Why do you keep coming back to Yea Forums?
Why do you keep coming back to Yea Forums?
It’s fun
I only enter threads that interest me. I won’t enter a thread about something I dislike simply to insult others that have a different taste than me. My experience in Yea Forums is a positive one. I ignore those that shitpost or troll and continue conversations and discussions with those that can do it amicably.
To see if I can find a fun thread.
I dont have friends irl
For e3 squilliam collage threads. But like I have done before, I'll leave for a few months
I have literally nothing else to do.
Sucks bros
it's a good way to waste time for me.some interesting discussion can actually be had if you're lucky. love the memes too.
My depression is preventing me from playing videogames to the point I feel worse when I force myself to play anything.
So instead I occasionally shitpost on Yea Forums in the hopes I'll feel validation.
i relate to this user. hang in there Yea Forumsrother
The memes and shitposting, the console war threads
Some of you are alright. Don't let Yea Forums put you in a worse mood than it should.
This actually. As bad as this place is, its lazy mods and high post/minute keeps the place somewhat fresh. You can get away with more and people are more willing to do stupid shit. If you know what you like and what to look for, it can be fun browsing this place more often than not. Shoutout to the cunny and sneed posters also.
Common interests
Anywhere else is worse
I like owning nerds
Tbh i'm barely on here anymore, kind of over Yea Forums and as an oldfag (started coming here around 2005) the amount of annoying zoomers taking over this place has sucked all the fun out for the most part, unironically prefer Reddit and Facebook now.
i feel like i know what you are talking about user.
the board randomly devolves into the stupidest shit like EEnE online threads, best boy/girl threads w/ a lot of... character research... plus Yea Forums memes are rich; love me some squilliam. It's like Yea Forums but less edgy.
If I knew the answer to that, I probably wouldn't keep coming back.
I find absurd things entertaining and nothing's more absurd than some of the wack shit 15 year olds spout out when they're anonymous
Everywhere else is worse.
No karmawhores. Not entirely full of pol bullshit. I can shit post and move on with life. I can laugh at others and myself.
Every so often you will find a thread with genuinely good people and discussion. Other times it is easy to just chill because nothing is too serious, and anyone pretending it is are just trolling or summerfags.
Have a wonderful night boys.
well said user
Yea Forums has so much traffic that threads can start popping pretty fast. It's amazing how slow and dead the other boards feel in comparison.
I also like the occasional off-topic conversation. Yea Forums sometimes feels like Yea Forums with a video game backdrop, and I love it for that.
I know some people hate the off-topic shit, but I'll be damned if this board isn't the most fun on this website.
Because when Yea Forums doesn't talk about video games, its actually a good time. Other then that, I come here to shitpost and lie like everyone else.
Very few of my mates like the games I play, so I'm forced to come here to splurge.
waifu threads
they're the only threads where everyone is in a good mood
Waifuthreads are always full of chill ERP'ing until some user comes in and calls everyone faggots or Barneyfag gets summoned or some shit.
It's fun.
Also you can sometime talk about videogames.