Stadia will END consoles and PC.
Stadia will END consoles and PC
>the future of gaming is streaming laggy as fuck AAA games
Yeah no thanks I'll stay in the past
Maybe, but does it know how to give a woman an orgasm?
No, they won't. And even if it does, they can't erase older OS and files.
And this 5 will end up your thread
>he doesn't know its a myth yet
even if you think you don't have a cap, I can absolutely guarantee you right here and now that your ISP will throttle your ass once they notice you're using up several terabytes a month. And once they figure out it's not just you but other stadiafags as well, they WILL implement caps.
>Hulk Ultimate Destruction on OG Xbox was capable of 720p/60fps 15 years ago.
>Stadia is now aiming for 720p/60fps, with ten times the input lag and charging you $10 a month for the privilege.
Amazing technology, simply amazing.
Anyone else think Stadia is a lame name? makes me think of Stevia, a lame sugar substitute for onions consuming faggots afraid of real sugar
This is why I'd rather just download a torrent
On low income markets like Brazil/South America this wouldn't work
Well it's pretty accurate in that regard, Stadia is to video games as Stevia is to sugar
I use up to 3TB per month and nope. You realize 65 hours of video streaming in 4k is already 500GB, right? Game downloads next gen will be over 200GB.
Nope. Console companies will do it by themselves, little by little. Stadia is dead on arrival, and anyone with 3 brain cells can see that.
>, right?
Can you mod on stadia?
Only if you're a master hacker
Are you fucking retarded?
kill yourself, shill
what's the point of 4k streaming? if you care that much about picture quality, why dont you just get a pc or xbone x
It will fail like the Ouya did. Mark my words.
No it will succeed. Google will blacklist Sony Nintendo and Microsoft
This shit honestly gives me anxiety. I still like to pull out my PS2 and Xbox 360 from time to time and play some old games. The thought of never actually owning a game again makes me feel sick. Just imagine a future where every single video game you play is rented from Google and they can decided at any time to suddenly make a certain game unplayable and it will forever disappear. Truly disgusting. I just want my box and discs.
Hasn't this shit already been tried like four times?
Ouya was a massive success. It managed to part many fools and their money.
Stadia will do the same, just to stockholder fags.
small fries like sony and nintendo maybe. microsoft is too big for google to push around
Onlive yeah
Honestly what companies should do is limit the old games market. Do what Blizzard did for the original Starcraft and offer in store credit and upgrades for old games
If you have the internet to run Stadia than why wouldn't you just download the game instead?
Move to PC and make back ups of DRM-free and pirated games. They can't take away those from you.
>giving Google money
>name sounds like STD
There's already too many consoles.
Am I ready for Stadia Yea Forums?
I pay $60 a month for this
>Google Flu trends
Why does this feel mildly dystopian
>There's already too many consoles
It literally runs out of chrome
>Needing WiFi at all time to play single player games and eating 1tb of storage in less than 2 day
>Game downloads next gen will be over 200GB.
Depends on the amount of audio files in the game.
I feel you bro
OUYA had a couple of good games.
Stadia is gonna crash and burn with nothing to show for.
because SHUT UP
Because it costs literally thousands of dollars to buy a GPU that can play Crysis at medium settings.
Google has billions of dollars and Jade Raymond.
>inb4 that comic
>Jade Raymond
She was in EA and was literally unable to do anything, probably because of the company culture or not having a good team. Just hiring famous devs means jackshit.
because user I am an impatient fucker who needs to play his RIGHT NOW
>*play his games RIGHT NOW
Minecraft with shaders
Game modding in general
Devs not being able to get on Stadia
Not having a way to pay monthly fees
PC and console will keep their places, dumb nigger
>Stadia will END consoles and PC.
But even if you're right, I don't give a fuck. If I live to see the day that everyone streams everything and downloadable PC games are a thing of the past, there will still be enough downloadable PC games from before 2019 to last me the rest of my life.
