melee is sick
Melee is sick
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No wonder it's dying
Yes and it needs to be put out of its misery
Melee tournament do smell like the black death has been through
Chicken soup and sprite will fix that
ur mom sick when i stick pp in er mouth
that must be why it smells so bad
When's summit?
>brawl above anything
oh jesus, its retarded.
Found the Epic gamer.
It's finally happening. Plup is picking up Puff so he can beat Hbox in the ditto.
666X begins now.
unironically hyped to watch this happen
hbox looks really underwhelming va puff
>that donkey kong face
hbox is shit at like every matchup that isnt fox
its literally the only thing he practices
Melee > Slap City > Rivals > PM/P+ > Ultimate > 64 > 4 > Brawl
I love that intro.
Never heard of it!
my one weakness
oof, this is a really bad post. not gonna give you a serious reply bro but honestly re-evaluate your life.
melee was great and i played it for like 7 years on release
everyone needs to move on though
its basically like 3s at this point where only young players worship it because they never grew up with it
How is Falco a clone?
every single one of his animations are ripped right out of fox. it's just the moves' properties that are different
His moveset and frame data is almost identical to Fox's.
i'm about as old as the game is.
i doubt i'll ever really stop playing, but i'll only call a smash game definitively better than it when it has more satisfying physics
what a bad box art.
you are a young player then
If by "like 3s" you mean the best in the series then yeah. The only reason melee is dying is because no one wants to have to own a console, crtv, and an ancient controller for just one game.
yeah. i've been on it for about 4 years
keep thinking that
actually lol
absolutely based
puff dittos are boring as fuck though?
im an IC main
that should tell you enough on why i feel that way
i both hate you and want to be you
they're basically the same as watching Smash 64 or Brawl
not a big deal really
cause ICs are hard and if you grab me i get sad
>there are people in this thread who never got all 290 trophies in melee
>there are people in this thread who didn't beat all the challenges in brawl without using a golden hammer
>playing brawl
tewi, you are based. btw where's your sister reisen, tell her the horse is ready
I don't know why melee players boast about peak viewers numbers when their top players need to beg for sponsor or are whinning that they lose subscribers when they go to tournaments, when was the last solo melee tournament that was big?? It seems that the scene can't live on their own
>there are people in this thread who never got the 1,000,000 VS. matches special message in either of those games
pretty much no such thing as a solo anything tournament these days
the latest one in which melee was the main event was Smash 'n' Splash, which was fucking huge. over 800 entrants
the reason players complain about losing twitch subs is because fighting games in general aren't as easy, big streams of revenue compared to streaming. And the only people really begging for sponsors is everyone begging someone to sponsor Wizzrobe
>Slap city better than rivals
pass me what you're smoking user
Bombsoldier, the Japanese father of Falco is playing with Amsa. Educate yourselves new friends
Slap Ball is the greatest game mode of any smash clone
Played that shit when it released for 5 years or so, dropped it for a while, played some brawl. Got back into it senior year of high school and then realized how fucking good it actually is. I can promise you, it's not nostalgia or worship because I never had it growing up
The game is legitimately that good.
>all these twitchkiddies fuming with rage
This is kino
If you'd learned to read words in more than sets of five you would have noticed I complimented melee you smelly manlet.
I love melee. so satisfying to do anything in this game. Ultimate is just as good game-wise, but the fact that I can play Melee for 4 years and the physics still feel like sex is just too good. Melee best.
Anther's Ladder, my friend
CRTs are great though, nothing can truly emulate them
we support japanese melee around here
I was so disappointed when I saw he had a tranny flag up
This is objective
That's what happens when you let twitter decide things
>there are multiple top players/personalities that regularly lurk these melee threads but will never admit that he browses Yea Forums to smash twitter or anyone else
yeah, this is based.
they're literal nobodies like wobbles and slime. nobody actually worth a shit comes here.
who the fuck cares, nothing happens here