How do i stop fapping Yea Forums...

How do i stop fapping Yea Forums? Been at it almost daily for 6 years now and vidya kinda makes it worse getting me into lolis and all

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Don't. Let your body urges control you & feel good. It's just nice & relaxing.

Put internet blockers on sex sites and stop going on Yea Forums for at least 40 days

Shut up low will faggot

I stopped for a month and nothing really changed, it's only a problem if you're doing it more than twice a day

Cut off your dick

Find something to occupy you

From personal experience, my fap heavy days are when I'm most bored and dont have anything interesting to play. On the flipside, my bestest faps came after gaming binges. Shit like gaming for 3-4 days straight and only realizing I havent had time to fap

I don't fap when I sleep over at a friend's house. Usually a weekend-long thing. Then I get back home and shoot webs like spiderman.


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>Been at it almost daily for 6 years now
6 YEARS user, you might have already done some permanent damage.

Should I fap to Sonia or Tifa, guys

>stop going on Yea Forums for at least 40 days
This. Just imagine
>wake up
>go on 4chins /vee/ for the latest vidya news and to joke wit yer pals
>suddenly in between off topic, wojak/pepe incel threads, obvious youtube shill advertising threads, there are wholesome vidya discussions
>but WAIT now there also happens to be threads right next to them with slutty video game girls begging for you to pull your dick

Also you like loli because the Yea Forums psyop has been forcing it on you, not because you played weebshit fantasy 17.

living like a king

Like what?

you just have to get hobbies that really suck you in
keep yourself busy and you don't even think about it.

Start consuming a lot of onions based food and drink hops tea.

The fuck? i meant to type onions

Oh i see.

>s ö y

Why tho?

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hairy palms.

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>play Warframe™
>forgot to fap for 1 week straight
>by the time the desire kick back I have been sexually attracted to armor
Granted, the game is worse than crack

So hows the Rockman X manga?

Do not fall for the nofap cult. You will just fail and feel like garbage (which is by design).

Just fap every other day, then twice a week, then once a week. Do it gradually and go however far you need before you're in a good place.

Get on some meds

I used to fap like 8 times a day, got on antidepressants and I fap maybe once every two weeks now

I fap more when on anti-depressants, but I'm tugging rope half the time.

just stop

>newfag discovers filters for the first time
Go back to where you came from you roodypoo

ever since i got clinical depression a few years ago, i pretty much stopped looking at porn entirely. sometimes i masturbate in the shower to get rid of my erection if it annoys me, but i don't feel the slightest pleasure from doing it. probably isnt answering your question, but i guess you could take note of it

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Literally just do something else. And drink lots of water. Also, if you've ever had sex or anything before, you'll get lots of vivid sexual dreams that feel better than fapping (probably even if you haven't). I literally got a blowjob from an Ikkitousen character in a dream the other night and shit felt real as fuck.


This. Contrary to popular belief, quitting immediately is just going to make the urge too big and the guilt too great.

Just stop fapping for awhile, I only do like a month cause fapping after holding off for a long time feels amazing

>6 years
been fapping for 21 years now, in my teens 5-20 finishes a day and even now in my 30s 4-12 hours a day. No adverse effects other than nearly a dozen mental and physical illness diagnoses, the most recent being 2 weeks ago, my vasovagal nerve is damaged due to constant dehydration, likely because of all the fapping, so now for the rest of my life I will randomly pass out. just keep fapping bro if you want to end up like me, a stellar model of the human race's peak.

i think you were fucked in the head way before you started fapping if you thought 20 a day was a good idea

>vidya kinda makes it worse getting me into lolis and all
What vidya are you playing? I need to know.
also gacha does not count as vidya

Pretty much this. Going for nofap records helped me a lot. You realize you need to find ways to fill your time besides porn, and you also have more ATP and therefore more energy. Fapping always results in a briefly elevated mood and then a slow drop to worse than before. Going without it will get you back to normal. Then you can enjoy the peak of fapping again.

Mainly Megaman (any series) and Touhou recently

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for porn thats fine
but those games are trash

>It's just nice & relaxing.
Been through that mud trail, it really isn't.
Yea Forums is full of liars who will say anything to defend their fetish/addiction. Going down the spiraling rabbit hole of fetishes is the opposite of pleasant, you just get used to it and it doesn't bother you until you're sober enough to think about where you are.

>literally get boners out of fucking nothing
>forced to fap to make it go away
>don't feel any pleasure but still fap as much as the average addict
Fuck this shit lads.

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I hate to break it to you but you are the average addict.

first day?

mastubaiting daily for years fucks with your brains chemical ballance. Don't fall for the jew meme that it's good for you

That's what I said you dumbfuck.

>post pictures for Yea Forumsros who say "bigger" and "more"
>post until they finish
What does this make me?

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Seemed like you were trying to differentiate yourself but whatever. You seem pent up, maybe take your daily dose.