How would you accurately make a WWII game?

How would you accurately make a WWII game?

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COD world at war

Battlefield 5 is better, with more weapons variety and vehicles.

i wouldn't because making a video game about a real war millions died in to entertain children with is inherently immoral, disrespectful and in poor taste.

that said there are gradients to this. i think most ww2 games take it seriously and try to be respectful and try to make you feel a bit of what it was like. the brothers in arms series comes to mind as being the most successful in that.

i play those games so i'm a hypocrite in that and i wouldn't have a problem making a game about much older wars like ancient stuff because it was so long ago and those times are mysterious and almost mythical compared to most of written history. i enjoy exploring those times in any way i can.

shooty shooty bang bang with grey clothes.

By making sure it focuses on the one woman involved

Oh yeah?! Im third Noob!

>that gif
How many years has it been?

By combining turn based strategy and real time tactics.

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Why didn’t they just nuke the beach before the assault?

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For what purpose? WW2 has been done to fucking death.

You jest but I'd kill for another MoH: Underground

They wouldnt be able to take the ground.

I would make it about the Pacific Front from the perspective of resistance cells in Japanese controlled lands

A comedic one of course, this genre takes too seriously, listen bitch, all those who fought there are already dead or in process, so fuck off.

>i wouldn't because making a video game about a real war millions died in to entertain children with is inherently immoral, disrespectful and in poor taste.

I think if you make it (relatively) historically accurate and showcase real events and/or people it's respectful as you're using it as a way to teach newer generations history.

It gets immoral when you purposefully break history and turn it into some gross caricature which really is like spitting in the face of all the people who fought. Battlefield 1 is a perfect example of doing everything grossly wrong and actively teaches kids anti-history. I know people screech "you shouldn't be learning history from video games!" but the reality is that at least on a basic exposure level, video games serve as an introduction to historical events for a lot of people as schools do not teach you hardly anything and video games actually keep younger people engaged somewhat, which is what makes it so grotesque when you see fat black women storming the beaches of Normandy, or people running around the trenches of Verdun spraying machine guns at each other.

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I miss when they were somewhat educational that’s what made them unique. If I wanted to play an edgy feelings campaign I’d play any shooter released in the past 11 years.

>Fps one shot kill
>500 lives
>The stage is a 10-15min firefight
>Each time you die you take control of another soldier at 0min
>As you go your past lives are now "ghost"
>To win you must complete different objectives (capture point/break the line/exterminate)
>Once the stage is completed you get a bird eye view of all the times you died
>Do you feel like a hero yet?

>I wish I was vesuvio looking at charmaines's rack

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>For what purpose? WW2 has been done to fucking death.
Not really as 90% of WWII games are all late war and set on the Western Front. There's still plenty of material to work with that hasn't been touched.

>There's no video game where you play as a polack getting invaded

Put a smile on my face. Good times

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i feel so old

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a game played out in the mind of a soldier suffering from ptsd. It starts out like a standard WWII shooter and steadily spirals into insanity. the end is the soldier being snapped out of his daze and he finds himself back where the game started

Imagine playing an old-style CoD game as a French soldier in 1940.

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Just Day of Infamy

Post scriptum was too fucking tiring of a game

Haven't seen that in over ten years

Axis perspective and an unbiased, non-propaganda approach to an actual depiction of the various subjects and aspects of the war rather than MUH FREEDOM GOTTA PROTECT THE WORLD.

I have many, many more ideas but none of them are feasible in this politically correct climate anymore.

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Hitler being good and the holocaust not happening.
I want realism

>Finish the game in 30 minutes

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you get killed because you play german doing a bunch of warcrimes by everybody. The devs are litteraly going to be swarmed by sjw and neo-nazis

I wish Japanese company (or any other non-biased guys) just made a shootan or an action game where you play from perspective of Axis. Without the usual
>Well, boys... it seems like we saved the entire world and literally punched the evil in the face today. It's time to go home, boys! Hurah!!
and without unnecessary biased bullshit with obligatory
>Oh no! The concentration campz! Literally teh evil of teh evilz omg!
Just a campaign from the perspective of a regular German foot soldier, or a less portrayed sides or locations. Why not show Chinese? Why not show Japanese obliterating nearby islands and countries. Shit could have been fun at least for once. Give me some British shmuck defending a town in one of the colonies for several weeks before getting captured and tortured to death or something.

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This one old show on the history channel used to show how ancient battles were fought.

These barbarians, I can't remember who they were fighting, but they always used to bring their families that watched the battle at a pretty far distance. Eventually is was like the staging area with wagons.

So one day the battle didn't go well and the barbarians ran. The wagons a family totally blocked their path. The enemy slaughtered everyone.

That's a game I want to play.