Imagine being this much of a cuck to give a shit about women. If I could kill you for sport I would
At least you're honest about it. But imagine betting against fucking google.
>every site that lets you download things will be shut down and everything will be livestreamed instead
welcome to the new age goy
Yeah, I wonder how social media fought the giant's genius inventions like Google+ and Hangouts.
It will be an absolute drop. The worst Google has ever seen. Expect their assets to drop a bit, as well.
Screencap this.
What is:
Google Wave
Google Hangouts
Google Answers
Google Catalog Search
Google Notebook
Google Page Creator
Google Video
Google Glass
Google Knol
Haven't we had this already with Valve and Steam Link?
Wonder how that turned out to be.
Ouya 2
It's literally just another buzzword to entice the soibois to throw money at their corporate overlord.
>more HD graphics than pc
>first console to allow dualshock AND google support
>can be traversed easily with no lag when you go om roadtrips
>name based on greek gods, stadia coming from Standia (the greek god of upright psoitioning)
how is google this based??
Yea Forums:
>console good! i want a good new console! with fast speeds and memory!
>releases Stadia, faster gpu than GTX 2080, 200GB of ram
If it's any consolation, Stadia is destined to be dead on arrival. This concept has been tried before and Stadia isn't innovating with anything new to solve the problems that killed its predecessors.
Good thing we have lots of physical formats to back up games.
Gaming PCs and consoles utterly BTFO
>stream box
>Yea Forums asks for a good console
>google gives an amazing fast console the size of a quarter that can run at speeds upwards of a giggajule
>company still bad
>despite specs better than my current pc which is legally classified as a megacomputer
Here's Your (You)
that was an amazing game
Nice pasta
its a fucking tax write off you retards
I just bought a PlayStation 3 I'll be living in the past now tyvm
>The future is something we own
Nah. Fuck off
The future of gaming is 100+ ms lag, no ownership of anything and subscription fees
because hardware is getting more expensive. at 9.99 a month, it's cheap af. a mid range GPU is already a couple hundred already and a console too, that's 3-4 years of just a sub fee without having to worry about falling behind the hardware curve.
>imagine betting against fucking google.
You could flip a coin and make the right bet based off of it half the time.
Stadia has already existed. This is nothing new, and PC gaming is alive and well.
Stadia doesn't target console or PC gamers.
Stadia targets people who don't have a console or gaming PC.
How long will it take for Yea Forums to comprehend this?
Don't forget Google Fiber.
>'Murica internet
>ISP monopolies rampant
>non major cities, rural, and surburban internet stuck with dial up and DSL speeds
>data caps common business practice
>throttling on unlimited and mobile plan
>high ping delay on mobile plans
Could be cool if you live in a nice Euro city, but this shit is going to flop here unless they have low expectations. Best non-mobile provider in my area offers like 300 kbps (actually more like 192kbps dsl), and I live in an urban sprawl of New Jewsey, AKA most population-dense state in the union. Just across from Philly, at that.
So who exactly does it target then? If somebody is interested in video games they'll have a console or PC already. If they're too poor for either of them then they're likely too poor to have good enough internet to use Stadia. So who is this targeting?
>non major cities, rural, and surburban internet stuck with dial up and DSL speeds
Source: your ass
Even if you just look at the products they're currently supporting, only a few have anywhere near the market penetration needed to challenge the real consoles.
Recall the at the Wii had fairly good market penetration, and a big name behind it, yet its third party support was a near wasteland.
>If somebody is interested in video games they'll have a console or PC already
There are kids today who grow up playing games on their phones.
Or they will have a PC too old to play current games.
Or little Jimmy can't convince mommy to pay $599 for a new Playstation but he keeps being bombarded by Stadia adverts whenever he watches youtube videos of his favorite lets player.
Unlike PC, sugar is actually fucking bad for you.
>We're gonna put Google Fiber EVERYWHERE!
