When will the Smash Bros threads ever end?

When will the Smash Bros threads ever end?

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Not until February 2020 at the very least.

Literally only 14 of those threads are about Smash Bros.

Fucking 13 treads man

It's literally more than half

This is your Yea Forums, hope you like it.

Never. Smash is continuous unending cycle of speculation. There will be Smash 6 threads, then Smash 6 DLC threads, then Smash 7 threads, then Smash 7 DLC threads, and so on.

Friend, I suggest you get used to the eternal state of affairs on Yea Forums.

Let not those eternal affairs include your perpetually-flowing tears of smash-hating angst.

>warned sonybros not to get cocky because when a new smash comes out it eats up the entire board for months
>"lol shut up nintendie, this is our board"
welp I tried to warn 'em.

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They won't. You'll think they'll end at E3, but then there's the Direct after that, and so on until February 2020. Maybe it'll slow down, but you'll never be free.

Dude, you have to realize that no matter how right you are and how wrong they are, it's no use. You are a minority and they will never acknowledge how they manage to be worse than even sonic fandom around here.

>tfw we will never get an actual fucking comfy smash thread

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This desu, Smash is probably the worst community out there, no other community is able to make people hate other franchises as much as Smash, and now whenever you actually want to talk about Banjo or DQ on here Smash shitters would usually shit up your threads. I used to hang around Smash threads but for the past 2 months it's just been the same threads everyday, no uniqueness whatsoever to Smash discussion, just 'ERDRICK IS IN! ERDRICK BAD! BANJO INCELS!'

Don't forget the e-celeb threads, /pol/ bait, /e/ threads, porn threads and other blatant off-topic threads.

Don't know what people see in that shit game. Its shit.

it's all they have user, if they stop thinking about smash for one second they'll be forced to look at their smelly, miserable lives instead.

I don't really mind the topics so much as I do the actual discussion, of these and every other thread on Yea Forums.
>don't want Steve, you're a Banjoke cuck
>*opinion that isn't word-for-word Yea Forums culture* tranny
>fuck Snoy, I am a Nintendo a fan that doesn't own any of their games, I just have a Switch and fuck Snoy
>*bait thread* "but Yea Forumstendogaf shits on Sony all day, hypocrites
>disagree with me? You are x,y, or z, according to my SJW logic (mind you I hate them because Yea Forums is my sekrit forum where I can say nigger and type some autistic shit and some faggot might find me a funny guy)
>hoping this is the day I find that funny thread on Yea Forums otherwise back to shitposting; lemme get my pastas ready

Honestly a lot of topics didn't even need new threads to be created. If someone wanted to shitpost about certain characters they could do it in the already existing threads.

Yea Forums is easily one of the worst boards on 4channelis, it's not even good for a laugh anymore

Fucking never, you'd think it would stop after the season pass but they would start speculating about a season 2 pass or the next game, whatever is more likely and then it'll start all over again.
One can hope it wont come to that but come on, you've seen the threads

>This place has been Yea Forums - Smash for 13 years.
>There are still people who think it will ever change.

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I mean, what the fuck is stopping adms to create a board only for this shit? Doesn't pokemon have /vp/ just like mlp has /mlp/?

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

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/vp/ was made because Pokemon is a massive multimedia clusterfuck now that was overtaking multiple boards, not just Yea Forums, and /mlp/ was made as a quarantine because faggots were spamming it all over the place on boards it had no business being, not just on Yea Forums.

As long as Smash remains a Yea Forums only thing I doubt anyone will ever do anything.

You need to die

what we need is a /nin/ board for Nintendo shit and a e-celeb board as well
these two boards would help improve Yea Forums

>when will autistic people stop doing autistic things

Fucking mods and jannies just need to do their job and close their threads. We have for a reason.
Half of Yea Forums is unusable because it's all "HE'S IN" "CONFIRMED" "SEETHE" "EAT SHIT X FAGS Y IS IN" "COPE" "DREAM ROSTER?" "Z WHEN?" "NEVER EVER!"

It is fucking cancer. This almost warrants a containment board of their own.


Feels good to win

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fuck shitpost
I want to pirate some games, what is better? torrent, mega or direct downloads like IGG?

and then... silence...

at least until next smash bros gets announced

When all the DLC is out

then the game suddenly ceases to exist when there's no rosterfag speculation

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Remember that if not for Snake appearing in Brawl Smash wouldn't be Nintendo's version of MUGEN and none of these bait threads spammed every day would be happening. Except for Nintendo reps.