to interpret it as a confirmation that they're separate people and Rex sees them that way.
And I wouldn't go as far as to call the separation fetish fuel, but I would call it lazy fanservice. Hell, Takahashi basically admitted that that's why they did it that way.

My nephews birthday is next month, cant wait to see his face when i give him the Mythra statue.

I love my wife Pyra!

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>Inb4 the cabal cries bitch tears when this is moved to Yea Forums again

Yeah, it's always next month, you fucking pedo.

Is it in mint condition, or did you hot glue it first?

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What is it about mythra that makes her so much hotter than pyra

You imagine raping her while she acts like a tsundere bitch.

That's easy. She isn't.

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I love Pyra so much