>Oops, turns out we can't put Google Fiber anywhere
Is this satellite internet or something
Google and its goldfish-level attention span
>See that mountain?
>you can download it
>is streaming laggy as fuck AAA games
So.... Just like gaming on consoles?
I'm so glad I'm getting too old for video games. I witnessed the internet in it's glory days and everything goes to shit. Shit is getting censored left and right, video games are a joke, american identity politics everywhere, rules for banning people are getting ridiculous and what did we trade all this shit in for? Corporations make more money.
have sex incel
You guys know lag compensation exists for a reason, right?
What a dumb marketing strategy. Sure let's alienate the core audience by saying they're going to be obsolete soon.
Its on consoles and pc as a service for google chrome
You can use stadia on any device that has chrome.
Sure it will
Thats a surprising amount of people that can tell how bullshit stadia actually is.
>I'm so glad I'm getting too old for video games
Nah, just too gay.
You're going to get Stadia for her Cute and fUNNY game right?
All pajeets and various other 3rd world internetlets
Okay, I'm convinced this thing is aimed at impressionable teens who don't fully realize what this thing is. You still need to download data in order to stream the games, if there was literally "no downloads" then you shouldn't even need an Internet connection.
People really need to wake up to what this thing implies and reconsider supporting it. Don't support Google and this service just because Google is telling you it's the future of gaming. It's the dark future of gaming. You literally don't own anything: this is the digital equivalent of a Blockbuster rental store. You don't own the games you're playing for. And there isn't even an advantage of accessibility: imagine your Internet goes down, or Stadia needs to go down for maintenance or because of an attack. That's it. You can't play anything.
And Google can't speak on behalf of every ISP worldwide and their top speeds. They're implying they can magically give you the same experience of running a physical or digital copy of a game without an Internet connection. That's completely out of their hands and doesn't take things like location and congestion into consideration.
Now run a test to your closer google stadia data center, dum dum.
Mate they've had more failed projects than I've had wanks over big titted animu girls.
Stadia will catter to normies and trannies, the same mobile ""gaming'"" public.
>not knowing the benefits of stevia
sugarshill cuck detected
>press a key
>wait half a second
>character moves
>future of gaming
When people say mobile gaming is the future of video games, you can believe they believe Stadia can be more of this future.
Compare streaming 4k to native 4k.
There's your answer
no mods, no gods
only prisoners to a streaming service
>Stadia will end Google
This will be shit because it's physically impossible to generate and stream frames at the same time the they are generated in game.
The latency will be huge.
I can work with card games and cash grab heroes collecting phone games, but not with games respectful human beings would play.
>More HD Graphics
4K costs extra, you have to subscribe to Stadia Pro and even then you need enough bandwidth for it too.
>First console
It's not a console, it's a web platform with an optional controller that allows you to connect directly to their servers so your computer effectively just needs to livestream the game which could help with latency, the controller is going to make or break Stadia
>Can be traversed easily with no lag
This is a bold faced lie, god forbid you end up in a mobile phone deadzone on your way somewhere
I tested this shit, it definitely isn't perfect and when it comes to an action game you need to not have potential spikes in latency lag.
Me too honestly. If other companies follow and this ends up being the only business model I will probably be forced to leave gaming at that point. Well ill still have enough old stuff to replay at least but it would suck.
I don't think it will take off though. Latency is shit across most of the US and frankly the rest of the planet that I just don't it see it working well outside of South Korea.
how much is google paying you to shill this crap here?
Only the silicon valley elitist retards that make up could up with something this retarded. These are the same people who don't vaccinate their kids, that drink "pure" water they stole from some stream and bought that juicero shit. They are completely alienated from the public if you think every person has a 35mb/s connection. Like you can LITERALLY only think this if you live some isolated life in silicon valley and these are the people that are desperately trying to control what you see on Youtube
Of course there's endless energy in forcing this to happen because a huge part of current culture is tying you to subscriptions, instead of paying 60 bucks for a game you can just pay 15 bucks forever. It's the final incarnation of games as a service model.
