Great rune thread, Game probably is going to be revealed at E3.
will it be kino?
Great rune thread, Game probably is going to be revealed at E3
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I just want my books man, why won't GRRM just fucking write
Not at all after reading the leaks.
A boring open world game where you spend the entire time wandering on your magical horse through empty fields until you find the next NPC that vomits text boxes written by George R.R Martin.
I already expect it to be shit so not at all.
>will it be kino?
If you like garbage like The Witcher or Skyrim, sure.
I wanted Armored Core. DxM's flight looks so awful, rest of the game is fine-OK but there is nobody else who can make a game that controls like AC.
You already got 20 Armored Core games and a bunch of spiritual successors. Stop asking for more; you got enough to last a lifetime .
can you prrovide any other better games
That it's really Celtic mythology instead of Norse. That it has PvP. It's been too long..
I have high hopes for this but Sekiro was already great and I don't have much faith in From diverting resources from one place to the other. When DS2 and BB were worked on at the same time we saw the results...
>Fear? T
hat the open world (if true) hurts the intrincate level design of Souls.
>Will it be kino?
Literally any other videogame released this year (besides Anthem, maybe).
Besides DxM, what successors? Genuinely curious here, haven't seen anything besides fan projects. VD fizzled out hard due to mismanagement and I'd love a chance to breathe new life into the online community.
wait what is coming out? fey souls or this? i havent heard anything about this
Fey souls is sadly just an user posting daydreaming.
The real leak was an open world written partially by GRM, with a Norse setting.
>what successors?
Chromehounds, Another Century Episode, Metal Wolf Chaos, Steel Battalion...
Wow, its dark souls agai.....zzzzzzzzz
That is a literal skyrim dragon.
I can understand why From Software fans are so excited for Great Rune.
They always considered the Soulsborne games' gameplay to be dogshit and they only played the games for the lore and atmosphere. Great Rune will simplify gameplay to a minimal degree like open world games do, allowing the fans to immerse in a world full of lore, atmosphere and political intrigues.
wow great post retard!
i mean, i love the from software lore...
Prove me wrong nigger.
holy shit you really are an absolute retard!
The way they call this project in-house is GR. For reference, Sekiro is NTC. That's confirmed. Anyways there were journalists reporting that this GR game existed and it would be a collaboration with Martin. Then we got two leaks, one that talked about how it was Norse mythology and called Great Rune, and the newer one that it's Fey Souls... which is based on some hints an insider gave that it would be based on Celtic mythology instead (this insider got stuff about Sekiro and Deracine right so he's pretty reputable). If you ask me, both Great Rune and Fey Souls leaks are bullshit and just took from more reliable sources and built upon them (the report on GR for Great Rune's leak, the insider's comments for Fey Souls' leak)
>The real leak was an open world written partially by GRM, with a Norse setting.
This is the real report
>A person familiar with ongoings at From Software has told Gematsu that the project—said to be known internally as “GR” (Gematsu has been asked to only share the acronym) and in development for the past three years—is an open-world title (with horse riding) and collaboration between Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin published by Bandai Namco, which will be officially announced at Microsoft’s E3 2019 press conference. While we have not been able to verify this information through additional sources, we have decided to share what we have heard in light of R.R. Martin’s blog post.
This report got mixed with the "Great Rune" leak which was posted right after and a lot of journalists + Vaati and others jumped on the Norse Great Rune bandwagon.
I hope it doesn't have level scaling and randomly generated loot. If its really wide open like western open worlds, I think it would need to be otherwise you would never get incremental upgrades and you either hit a wall real quick and play "which is actually the early game area" or you steamroll mid/late game like most Souls games.
>tfw it's just a GoT game
Did Kaname get a good ending? The last time I checked its manga he was on a relationship of sorts with a guy.
didn't Vaati said he had an insider confirming him the great rune thing?
Also, wasn't Miyazaki already working on Sekiro?
I don't know, that's the last one I read too.
>implying mutts know literally anything about Celtic mythology
>Implying such utter madness could ever be be successfully conveyed via video game
Good luck. Celtic gods make crackheads seem reasonable and down to earth
Nah he said an insider told him there would be a GRRM game and that's why he bought into the Great Rune leak. His insider didn't tell him anything about the Norse setting and all the stuff that comes specifically from that leak. And yeah, there were rumors about the GRRM collaboration from pretty long ago.
The insider seemed to hint that it wasn't.
Having George R.R. Martin involved is the biggest red flag: if they went as far as hiring the hottest western writer of the moment, they clearly want to make a story-focused "game". and aligns with that interview where Miyazaki said that he wanted to make a Red Dead Redemption-like game.
That said, Great Rune or whatever is named is on my avoid list. I'm still not done with Sekiro (fucking Owl) and I'll get my action RPG fix from Nioh 2 and Code Vein later this year.
Well yeah of course you do, it uses generic already established dark fantasy tropes. It’s basically Zelda on a 3 heart run.