why this is allowed???
Why this is allowed???
Other urls found in this thread:
every day until the end of time
>two years, three months, and three days and he's still butthurt enough to make threads about it
Is this the daily seething thread?
Because the game is really fucking good, so it didnt really impact the experience enough for people to throw a hissy fit.
nintendies are even worse than snoyboys in their inability to accept criticism
The real question is why is it ok when Nintendo does it but not when Ubisoft does it?
Dear god what is Pokemon sword and shield going to look like!?
One is a pre-rendered cutscene that was never suggested to be gameplay.
Where EA flatout plays a pre-rendered cutscene and has people pretending to play it in front of a live Audience
I don't know, you tell me.
Two years oh no no no poor guy
How does Nintendo do it, lads? The asshurt is still so good years later.
>posts screenshots of 3 different areas
kys faggot
it's okay when nintendo does it
Because CG trailers are not games
I never know whether or not I should post in these threads. I own a Switch, I have BotW and finished, and mostly enjoyed it. But I didn't think it was great. Whose side am I on?
>realistic fog that does happen like this in a realistic ish world is shit
false flagged nintendo fags are the worst
silent hill is all draw distance cover up
the side that actually played botw
Yeah whatever, dude. they did it cause the draw distance is shit.
Show the reveal version of the rocky area coward
silent hill looks like this now?
>prerenderd video cutscene vs a beta build that was shown off almost a year before release that was a screencap of a 360p twitch stream
BotW fans will defend this washed out mess till the end
Is that a side? Seems the only two options are to constantly shit on it, or rabidly defend it while shitting on something else.
Because we aren't babies, and we can comprehend how concepts and development builds work.
Because we have the basic faculties to understand that sometimes technical limitations stifles creativity.
Because we aren't retarded enough to buy into the promise of early builds, when making the ultimate purchase.
Because we're savvy enough to wait until the release before making a final judgement.
Literally OP:
Where is the ship on the right?
Was a great game who cares.
Because we actually played the game and we know it's good
Breath of the Wild? More like Blew out the Whiners!
Today im gonna remind them.
Yeah, why is OP allowed to keep posting this garbage image?
>tfw no understanding of artstyle vs "muh realism ft cyber dinos'
I never commented on whether it was good or not, I said it was a washed out mess
The top is pre-rendered, the bottom is the result of the open-world meme on underpowered hardware.
Corporate dick suckers as seen in this thread.
One is a promotional shot showing what they want to achieve with the game. Honestly you can basically get BotW looking like that on Dolphin.
Me too. I had a switch and got about 2 hours into BotW and stopped playing it, and eventually sold my switch to a friend.
Post "It's a solid 7/10." in every BotW thread like I do.
It's the same with movies. They tailor trailers and give zero fucks