PS4 - 60 a year
Xbone - 60 a year
switch - 20 a year
Stadia - 120 a year
Because Google Glads went so well.
Isn't this just OnLive 2.0 you fucking retards
with real money backing it so people are concerned. If a smaller company did it no one would worry.
whether it works or not (it probably won't), it certainly won't work well with my 10mbps so it's business as usual for me
>check Yea Forums
>everyone shitting on it
>go to facebook and youtube
>everyone praising it and calling it the future
Google did a great job at impressing the normalfag crowd. This thing will be huge.
google has no marketshare in gaming
the fuck is a mega computer?
Jesus, you're so fucking bad at this. You should probably be fired.
willing to bet 75% of those normalfags don't even understand the latency issue
How about both?
Reminder, if you speak to literally ANYONE who is excited for Stadia, just show them this.
It kind of fucks with me too, why is why I'm so outspoken about it. Fuck a future where I can't own media.
data caps will fuck this service in the ass even if it worked well
why i still have every game ever made since 1958
why would i need to spend money to stream new shite my isp is just gonna throttle me anyways
What comic?
Onlive, PS Now. Both suck(ed)
Yall salty and refuse to accept the future
get left behind
this platform is bigger than you think
This is the next generation of machine learning
Do you guys think Stadia will take off? There are so many Google attempts to target very specific markets like their chat services, social media sites, etc. and they somehow all end up dying and no one cares. I am afraid this will die and many people will realize they are going to lose their save data and progress and end up getting pissed and frusterated in 2-4 years.
Microsoft will present a better service the next sunday anyway.
First time I hear of this. Tell me more. And what happened to their AR glasses?
the video u get when u go to the stadia front page laged for me when i went to see the "future of gaming"..... VERY NICE IF YOUR BANNER VID LAGS HOW WILL I PLAY YOUR FUCKING GAMES U IDIOTS!
Hololens was a fucking disaster, but microsoft may announce a streaming service tie in to their already games as a service, services.
If you demoed any of the games in Project Stream you know the quality of their service, even on very stable wifi your resolution is going to go up and down a whole lot and you may experience lag, but it won't be too bad but can be crucial in action or time sensitive games
I actually have Google fiber and love it. Customer service is great. And everythings easy to use. I fucking hate Google as a company but I love my free internet I've had for the last 5 years
How is Google Fiber free? I have been hyped for Google Fiber for a long time and wished since before it came out it would come to my city, live in a big major city on the East coast and I doubt it will ever reach here sadly.
Even Netflix allows me to download my movies, why I can't download my fucking games.
Streaming sucks donkey balls.
>Fiber was a success
This looks like shit, it doesn't exactly inspire confidence in their product. Whose bright idea was it to make this ugly mess one of the first things I see when I check out Stadia's store page? Isn't google supposed to be a marketing company or something like that?
This. It's more stable than Onlive or PS Now but we're still talking cloud gaming and that shit is only gonna work well if the client user has good internet no matter how powerful your server.
turn the logo 180 degrees and change color to brown
A shitpost for the ages.
When there's entire countries that aren't able to use this, you've ALREADY established an automatic group of haters. Not smart. There's so much going against this, and they aren't even becoming the "Netflix of games" because you still need to pay for each game.
The future of gaming will always be the lowest possible latency because gaming is eventually supposed to re-create reality.
Ok, I'm still not buying this crap though
>and PC.
People use their PCs for many other things, cockbite.
does this stadia have crysis user?
I was going to complain about this garbage d-pad but then I remembered this thing cannot do fighting games.
>symmetrical sticks
They already announced MK11 and Sam Sho for it.
I bet they're going to be a joy to play with that input lag.
>Yeah no thanks I'll stay in the past
Lmao he thinks he'll have a choice!
Especially when all console manufacturers are getting a boner over the costs saving and full control of content.
