What games define "Comfy" for you, user?

What games define "Comfy" for you, user?

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I don't know
I've never been able to find a game that I didn't get bored with in 20 minutes

Animal Crossing
Custom Robo Battle Revolution

There will never be a Pokemon Generation as comfy as gen 4.
That includes HG/SS and Dungeon.

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For me it's games that allow me reach a zen state where I accidentally spend 8 hours playing without realising. MHFU, city builders, Terraria. MHFU is best though. You spend 15-20 minutes fighting some spooky elder dragon, and then come back to Pokke Village to tend to your farm and upgrade your equipment.




games with warm, inviting atmosphere and funny/low-risk dialogue, like animal crossing or wind waker. cutesy art styles help, too. good music can make levels that would otherwise non-comfy, comfy, like bramble blast in DKC2.

Viva Pinata
has anyone got that infographic with all the comfy games?

og spyro trilogy

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I know it's stereotypical, but minecraft. It helps calm me down while tripping too

rune factory 3

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Fallout 4. Chilling in Sanctuary with my Curie

usually any sort of building simulator or tycoon game is comfy for me.

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For me comfy is an extremely challenging game with comfy areas to rest and take a break. Metro exodus has this in both the train and some of the little safe houses you can find. I keep a bottle of vodka in my desk fridge to take a shot when I'm feeling particularly comfy and want to immerse myself in the Russian atmosphere. After I take the shot I usually go downstairs and yell at my wife and hit my son, top cozy.

I wish I could find another game with a similar sci-fi atmosphere that PSO envokes. It's such a comfy aesthetic and PSO2, while I like it, doesn't have it.

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How does this game's combat compare to 4? I played frontier way back and I remember it being on the slower side

It's essentially the same but with half as many skill slots and only 1 npc ally at a time.

>nu-Yea Forums summed up in one post

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I saw someone getting mocked yesterday for spending 12 hours playing a game. I don't know what happened to this place.

Post more shobons

Top comfy are safe places in otherwise stressful games, or civilized/non-combat areas in games where most other areas are hostile. Example are save rooms in Resident Evil and the Normandy in Mass Effect.

Games that are thoroughly comfy, but lack the highs of the aforementioned, are city builders and grand strategy games. Frost Punk really stands out in this regard, and They are Billions as well.

Breath of the wild and FFXV. Never found running around an open world so fun and distracting. Although with FFXV it’s mainly cuz of the MP3 player

Knytt Stories
Within a Deep Forest
Stellar Wanderer
GearHead Arena
Kemco JRPGs

It just don't get any comfier than D1 to me.


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FFXV is pretty average as a RPG but has one of the comfiest parties in all of gaming. Combat, Driving, exploration, and misc shit like camping and questing and shit feels so good in this game because how close knit the party is even outside of the story. It's very nice too bad the game itself is lacking.

On a side note FFXIV is a very comfy MMO.

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FF9 is comfier in every way

Didn't say it wasn't but that doesn't make FFXV any less comf.

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You said it's one of the comfiest parties in all of gaming. It's not even the comfiest party in all of mainline FF.

>it's one of the comfiest parties in all of gaming
>one of the comfiest parties
>one of
user, I think you need to work on your reading comprehension instead picking gay ass fights on an online Taiwanese Rollerblading forum.

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don't act like you didn't enjoy it ;)

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Lost Kingdoms II

We'll you got me there.

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It's more like Comfy moments and things in vidya. Instead of the vidya being Comfy itself, though I think it can be. I just don't play "Comfy games". But I digress...
Comfy moments in Vidya
>Moments of friendship with the lads Dandelion and Zoltan in the Witcher Trilogy
>Chilling in your mansion in Skyrim
>Last shot of RUINER when "Puppy" rides his motorcycle to the horizon with some chill synthwave in the background
>In Shogun 2: Total War when you are building your provinces and things are going well for the people; your infrastructure, tech and agriculture is going well.

There are countless about countless of these "moments and things". But it's mostly things that make you happy, make you relaxed and make you wanna remember.

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i mean is there anything more comfy than this?

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Bully. Especially after the first chapter and the world opens up.

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Mega Man Legends 1 and 2


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Code Vein network test was pretty comfy.

There is literally only one answer.

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psh, 2 is way comfier.
3 started the whole "gotta go fast" trend which killed weapon variety actually meaning something among other things.

to me gen 4 is the least comfy, it feels artificial as fuck. even gen 6 is comfier

Jesus fuck. Is it possible to feel nostalgia for a game you didn't grew up with nor play more than a few hours of?

Monster Hunter village themes are instant nostalgia, I don't know how they managed it. The pokke theme was was one of the reasons I first gave MHF2 a try. Check this out too.



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I forget my worries and can smile.

>even gen 6 is comfier
I understood and would've accepted until this. Gen 6 is like actually the least comfy gen it's not even memorable. Kalos is a very bland region with very unmemorable sites and gym leaders. There's not even any cute side games or anything and ORAS is a shit unironically lacks the soul of gen 3.

