Post your waifu/husbando

Post your waifu/husbando.
Get a vidya game recommendation to play.

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40% Orange Juice

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can we skip the pretense and post porn of traps with big dicks that are the bottom?

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Stop derailing the thread for fuck sake..

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I love this pirate

Attached: 331c6ab6b35dd73b3edc6bc1098bcc31.jpg (653x1125, 188K)

>waifu in OP
>he doesn't know
I love newfags

Attached: Comfy.jpg (1674x1399, 248K)

I can't post my waifu because of GR15


If you think this thread is being auto-saged, I got some news for you buddy

>page 1

what in the fuck, since when they got rid of it?

VRchat (with a Nanachi model)
Gothic 2 / Assassin's Creed: Black Flag on PC with anime mod
Last Guardian

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It's possible it's just not picking it up because he said "waifu/husbando" instead of just "waifu"

Months ago

Bless you, please keep doing what you do user

this is probably up there among the creepiest images on the internet.

Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen

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based. Play Castlevania.

Attached: cunny.png (800x600, 734K)

Based. Fuck trannies and fuck jannies.

>come join us user! don't be shy!

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>come join us user! don't be shy!

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Okay but who's going to be sticking it in who?

source it before this thread gets torpedo'd

>this thread

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>Someone with a shitty life is trying to find a modicum of happiness

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and Redpilled

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(You) on both Astolfo and Jeanne, Astolfo only on Jeanne

I image searched it and found the artist in 2 seconds

tsuna (al dente)

How can I stick it in both at the same time?

I love Reisen!

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