Streaming is unfortunately the replacement for hardware.
Fuck you, I'm going to keep holding on.
so wait whats the actual point of streaming games instead of just selling digital games like steam?
>and PC.
>locked at 60fps
I believe they're targeting casuals who don't know what latency is.
What google will find though, is that due to this shitstorm the entire world will become educated on latency. That's the bright side of this.
You mean become a digital store like the Epic Store? looool
It might end Sony but Microsoft are too big and are also doing their own, better, alternative. Nintendo are barely in the console market anymore the switch is basically a glorified tablet and caters to the mobile gamer market more than anyone else.
What I want to know is the name of the retard who thought this was a good idea
Man I can't wait to be able to stream games and not have to pay 1000$ dollars every couple of years or so to own a gaming rig. I will be laughing at all you poorfag stadia haters.
How long until Google scraps this like all their other very aggressive projects?
Taking away freedoms from the customer.
they have no history in making games
they are a browser service that would be irrelevant without the creativity of the rest of the world
they just got lucky being the first big search engine to latch on
they do literally nothing else of value
>implying you need thousands to play current gen games on PC
enjoy your internet bill x100 if you are anything but a normalfag retard
only because this is the end of current gen
when ps5 coming out system reqs will sky rocket
>implying you need anything more than a chrome browser to play games in 2020
please leave
what freedom exactly? to pirate, cheat or swap models for meme youtube videos?
It's all a load of bullshit. My net drops all the fucking time and I live in a semi-rural area so obviously I'm not the target audience but it's still crazy to me that they're making the US their target.
I hope they're trying to launch this shit in asian countries because it might actually work well there.
The system already is showing signs it struggles streaming in 4K. The PS5 is going to do 8K shit.
Why hasn't anyone posted Stadia-chan?
Freedom to mod the games and to keep the game shall Stadia gets shutdown.
Why is the google game box being shilled so hard here?
>Isn't google supposed to be a marketing company
It makes a search engine that inserts other people's marketing into the results. Whether the marketing succeeds or not is up to the people who made it.
>Hello mr. Yea Forumseddit. We're happy to have you our board here at Blockbuster. We know that you were CTO at Sears before Amazon caused their business to close down all their stores. We also know that was unforeseeable. Now, let's return to the matters at hand... one of our technology consultants was telling us about "digital streamin---"
You can stop right there. Digital streaming is never going to take off. Nobody is going to want to stream a movie at low resolution, deal with network interruptions, datacaps and a limited selection of titles. It's a joke.
>But Mr. Yea Forumseddit, market research indicate--
With all due respect, Mr... what was your name?
>Albert Ei-
Albert, don't ever mention streaming to me again.
>but Yea Forumseddit-sama, streaming...
Stop. I'm going to need to you clear our your desk. Immediately.
These shills, they're unbelievable. Now, for an Old Fashioned. Ah... 1958 oak barrel...
Netflix can't even Stream films in 8K and the next console generation is going to do 8K stuff. Streaming games is a lot of complex than streaming video.
How will google possible catch up if it's streaming only?
Seriously why couldn't they just have made a $200 console that plays games at a optimized setting like current consoles do and then use the streaming to entrance the games beyond what current $2k gaming computer could do. And least that would solve the input problem and if you're having internet difficulties you'll still have a fucking gaming console to play.
stadia is going to go great with my new $35,000 mac pro, $6/k monitor and $999 monitor stand. no games on mac my ass.
The thing is, it isn't even "streaming" video games. Everyone's attached a misleading label to it.
Imagine if streamed movies had to stop thousands of times a second, wait for the viewer's input on something, process that input, then resume, over and over again.
Netflix could stream in 8k but why waste money when no one has 8k tvs??
