Would you torture a tiny Kefka?

Would you torture a tiny Kefka?

Attached: 1551563926845.gif (167x250, 7K)

Is he the real Kefka or just a clone of Kefka?

a tiny Kefka clone

No. Torture is wrong.

I'll rather hug terra!

Attached: terra21.png (670x920, 436K)

But would you hug a tiny clone of Terra? Keep in mind that you might kill her.

Torture is (mostly) wrong either way so no

Tiny Terra could survive a hug from a giant me

very carefully

why make it a clone? It's a hypothetical, you could just give him the real thing but small!

kefka died

i too like oneyplays, are you subscribed to their subreddit

Does the clone have the memories of real Kefka?

yeah and I'd do it by shoving him down my urethra

Yes, but that means he hasn't actually done anything evil, he just thinks he did.

so did hitler.

you went offscript, this is your fault

That's an odd question.

Am I in Harry Potter world?

Is Kefka the most badass looking sprite of all time?

If you were dating Tifa and I made a clone of Tifa and had sex with her would be upset
