Persona 5 Switch Edition

Soooooo I hope you haven’t forgotten about the bestbuy leak (which was 100% real) which means P5 will most likely be revealed at E3. With that said, who here hype? Anyone double dipping?

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Why are nintendofags so obsessed with Persona 5?

No cunt. Game’s only good for one playthrough. Happy for switch owners that didn’t get to play it

it's not happening. stay delusional, portbeggar.

imagine being so obsessed over a 5 year old game getting a shitty port

I can't wait for nintendo fans to be crying with tears of joy at getting a 3 year old playstation port

It's hard not to be when you only have 5 playable games

>anglo ape still falseflagging

It was probably just referring to the musou

man just fuck off already, i’d be down for SMTV going multiplat if it meant we’d get P5. Atlus exclusivity is retarded but not as retarded as you faggots not wanting to share

Thanks for the screencap. See you on E3.

>being this assblasted about your $300 handheld having a 1 digit library

>yet another falseflagging shitpost thread
Nobody actually cares about this game. Fuck off.

I get that this is falseflagging but for what purpose? Why would the game being ported to Switch even bother them when the game is guaranteed to look and run worse. It'll also be more expensive. PCfags have a better reason to shitpost when exclusives go multiplat since the game will cost less for them while also running and looking better in the process.

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Switch owners so desperately want a good game on their system, can't blame them but I can laugh at their pettiness

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I haven't played persona since 4 so that would be great news because the entire catalogue of the switch garbage ass ports that I already own

Agreed. I have so much less motivation to ever go back to P5 compared to 3 and 4.

Now a Persona 3 FES port to switch - THAT I'd be all over

>humouring an obvious falseflag just because it makes you feel good about your console alliance
I wish I had as much free time as you losers.

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right? port Persona 3 to the switch already

i emulated persona 3 but never got too far, i really like the series from what i've seen though so im stoked for p5 coming

>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
This is getting sad