Slay the spire

how the FUCK am I supposed to beat floor 50? I get there almost every time but never get the job done

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>playing the defect
My man

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You're at the club and this guy comes up and slaps your gf's ass, what do you do?

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fuck him in his donut hole

build a decent deck before you get there and then steam roll everything.

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Get better cards, don’t be a lucklet when it comes to relics.

Controversisl opinion: Slay the Spire is ugly as sin desu
After a while i just started to feel disgusted by the game's visuals and could not even play it anymore

That isn't very controversial

>Slay the Spire is ugly as sin desu
it's not pretty that's for sure
>After a while i just started to feel disgusted by the game's visuals and could not even play it anymore
graphicsfags are the worst. the game's not even that great but to drop it for the graphics is one of the plebbiest things you can do.

Be a beast and build poison and block. Seriously though this game is easy as shit

focus fire on guy at the right cause he buffs strength
also get a good synergy of cards
i've beaten them with just claws and scraps and other 0 cost cards
Time lord is an actual faggot though

get better

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I can deal with bad, dated graphics but i can't deal with a shit artstyle

Scorelet here, how do I get more than like 900? What are the big point categories to go after? I thought it was enemies but looks like not.

ascension modifiers increase your score, and that deck took on the heart too

You have a problem

Go heavy on the glacier orbs

Have this ancient webm.

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What about in the daily challenge? I usually don't get more than 800?

Why is Anger considered a shit card? I love it. Is it because it bloats your deck on continuous use?

flawlessing bosses, collecting multiple copies of cards, and going fast i think all increase your score
i don't really play for score, that's a pretty natural score on A20
it's not considered shit, it's an excellent early damage card for the energy starved ironclad that sort of scales with strength in the later game in that you can spam more attacks to abuse that strength
you just don't always play it on longer fights since it can shit up a fine tuned deck, but decks aren't just built for bossees

Keep rerolling on the first level until you get a few decent cards; even early on you should have an idea of which direction to take your deck instead of just grabbing random shit.

Can't remember what the archetypes were exactly but they're something like
- 0-cost claw attack cards
- stacking frost orbs to generate ludicrous amounts of block
- generating a few dark orbs and continuously beefing them up for yuge damage

This shit was lit. Took out the Transient before he self destruct.


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how the fuck did you get so many relics?

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I thought it came out on the switch either today or tomorrow

With the defect use that thing that gives you a power at the start, use that thing that duplicates power, the thing thay gives you an electrict/ice ball each time you use a power, the power that gives yoi two more balls, the thing that gives you armor for each time you do damage and the thing that saves yohr not used turns.
It's been a while since I played though but the defect was the easiest to use.

I mostly play the daily nowadays for fun, but unless I'm really having a runaway game I don't get much score and it boggles me how people get 1600+, when most things in the score breakdown Have more than 100

Yes, but on later floors it feels like you're not putting out enough damage sometimes. Would rather have sword boomerang or other cards that capitalize on the Ironclad's strength boosts

The real question is mobile when? Would play the shit out of this on my phone

>everything going well
>act 4
>shittiest draws imaginable
>both spear and shield attack, and you somehow draw zero defensive options
I wish I could get some kind of rewards from beating act 3. Even some fucking gold so I can maybe buy something useful.

anger is mostly an act 1 card since the elites heavily reward filling your deck with attacks, and some bosses like hexaghost
nob you barely want skills at all
sentries put status into your deck
lagavulin you want to kill before your stats get to terrible levels
in general, common attacks are things you want in the first act. your deck be scaling later meaning you need less offensive cards.

Slay the Spire would be a much better game if it weren't absurdly overtuned for no fucking reason.

>Go defect
>Get lucky and get the relic that adds one orb slot every 2 turns}
>Get the focus card that consumes orb slots
>Get ice cards
And then win

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I usally stay away from the elites because I'm a pussy, is trying to grab as many trinkets early on a big boy strat? I feel like I always take too much damage from those fights and have to rest to make up for it, which means not upgrading at bonfires

what? lower ascensions are easy, it's A15-20 where things start getting unreasonable

Do you get anything for defeating the heart? I've beaten the game once with everybody and have Ascension 2 with the defect and ironclad, but I don't see much reason to play normal mode. Have all the cards and relics unlocked with everyone.

Visuals aren't great but the gameplay is so good I'm willing to overlook it.


it has a specific aesthetic and i enjoy that, but if i could choose an artstyle for it to have i wouldn't have picked what the devs went with. it's the weakest part of the game, but the gameplay is so good it doesn't really matter.


But it is out on the switch so yay

yeah, they're generally extremely beneficial since the better relics can entirely change how you want to build your deck, and even some common ones like bag of preparation are extremely good
plus elites give you more gold and a better chance at a rare card, which is a very big bonus that a lot of people don't consider

A20 isn't even fun, sometimes you just get buttfucked horribly and there's nothing you can do about it but start over and hope better cards and relics show up.

save all your money; don't buy anything unless you think you really need it.
then never rest only upgrade.
stack curses as well when you can if you think you can handle it.
keep progressing through the floors and just survive.
then when you get near the end you quit and start a daily challenge that has the modifier where you get relics instead of choosing cards.

Some of the beta card art you unlock is pretty lulzy

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I like to think that the sound effect used on the hourglass is my cock slapping all the monsters in the face.

It's called having standards and I have the same problem. I'm not allowing sensibilities I don't agree with to play out and plague my mind. Only the good shit allowed here, otherwise I will fall to degeneracy and apathetic in my interests like you fags sooner or later. Get a fucking art director you hack instead of throwing your supposed 13 year olds drawings on the screen.

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ah, do I get all the beta art for the character I beat the heart as?
Can I do it at base difficulty or do I need a specific ascention level? Does A20 unlock anything?

You mad.
And brainly troubled

you have to unlock the beta art, now?
i remember when ALL the art was the beta art...
man i haven't played in a while

>Controversisl opinion: Slay the Spire is ugly as sin desu

That's not a controversial opinion. My opinion, however, is controversial: StS isn't really that good.

Mad from what? Your comment? I am a monk, bitch. Bulletproof to your asinine comments. You wish you were me.

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Only thing beating the game on A20 gets you is an achievement and therelief of knowing you don't have to do that shit again if you don't want to.

i mean when you say something is bad, there's not much conversation to be had since you didn't expand on your opinion

t.removes Bash

Bad RNG is a problem for roguelites in general because you don't have "equipment" limits. In a roguelike, finding a shitty sword is no big deal since you can only hold one or two swords anyways and you would have replaced it down the road. In Slay the Spire, a mediocre relic permanently lowers your potential power for the entire run.

Some of the beta art is legit dogshit and anyone who had to play it in way-early access has my condolences

I only use the beta art for curses cause most of them are pretty funny

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Microblog: the last time I played StS I was sick and now just thinking about the game makes me feel sick. I can't eat couscous anymore either

What's this shit game about?