

Attached: bruhh.png (618x670, 43K)


At least he says still. Fuck the other two and fuck the eons.

absolute kino

he ran away :(

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Pokemon Soul (RBY GSC E DPPl BW1/2) and Soulless (RS XY SM SS)

Never liked chasing around legendaries. Annoying to do and barely makes sense cause the world seems barely affected by any legendaries. These cats in particular contribute nothing besides "they were guardians of some shit". Much rather have a dungeon or puzzle to clear to reach them. Felt very satisfying to find Mewtwo or Moltres for example.

waaaaah I have to strategize

Where's Eusine?

Go Golbat!
Mean look
Throw balls til capture.

Wow what strategy.

>describes strategy
>where's the strategy???

>Entei used Roar!
>Raikou used Roar!


Good job, retard. Now it dies in 8 turns.

>not using Octillery or Cradily

wtf bro why is ur fish out of water get him back in water hes gonna reverse drown

>Octillery used Mean Look?

nigga kicking my shit in right now, i have like 80% water pokemon lmao
an egg and a 3rd evolved sheep.
to be honest most of them are lvl 30+ so it shouldn't be too hard.

Obviously use mean look and THEN switch to octillery.

Yes, so you used strategy

>Run back and forth between city/town gates until they're near you
>Use Mean Look & Paralyze them
>Switch to Octillery
>Chip the HP down
>Toss balls

Mean look wears off if you switch

That doesn't work, if the Pokémon that used Mean Look is switched out the effect is lost.

that is indeed a strategy

Should i take off the EXP sharer i put on a poliwhirl? idk if it's worth it, i kinda wanna lvl my gyrados or others the half xp is slow

>Needing Exp

>forgetting the stupid NPC they added

"Ah yes, my boy that creature standing before you appears to be none other than the legendary SUICUNE itself! It looks like it acknowledges your POWER and COURAGE and TREAT POKEMON WITH LOVE-ness. I will now battle you so I may prove my worthiness to SUICUNE-Incredible work, you have somehow defeated my team of 3 Pokemon, no wonder Pokemon gravitate toward you! You truly are the best LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS"

Baton Pass

I remember that time I caught motherfucking Raikou early in the game by throwing him a Honor Ball at full health in SS on first encounter. I didn't know whether to use him or not to stomp my way through the game because it was my first run. In the end I think I did a mix of both.

Still not as bad as Gen VI.

>Wild Zapdos appeared.
>Wild Zapdos fled!
>now do this shit 12 more times before you can actually battle it

Hang on, I could've sworn that this encounter happened before the lake of rage. Am I remembering this wrong?

>save master balls from other gaymes
>transfer via pokemon
>throw it
wooooooooooooow whaat a strategy

You see him run around a bunch of times before he battles you.

>Honor Ball


>finally battle it, put it to sleep, and lock his escape
>put it down to 1HP with false swipes
>have to keep doing it cause one of them restores HP
>finally runs out of restore
>then it starts tackling, which causes self-harm

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Oh shit, french lisp.
It's called a Premier Ball in english apparently.

I like that in the new games you don't have to do any of that catching bullshit, and the game just gives the legendary.

in terms of pokemon and TM diversity johto was dogshit (except for being able to buy the elemental punch TMs in goldenrod in the original that was broken)

what does a premier ball do i have 2

>Game Corner
Did anyone ever use the game corner? It was so Jewish even at max money you couldn't afford half the shit when buying coins and you could only ever win about 10 coins a win

I dunno. I luckshitted the fuck out I guess since apparently it has the same catching rate as a normal Poke Ball.

Believed for years there was more to it though. Since that event I always saved Premier Balls for big time luckshit moments.

No Game Corner is shit. It's better to just run though the League with Amulet Coin and just buy the damn coins.

The only game corner game that was ever fair was Voltorb Flip in HGSS. The rest are totally luck-based. The slots are even made to be "realistic" because theres a delay of when you hit the button and when it actually chooses which one you land on

Was the game corner intentionally shit to teach kids gambling is never worth it?

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Blame Crystal for that.

Also, don't forget how Crystal made you catch all three of them before you could take on Ho-oh.