What games most accurately portray the wagecuck experience?
What games most accurately portray the wagecuck experience?
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Sad and bitchpilled OP
German ones.
Dark Souls 2
That one part is mother 3 where you push the golems in a factory
Just save before that and reload everytime you finish for 8 hours, with a half hour break in betweern
Pretty sure a bunch of indie and flash games do this.
There was an entertaining one called "5 minutes to kill yourself" on Adult Swim games, don't know if its still around though
Persona 5 jobs
Mobage/MMO's to a certain degree because they basically become part time jobs after a certain point
Any of the free to play grindfests honestly
Literally every MOBA
>assigned hero
>assigned work area
>lazy coworkers
>asshole bosses
>customers(enemy team) acting like obnoxious cunts
>you spend all of your income just surviving
>at the end of the game(week) it starts over from square 1
Cart Life
This is the only correct answer.
>Nintendo switch edition
>PS4 controller
Papers, Please. It was so much like my job I had to stop playing.
Flip those pens, wagie!
The Switch works with bluetooth controllers. It might work with PS4 controller, I wouldn't be that shocked
That's not being a wagecuck, that's being a prole.
Visceral cleanup detail
World of Warcraft post game
awful lot of wagie threads lately.
Wurm. WURM. It's basically a medieval work simulator. Spend real life hours shoveling clay and dirt in a vidya. Discover the vast pleasures of mining ore for hours and hours and hours.
Super Paper Mario. The part where you have to repay your debts by working in a factory
>Come back from a long, annoying day at work
>Painfully bright lights assault me no matter what I do
>My one roommate who was kinda shy, but friendly started turning into a cocky asshole the second I let him know he was alright
>My actual girlfriend is nagging my ear off every day and I just filter through what she says so I can get to what really matters
>Brought home my side action and said she was "just a friend", and she'll do whatever I tell her to, but she never helps out around the house and takes my fucking clothes
>Next-door neighbors are no better, since one of them is obsessed with his hobby and only comes out to complain about the noise (from our pig infestation), one of them is this old jew who keeps trying to hawk off her useless trash on me, another is this cutie who would have been idealistic if it wasn't for her trying to sell me on crystal meditation, and her depressed stepfather (who keeps telling me is her real father), all of which regularly cause disturbances in the neighborhood
>Hopeless faggot upstairs always moaning and brooding, side action sometimes talks to him
>Cat is perpetually in heat, will go between our houses and try to seduce us
>Only saving grace is that our beachfront property was given to us provided we fix the place up
Nobody will ever know how real this is
>no Chernobyl cleanup game where you and hundreds of other players have to work to clean up the accident in jobs like killing dogs and flipping soil
Is this real life DS2?
most american MMOs.
the loan room in boktai 1. good fucking lord I accrued so much debt and then didn't finish the game so I had like 80 years or some shit. It was never gonna happen and I ragequit the game, smashed it in half.
Super Paper Mario
Any game that portrays the wagecuck experience would be a boring game.
This is coming from a wagecuck who wants to escape being poor and hopefully retire with 30 years left in life.
>The virgin wagecuck vs. the chad salaryman
That's a great setup dude. You don't need anything more
Do not reply to this post. It's a spammed bait to bait poorfags into replying it
I replied so you don't have to
No More Heroes 1
GTAV. You will grind and grind and grind to buy a fucking nice cool car until some faggot with daddy's credit card blows you up in a flying bike.
Either you stole this image from the wagie setup thread way back when or you really like to show off how poor (not really) you are
Literally the sims
Nah its real, but its one of those autists bullying NEETs and poorfags
>having to do menial jobs to save up enough money to have a little bit of fun
>end up wasting it all on useless bullshit like shirts anyways
Hits too close to home, Suda
Stardew Valley
You spend all day doing dumb repetitive shit and when you're done you have like an hour to do something fun you enjoy, like fishing or going down the mines
>spend hours grinding missions in the armored car to build an awesome low-rider
>3 13 year olds murderbone be with literal laser guns
And that when I started spawning in money for me and all my friends. Fuck gta online.
I glitched most of my money .
does this make me tax evader or a thief?
Are you in a TV series or something
what the fuck is this blogpost, why did you reply to him, you literally admit you were given beachfront property, nobody should ever listen to you complain
You don't have to spin on the wheel you know. You can skip it.
Anyone know where Fort Worth neet can get free or affordable housing after getting kicked out?