Post a better mechanic that doublejump

post a better mechanic that doublejump

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Triple jump.



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The doublejump is one of the telltale signs of a shoddily made platformer, the best games in the genre don't have it.

double jumps are used by shit platformers that aren't confident in their mechanics so they use double jumps as an easy crutch

Notice how all the good platformers don't have double jumps (mario, rayman etc)

momentum conservation

But those games DO allow you to change your momentum mid-jump. Maybe controlling your jump after you've left the ground is the better mechanic.

>this fuckin guy

rolling into longjump

air dash

Double jump is a crutch for shitters

Different jump styles is better than a double-jump mechanic. The spin jump from SMW is a good example.

Triple jumps just aren't the same. They never feel as good as the double jump.

There was a really cool mechanic in Psy-Ops where you could use a scouty orb to find an enemy soldier, take complete control of his body, and shoot his buddies and make him kill himself that I've only seen replicated in Stubbs the Zombie of all games.

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HUD markers pointing to objectives. Really intuitive and makes it harder to get lost.

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works best alongside having no speed cap

triple jump is just 2 doubles jumps


Wall jump.

get out here Todd I'm not buying skyrim again

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>Actual Zoomers calling G'n'G a shoddily made platformer that isn't confident in its mechanics

Best mechanic is real time passage.

Normal jumps with stiff controls on the movement before landing.

Nah. Fuck classicvania.

Going to sleep

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Rocket jump

play melty blood

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Rocket Jumping, different angles and timings to make near any type of movement.

>2 double jumps
But wouldn't that be a quadruple jump?


double jump is making a jump in the air, so you're doing 2 double jumps

Subtle momentum is why Mario feels much better than most other platformers


He was clearly talking about Halo

Limb-based damage

Wall running of any kind.

Attached: let me fucking climb it.webm (569x320, 2.87M)

Circle jumping i.e. quake
Strafe jumping i.e. quake 3
Double jumping i.e. quake 2
In that order


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Hold my apple...

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But the 2nd double jump can't be a double jump, since its not doubling anything.
Therefore its a third jump, therefore a triple jump.
The only way its 2 double jumps is if its a quadruple jump.
Or if you're REALLY stupid, calling a triple jump 2 double jumps could start implying 6 jumps.

That's a high jump while taking damage. Objectively the WORST jump mechanic, right next to something as stupid as strafe jumping just to move faster.

Mario and rayman are mid tier platformers.

air dashing/"blinking"
especially if you maintain momentum instead of travelling a fixed distance then stopping

>Only being able to jump twice.

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>air control
>a means to reverse momentum
>co op followups/combos
>canceling from one state to another

Also unintentionally surfing on items

Time stop
Flying for a time
Auto heal

Air dash.

>All 3D Marios keep moves from Super Mario 64
>All of these moves are objectively shittier than one specific move

I fucking hate how most of the new Mario games have destroyed all the different jumps Mario had. In 64 each jump had a specific purpose:
>Triple jump for height
>Backwards Somersault for quick height in a smaller space
>Crouching Somersault when you don't have much room to maneuver
>Long jump for distance

Meanwhile in the other games there's really no reason to ever use any of the jumps besides:
Sunshine: Spin Jump to Hover/dive
Galaxy: Crouch jump to waggle (then jump off a wall and waggle again)
Odyssey: Ground pound jump cap dive cap dive

Fucking hell every time I see how the wallkicks work in Odyssey it just makes me sad, not to mention the fact that the cap dive jumps are all infinitely better than the long jump to the point that there's no reason to ever do it

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>game has a double jump
>can only use the second jump between the start and apex of the first jump

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Defeating enemies by landing on them after a jump.

Lol I found that too as a little kid. You could jump on stuff and use telekinesis on it to levitate around like Squadala.

On command urination.

mario has a fucking feather you can bypass entire maps with

the cap dive trick being the only trick worth using in 90% of Odyssey's platforming is what made me not like it.

Crouch Jump

grappling hook type abilities are always fun to use and master

Orgasm meter

Sliding that conserves your momentum into jumps like Titanfall and Warframe

Jetpack + ski

Getting lost is the entire point of the game. I know this is bait; but, this shit is WoW dungeon que tier.
>make mmo
>remove all interactive components
>remove entire world
>just sit in Org and que le ebin instances : ^)

Fast travel

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Qué? Queue?

>not on command defecation

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Not uncommanded bowel movements

>Big fucking slow attack
>You can cancel it into a roll and continue when you finish rolling.

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>Game has fall damage.
>Fall from a great height.
>Double jump at the last possible second to kill the momentum.
>Still eat shit when you land.

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>uncommanded ejaculations

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post one (1) game that do grappling hook right

>not the longjump

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>wanting the game to play itself
Do you at least, only mean well contextualized stuff like wow zeppelins/boats/deeprun tram?