Because adding yet another console to an over saturated market is doomed to fail. Stadia good idea or no, at least provides a unique experience for a chance of success.
apparently not too old to be a weeb virgin, which is worse than gaming
>streaming is the replacement for hardware
...Only for people with Fiber connections or decent cable. If everyone starts jumping on cable connections, the speed will dramatically dip making it stutter and lag anyway. This'll crash and burn harder than the fucking Ouya. The companies that go all in on this will alienate a majority of their fan base that like hardcopies or at least downloadable offline versions. Not everyone wants to be glued to the internet all the time. Being delusional is fine but come on, this is a joke. It's fucking Playstation Now comedy.
>Because adding yet another console to an over saturated market is doomed to fail. Stadia good idea or no, at least provides a unique experience for a chance of success.
Really? Because it seems like i could already be fucking doing this with psnow and definitely works a lot better than what Google shows. On top of that i get exclusives to play.
that reminds me
>Netflix could stream in 8k
I was told by somebody who works in the "industry" that they don't have infrastructure to do it yet. They actual degrade their footage in the post production phase to make it stream able.
Stadia is for retards, rent to own retards to be specific. Most important, undeniable fact is it eats too much bandwidth. No ISP is going to tolerate games streaming and hard data caps are going to come as a result. When it takes terabytes of bandwidth for people to finish games it means servers are working with huge amounts of load and cost. That's going to be passed on to consumers.
Do you know what latency is?
t. bugman
user, it's broadcasting a game from a server over to your screen, aka streaming. You use your upload speeds to send the server your inputs and it applies it to the game.
>...Only for people with Fiber connections or decent cable.
....and? Just because your not part of the target market does not mean it is not profitable. People with good internet tend to have money to spend user.
Isp would rather you just torrent your games instead of running up their systems 24/7 streaming your sex vr games
Here's the link if anyone wants to vote.
And if they want to actually profit off this, they would need a large majority of their user base to do this, which most will straight up refuse or not throw their money at because they would see no benefit to this apart from buying a console they can purchase, sell or give away. A subscription you can't. Games as a service is cancer and most players who play games know this.
I don't give a shit if you think I'm the target audience or not, I have the hardware and connection speed, but I have the foresight to see that this won't be very profitable, nor will I invest into a market that actively tries to rip me off with microtransactions. Imagine paying for your sub, as well as requiring to pay for skins and all that other garbage too? That's a complete suckers game as if you stop your sub you literally have nothing and threw your money away.
It would be borderline breaking even at best, absolute failure at worst.
Plus they'll be continually censoring older games to remove non-PC police approved content.
Only based nippon can save us now
I don't know if there's a ton of profitability problems. Google already offers VM services, and other smaller, specialized companies do as well. I used them for months for ML applications. Users buying time to remotely interact with a PC is not an untested model
Imagine giving up the right to own the things you buy.
>10ms ping
no, just shit
I feel like in the future nobody will own anything. Like the idea of buying a house and not renting will seem strange.
>for a desktop
>$10 a month
>$10 a month
>$10 a month
>$10 a month
Most of those people buy time to use PC / Servers to do actual work, not for entertainment. It wouldn't stick because most people like to keep the products they purchase. Even if you buy an MMO you at least know the box/account is yours and you can sell it at any given time with all the progress you've earned for a monetary value.
Gaming and app usage are two different beasts.
What is with all this sub and microtransaction talk? Stadia is free, with the only requirement being to purchase the games themselves. It literally is steam but with streaming instead of downloading.
You are delusional if you think anyone really cares about anything you were talking about. Steam is making billions, and I think stadia has solved the lag issue(below 50 ms) from streaming. Well see in november.
I don't give a shit about your meme service, just give me more cute stadia-chan lewds or cutes
What about PC?
So instead of paying for the bandwidth of downloading the game one time, you would basically have to get an unlimited connection just to have access to shit you already own? That's even more retarded. Your meme service will fail, idiots will buy this shit with their dumb Data plans, realize they got jewed and cancel immediately.
>basically have to get an unlimited connection
let me repeat myself.
>....and? Just because your not part of the target market does not mean it is not profitable. People with good internet tend to have money to spend user.