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platinum is the comfiest pokemon to date

Far Cry 5. Sometimes I have the deputy and Jess Black go to a cabin/lake at night and imagine them having a lovely evening together.
Breath of the Wild. I love when it's raining and I can hide in my house or a stable.
Half Life/Portal/GMod maps as well.


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modded GTA

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Animal crossing.

God, user that's so chill. Fuck it, I've been meaning to get back into MH for a while now so you've done enough to convince me to do actually it.

Your own personal modding sandbox city, it doesn't get comfier than that desu

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I enjoyed it when i was a child and happy

Calm music and rain.
Halo ODST gives me that feeling.

I hope you enjoy, user. Check out Portable 3rd with the english patch and HD upgrade. They should both be easy to find online. They make the game look great, and you can play with your controller of choice.

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Sonic Adventure since I have severe nostalgia for it
I still replay it around once a year

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and then theres Cities Skylines for the more traditional comfy experience

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comfy atmosphere, comfy music

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games where i don't need to focus all the time, and could play in windowed mode too

darkest dungeon
slay the spire

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Etrian's comfy kino for me. From the atmosphere to the OST. I even like to make up individual stories for my party members which adds to the experience. It's fun. EO3 and EO4 are peak comfy.

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god I love the infrastructure in this game

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It has some of the prettiest 2D graphics ever, second only to Diablo 2

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Kingdom Come if I just take it easy and roleplay a normal day
>Wake up at 6, have breakfast
>Walk to Captain Bernard
>Train until lunch time
>Have lunch in the tavern and play some dice
>Read a book or take a walk around Rattay, maybe buy some supplies for a future adventure
>Dinner time
>Read a book
>Go to bed

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I call this the comfiest bridge in all vidya

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Factorio is my definition of comfy. Sitting around, tweaking my iron production, figuring out why my circuit production is slow, hearing my robots wirr as they bring me things, hearing ayyylmao's being vaporized by my defense system, occasionally jumping into my tank to go sight seeing while exterminating illegals off of my property to pass time while my science ticks up, then I look up and the sun's suddenly rising again.

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Grim Dawn.

The desolate, sparse atmosphere combined with the occasional bit of combat, plus the lore notes and great music make it really easy to get immersed in it, even if it's just a diablo style number pumping simulator.

Also the cutscenes have a very charming low budget indie style to them that I love:


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Without sounding like a complete nu-male, animal crossing wild world and gc. There were times where it still had soul and you could waste hours in.

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The entire Mother franchise.

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building this bridge gave me intense Monogatari vibes which is I think why I like it so much, reminds me of the comfy desolate atmosphere of the anime

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A fun game with zero stress whatsoever.

>Getting smashed with father godwin
>Hunting and saving your bro Capon
This games a 10/10 and nobody can convince me otherwise

doom 2..hotline miami..fighting games

I wouldn't say comfy, but Thief is a game where I lose myself.

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Those are the least comfy games I could imagine
Fighting games are anticomfy

terraforming is comfy too

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Minecraft and UnReal World, especially UnReal World

Oh, and Super Castlevania IV.

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and my 3rd most comfy game type

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If there is such a thing as Horror/Comfy, this one makes me feel it.

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I love the aesthetics.

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nice ittla image, but i prefer the cute demon boys with huge cocks.
based regardless.

kino game

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Someone said RDR2 online was comfy, but whenever I try to play it its just boring until some faggot runs up and kills you in the middle of fighting enemies and then its just angering.

Fighting games are unironically very comfy if your apart of the community. There's so much shit I can't get into in text but in short. Watching Tournements, Going to Tournments, Playing games with friends, Making new friends, and getting good all make for a very comfy experience even the bants that happen in matches are just in good fun and add to that comfy nature.

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Don't worry I gotcha fampai.

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Super Mario RPG, especially Marrymore Hotel
Stardew Valley
Harvest Moon
Spyro 2, specifically Dragon Shores and the hub areas
Gen 1-3 Pokemon
Fable 1 and 2
Super Mario Odyssey

you are a pretty based lad

>not too hard
>not too easy
>corny dialogue
>fun characters
>good gameplay
>NPCs that have their own arcs throughout the main story
>Preferably an area that features a lot of rain or spooky material

Games I can think of like this are Brave Fencer Musashi and Majora's Mask.

with doom you can just save scum. fighting games are just my favorite games.

playing this for the first time after playing thru a bunch of old shooters i bought on steam. i can't it's clicking with me. not like the other classics i bought.

Its will never get old looking at all the sprite work only adds more to the comfy factor.

*can't say it's clicking..*

The Legend of Dragoon
Spyro 1/2/3
Tomba 2
Starfox 64
Black & White 2
TES IV: Oblivion
Mirror's Edge

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Games I can play with friends and just fuck around for hours having a good time

Are you that dude that pretends to have a relationship with Jess Black from that "how autistic are you, Yea Forums?" thread?

Games with relaxing gameplay and good/cute story or world. Paper mario and TTYD are some of my favorites to just chill. Old monster hunter villages scream comfy too

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Question, do I need to buy the new DLC to get the dog?

SimCity 3000

Rune Factory is hella comfy in the classical sense.

But my go-to games right now for when I'm stressed out are GBA fire emblem. Don't know why.

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Breath of Fire IV