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Dragon's Dogma was a funny game

Half double jumping

This. Most mario games are practically tech demos designed to show off hardware, with very little care put into the depth of the gameplay or overall polish.

Accurate grammar and not phone posting

good night, sweet prince

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You are objectively correct.

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>game doesn't have any jumping mechanics
>no fall damage
>if the fall is high enough, you die
>if the fall isn't high enough to die but still high enough to do anything, you break your leg for several seconds, causing a movement speed debuff, until you literally walk it off

mario 64-like long jump

Shooting while sprinting.

>No breath of the wild type zelda but with way more verticality and it's a series of large scale interconnected levels rather than full on open world and you get a grappling hook that lets you retain momentum after being pulled to swing yourself around.

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What's a top tier platformer?

Psi-Ops is very much a game of its time, but it's absolutely underrated.

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Super Metroid.

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Spiderman 2

Grapple onto ledges
Grenade/throwable button

i get you, user

*backdashes through your thread*

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>quickswitch instead of single press number keys



>single jump
>land in the same spot
>double jump
>land in multiple spots based on where you were in your first jump

>single jump
>jump the same distance before dying
>double jump
>jump too early means you have too much velocity
>jump too late means you don't slow down enough
>jump just right and now you have more exploration options based on your skills at timing

>single jump
>jump to what your eyes can see
>double jump
>can explore areas you see only after making the first jump

How is making something infinitely more complex a crutch? There are game examples out there where double jumping is far more complex than a single jump can ever get and far more difficult. Get out there and play some games user.

i've been playing for like a week now and this frustrates me to watch

subliminal mcdonalds advertising
gtfo shill


I could really go for some fries, mcnuggets, and a m&m mcflurry right about now, doesn't that sound good user?

the caster levitate skill doesnt even work for falls, it's fun for climbing though i guess


perfect parry is cooler than jumping

Umihara Kawase

Umihara Kawase does it about as right as it's possible to do any game mechanic

I don't get the arrows. What does that have to do with double jump?

a double jump is a singular jump

Worms Armageddon

Deus Ex?

You go to two extremes
Either platformers that are built around a general lack of mobility and task you to make full knowledge of the limits of yourself, and often are more combat focused. These end up more on the lines of say, Ghouls 'n' Ghosts, the Prinny games, and to an extent things like original Kid Icarus or La Mulana. The "challenge to beat, delight to replay" idea.
Or the opposite where it's about innate speed, sometimes a progressive and absurd amount of air options, and learning how to master use and abuse of the land to do shit as fast as possible. Metroidvanias kind of count on the bigger scale of decking yourself out and the optimization, but GOOD 2D sonic is kind of the face of the concept.

Titanfall 2.

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The ability to half-press the A button

Name a better looking double jump

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Lost Planet 2.
Also for the thread since we're just naming sweet mechanics, Ki Pulse.

I don't know what the 1st and 3rd game are like, but Trine 2?

He wants you to check out his doubles friend

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looks like mcdonalds taking a piss

Apex l

In regards to OP, canceling animations

Rayman 1 is plataforming sex
Too bad it wasnt play trates so the difficulty becomes absolute bullshit quickly

Transforming weapons

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Charlotte broom double-jump is cute.

Chelsea from Bunny Must Die/Cheldea & The Seven Devils
Namely because said double jump then turns into a glide because she magics a shit ton of air into her ridiculous poofy hat.

Was there a game that mainstreamed/popularized the concept of the second jump involving a flip? I'm sure it's just 'rule of cool' nonsense but still.

Ape Escape is the first that comes to mind.

I'm really disappointed in you, Yea Forums

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JC3 and 4 do it much worse than 2 did

can you pendulum swing in this game? if not it's shit

>shitty waggle mechanic

>0 weight
>he doesn't even jump into it from the ground, he just lets it pull him with enough force that it doesn't even budge the soldier he's fighting or even look like it's yanking his arm to do so
It might be fun but it isn't pleasing.

actual zoomer.

tomba 2

This guy looks like a pretty good mechanic

Attached: auto-mechanic-7457134.jpg (300x450, 65K)

Not the player, but you can attach two things together and then it has full blown rope physics with weight, inertia, swinging and fun glitches.

There was another ps2 game exactly like psi-ops developed around the same time, you could use guns, control things with your mind etc, and it begins in the hospital.

What was his name again?

Dishonored had a great mind control mechanic.

Nah, he's black.

>There was a really cool mechanic in Psy-Ops where you could use a scouty orb to find an enemy soldier, take complete control of his body, and shoot his buddies and make him kill himself that I've only seen replicated in Stubbs the Zombie of all games.

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