You know what would be awesome? A game that took place around the Chernobyl's nuclear plant after the disaster

You know what would be awesome? A game that took place around the Chernobyl's nuclear plant after the disaster

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what would you do? What would the game be like?

You are a retard. No one bump this thread, let this dumbass figure it out himself.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Teнь Чepнoбыля
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Чиcтoe нeбo
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Зoв Пpипяти

There you go.

Well go ahead and make a game about nothing then.

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immediately after would be boring as shit
nothing to fight and the only thing to do is die of radiation

irony does not compute

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it would be an open world game with the whole chernobyl/pripyat area and surrounding forest.
point of the game would be to search for hot particles with a geiger counter and examine them, and explore the most highly contaminated areas, including inside the sarcophagus / NSC.

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Why would anyone care enough to make a tv series out a minor feedwater contamination incident that didn't even leak more that 3.6 rads in the immediate vicinity?

There isn't any material to make a game out of that.

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So an even lamer fallout?

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Most shilled tv show on 4channel right now

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This is an upcoming game that looks pretty based

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You're literally describing Stalker

There are some good moments, even slavs are jealous because westerners made a show of their history, and most slavs even agree that things are accurate as fuck.
At the end of the series, they reiterated that the woman is merely a fictional character made to characterize all the scientists involved.

Overall, there are some scenes that are really good, and some that are meh.

>cause by men and so she come to fix that
pure artistry

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Not a shill. No ads (while streaming the video anyway) and in hd

it would be a simcity game but in first person and its about how long you can keep the plant from going critical and based on your time you get a seed that creates a zone instance in which case everyone finds a place to drop and the last one standing wins

>point of the game would be to search for hot particles with a geiger counter and examine them
wow... so exciting

fucking retard

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It's kind of absurd, even GoT had less threads and that one was at least watched by like 15m people.

so not great, not terrible huh

and you know, you know, after the disaster there would be like mutant animals and mutant telepathic deformed humans, you know and telekinesis and shit, and it would be a no-law zone full of mercenaries and soldiers of fortune looking just like the wild west in the 1800s. It would be so cool!

it's terrible and boring. thank god I never watch american tv anymore.

really?, stalker has a realistic geiger counter and you can search for hot particles?
maybe i should play it.

This is obviously fake. The final episode of the series even says this chick character is fictional and meant to represent the dozens of Male and female scientists who helped the containment team

The drama is not accurate with science and there are fictional characters but you cant say it’s boring. It’s not perfectly edited and well paced out but there are some genuinely great moments between characters

>female scientists
probably one or two, and they were interns.


>At the end of the series, they reiterated that the woman is merely a fictional character made to characterize all the scientists involved.
How was the reaction to that?

There were a lot of women there if only in other roles to be fair, most nurses were women I think, that’s pretty fucking horrific when you think about it.

Reminder that hating things that are popular doesnt automatically make you more intelligent than everyone


yes, and yes. it also had strange artificacts and tries to mimic somewhat the atmosphere of the russian movie stalker with mixed results. it was a very ambitious game for its time but they couldn't implent not even 25% of their original ideas.

why is this show so popular
I have to watch it now but I feel like this is highly politicized and I hate politics

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this is a fucking dumb idea for a video game but it is creepy to think that after they poured concrete over that bitch it just sat there with no one going in. There’s probably rooms with peoples shit still in there, overturned coffee cups and pics of family and documents getting progressively more irradiated every second.

it's not. it's actually very realistic. (there is the token female scientist, but that's obligatory in current american tv).

You know, the usual. There are still people who complained that it was not diverse enough "since the scientist woman was fictional, why not make the show diverse?".
Basically, there's no pleasing them no matter what.

When are we getting a Roadside Picnic game proper? STALKER is neat but many of the anomalies feel boring(random fireballs or lightning out of nowhere) instead of the otherworldly, incomprehensible shit they're supposed to be

>I feel like this is highly politicized
it's set in the fucking communism/soviet unio, of course it's politicized

You play as Bacho you start in Afganistan and follow his life to the Chernobyl.