>you aren't the target audience out of an already minuscule base, therefore my product won't fail!
>the next console generation is going to do 8K stuff.
Lol, this gen can't even do good 4k
You guys don't like it because you are unemployed and playing your ps4\pc all day.
I'm constantly in a situation when i can't play games normally and will try stadia for sure.
Is this what being a dumb consumer is like? Must suck not having any money or savings or anything of real value. But hey at least you've got your shiny trinkets, right?
If you already own a ps4 or PC, this service is pointless.
Also, why the hell would you not have your own PC or console by now if you are actually passionate or someone care for even a fraction about your hobby? Would a BMXer rent his fucking bike? lmao.
Someone already playing games would already have this stuff, and hardcore players of FPS games would always feel an input lag, making it awful for what a majority of players currently dabble in.
lmao just like OnLive right?
Once this takes over and the only way we will interact with games is going to be through streams, what will happen to physical ownerships, digital shops and even piracy? Cant imagine any of those staying if nobody will give direct access to games.
Shill harder
Steam link is just LAN.
I still don't get who the Stadia is for exactly.
dumbass normies
That sites die because everybody block ads and they barely survive selling "Download slots" (aka any private tracker). Stadia/Console/PC are profitable because they get money selling games
Cloud gaming will take over but it's not going to happen within the next 5 years for sure.
>If you already own a ps4 or PC, this service is pointless.
ps4 and pc are not portable and stadia is
Imagine crossplay between regular PCs and stadia
I doubt it. Sure, corporations masturbate to the very thought but it would create gaming dead zones.
But what about all those games on the Google Play store?
In what world are they not as portable as the stadia brick? Stadia isn't a handheld, it's a streaming box. A laptop is literally more portable.
The only way Cloud Gaming will ever take off anywhere outside of Japan is if we have actually half decent internet infrastructure
Friend reminder that the GAMES AS A SERVICE business model is absolute cancer and if you support this garbage you should be shot.
Nope, but it's a good thought. Shit will die super quick. Appealing to normalfags is not how you make money
>Users buying time to remotely interact with a PC is not an untested model
Those people using remote PCs for work do not have use cases were response times of a fraction of a second are mandatory.
Friendly reminder that the first time I ever heard the phrase "Games as a service" was from the mouth of Gabe Newel in describing CSGO, Dota2 and TF2.
Steam bad!
How did I shill?
Hope that at most it will be an altetnative, not the only way to play games.
From a technical and quality standpoint, I only see this making current issues worse while only adding some minor convenience. Poor image quality is already an issue in local gaming, and even the 4k HDR 60 fps streamed will inevitably be an image quality downgrade because of streaming compression. You can offset that by playing on a very small screen but on your big 4k HDR TV? It'll be a downgrade for sure, and why the fuck would you let your TV go to waste like that. Lag is also already a problem, most of it due to v-sync implementation and some due to display lag, etc. What does Stadia do? Add more lag so it'll be even worse than the worst case scenarios in local gaming already are.
>b-but muh long downloads, muh updates
You need a fast internet connection anyway, why not use it to just download the game and play it in a superior way?
>B-but muh play anything anywhere on any device
Convenient, but if you care about quality it's an inferior way of playing.
>muh cheap subscription
Game pass handles that in a better way by actually letting you play the games properly
google employees get out
raytraced audio is a next gen feature
How the fuck do people still manage to sell this shitty streaming idea to companies? OnLive tried it ages ago and nothing really changed in terms of tech. What a waste.
i thought it would be different, but its just OnLive 2.0 yawn
69 dollars for a controller with no gyro
They're the biggest physical media hogs on the planet. They still have tons of rental shops for DVDs and Blu-rays. They still buy CDs and pay exorbitant prices for porn DVDs. Second hand shops for all kinds of physical media is everywhere. All that internet bandwidth isn't put to good use by consumers, and the vast majority of japs are too big cucks to even try downloading something illegaly.