It isn’t politicized in the Burger fashion if that’s what you’re wondering.

The person behind it is a fucking retard who compares modern day america to the USSR unironically because of, you guessed it; Trump. But this is a case where the creator is stupid but their retardation genuinely doesn't affect the quality of the show. Some people in history may have been dirty commies, but some of those dirty commies made some neat guns, so bada bing bada boom.

>Chernobyl not a political issue

>no game where you play the unknowing civilian tasked to clear graphite from the roof
>no segment where youre guiding the robot to clear debris off one of the roofs
>no tense segment where you have to give a segment while the kgb breathes down your neck

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Iodinefu died of ARS

That's it m8 i like that exactly what i had in mind, i should open a kickstarter to do it ASAP

>The person behind it is a fucking retard who compares modern day america to the USSR unironically because of, you guessed it; Trump.

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Pic related, it's you

give a speech*


Gonna need some sources for that

fucking kill yourself

did he even do anything wrong?

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like 30 people died in total from radiation poisoning and 4000 assumed to have prematurely died later on in life lol

The show shat on appratchiks and Communism

t. ivan

yes he went to toilet

It wasn't a coincidence tho.

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>you will never die from 4000 chest xrays leaving behind your slav waifu

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His comparison was that the blind faith those commies had in the state was comparable to the faith some people currently have in Trump, which is completely fair if you've ever seen some of the retards in /ptg/

I don't even know what appratchiks and communism is

by klater on in life you mean they died in their forties?

What disaster? There's just some fire on the roof.

Do you want to make a game out of that?

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beep boop USSR beep boop KGB robot

go back to your containment threads like overwatch or whatever else you waste time on tranny

the fair where communists appraised and sold chicks.

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He's partly to blame.

>be communist slav
>hungry most of the time
>drink vodka to compensate for hunger
>son dies
>shitty life
>become irate person, also drunk from vodka
>want to advance career to get more food and have connections to upper party members
>force tests to advance career
>turns out, A3-5 button has fatal flaw due to cheapskate government
>everyone blames you after because you can't blame government for being cheap

It's not. It's not even really anti nuclear power unlike many recent chernobyl documentaries. It slams the shitty USSR system of passing down responsibility and how they tried to cover it up to maintain reputation

So... how exactly is this show one of the best tv shows ever made?

>no segment where you have to wade through the flooded levels to get the water put of the basement and your lights die from the radiation

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it's not. they were saying the same thing about game of thrones last week

The show treat women like shit. Guess the answer.

>Russian and not Ukrainian

The show was actually subtly based and redpilled.

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>rick and morty
>peaky blinders
really makes you think

It's really not. Social media is always full of insane people and shitposters always REE about women in media. They needed a character to represent the insight of a ton of people who were helping legasov and that's what she represents. She's fine.

>Rick and Morty 93
who the fuck is rating this shit

But those are Roadside Picnic games.

peaky blinders? really? that show is terrible, specially the later seasons. it's garbage, complete garbage.

Amazingly some people can separate politics from every single thing they do or say or believe in
You /pol/ niggers should learn that

they didnt die, they were windup iirc

and if it was going off what actually happened the fire dept had already drained the basement

it's ratings from IMDB

I love you user

Definitely. He was willing to do reckless shit just because he had a failsafe button. He was extremely irresponsible.


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I need a quick rundown on the wire and peaky blinders, are they any good?

Wow, it's almost as if the only people who rate shows on the internet are people who liked it, or hated it enough

Classic behavior of someone who frequents r/iamverysmart

they turned like 40 scientists into one brainiac woman, while spotlighting the retarded nurse who killed her own baby by hugging her ICU husband

treated like shit my ass

I know we are never getting STALKER 2, but how would you feel about a STALKER TV series instead?

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