Customer licensing rights, you fucking shill.
Brought to you by Googleâ„¢: a world where YOU DONT OWN NUTHIN GOYIM.
So basically just like steam.
You own your games n steam. A perpetual license is treated as a good.
Just use GoG, problem solved
The future is being spied on and having your every action analysed and catalogued by thousands upon thousands of Indians.
>all the money in the world
>doesn't pay for even timed exclusives
They don't understand shit about the market it seems
>Steaming games.
>With America's internet.
are there any numbers to how big Stadia actually is?
ive barely noticed people talking about it IRL
>nearly all their successes are projects they bought from someone else
>a good deal of their original projects have failed hugely
Is this real? I knew it would be bad but holy shit. Playing an FPS in this state would make people physically ill. Not to mention the latency.
Steam link is meant to be LAN wide solution, where you can't be bothered to pull HTMI from pc to tv
How will they address latency?
How will they upgrade their platform for more graphically intensive games yeas down the line? Are they willing to renovate their entire sever farm complex for said upgrades?
Will Google even support it properly?
The answer is no on all accounts, Google will call it a failure and write it off their taxes like every other failed product they have made.
Due to how Google is structured, they lack the proper corporate agenda to properly do anything. From Google Glass to Google Fiber, they will just fall flat like they always do.
>all their biggest successes besides and chrome have been things they bought
>most of their high profile original ideas have failed hard
Only thing that gives better odds than against a google project failing is betting that Todd will port skyrim to yet another thing within the next year
>ever good
Unless you're so retarded you think google can break the laws of physics, it's fucked and will never surpass even a toaster
>>despite specs better than my current pc which is legally classified as a megacomputer
>legal definition
Oh, you actually are that retarded
No thanks, I'd rather not lose access to my games because I said that Adam Lanza is fictional and the people in Sandy Hook were actors.
It is easy to bet against Google with how inept they actually are. Youtube doesn't break even for them and constantly bleeds money. That is the reason why Youtube is still afraid of failing Legacy media, because it still needs ad money. We would be here all day if I listed how many failed projects they have announced, even Google Fiber was a higher profile release, and it flopped hard, same with Google Glass.
>how will they address latency
If the average scrub is any indication (and I mean the FIFA niggers that make up more of the gamer population than anyone wants to admit) they won't even notice 200ms latency, it'll probably help them more than it hurts
This won't work because always online has never worked.
What about when people need to buy new pcs or console? Like if you have a good gaming pc now or a modern console you're set but when you need an upgrade it would be way easier and cheaper to just join Stadia at that point am I wrong?
even in a best case scenario setup it's absolutely dreadful.
>Game downloads next gen will be over 200GB.
Works fine on my machine, try not buying AAAshit.
Forgot I left transparency on in png saver. I'm a big fan of transparency!
>having bandwidth caps
Glad I don't live in a 3rd world shithole like murricay
Jusus fuck, it can't even work on their controlled environment
Normalniggers can't tell the difference between a volume of 50 decibels and a volume of 60 decibels.
Normalniggers think a cutscene of Press X to awesome that lasts a full 250 milliseconds isn't an interruption at all.
Normalniggers aren't even going to notice 80 milliseconds of latency. Their brains literally do not process the world in the same way.
>65 hours
Anyone who has time to play video games for 65 hours in a month has bigger problems than a data cap
Lol edge just switched to chromium. do you really think microsoft is that powerful?
Months are the ones with 30 days, dumbass.
Microsoft maybe no, but I can definitely see Bitchute being a competitor :]
U tha dumbass
That's just over 2 hours a day. This is not a high number.
No u
>Reminder, if you speak to literally ANYONE who is excited for Stadia, just show them this.
>speak to literally ANYONE who is excited for Stadia
I'm having trouble finding anyone outside of Yea Forums shitposters.
>Its for rich spoiled 10 year olds!
So it is DOA. Got it