Really monks u thonk

Attached: DCDDA7F3-440A-4052-B04E-8C5DC6975BCF.jpg (960x815, 138K)

the ones on the right look like shit

Go back

Series really went downhill after yellow version.

Soulless Pidgey is pretty cute honestly

You're using unofficial art for some pf the comparisons

The last four designes on the right all look better, but only if we pretend that's a redesign for Pidgey and not Pidgeoto

that krabby is cute as heck

Eh, most of the "Modern" Gen 1 mons look terrible but I do like Pidgey. It could had been a baby form of Pidgey's line.
Zorua looks good either way but something about "retro" is not as nice. The "retro" versions of the other recent mons look much better though.

the cute krabby unironically looks better than the original

Attached: 1555038288929.jpg (1024x576, 72K)



scorbunny looks amazing but the other two need some serious work

Like I said earlier, Zorua's design does better to convey the whole prankster fox thing compared to the more vulpix design Zorua.


>slightly improved
>still shit

Attached: 1520831185421.jpg (689x720, 297K)

>not liking your shit art makes someone a drone

the left and right ones don't even look any different, it just looks like shitty fanart

They wouldn't look like that.
Look at the unreleased Pokemon to see how they would approach similar Pokemon.

wow I just realized I dislike new Pokemon because they look like plastic toys and not actual animals.

Attached: 5f7.jpg (680x680, 38K)

this is completely true though. the newer mons look like toys instead of creatures. best mons are from gen 1 to 3 no question.

The new style is objectively better.

Yeah everything shit shit from your ass ass so its bad because its shit. Real high IQ debate there drone.

So why do people only consistently love and care about the original Pokemon while every other generation gets forgotten and disregarded by all but the series most hardcore fans?

Attached: e8e.png (277x271, 8K)

Because you're seeing it from inside your own personal bubble that has people similar to your age that are subject to the same nostalgia you are.

Yeah, gen 4 went too crazy with the simplified, plastic, toyetic approach. Just compare Roselia's roses to Roserade's.

I don't even follow the series and the only one I played is Black 2 because a friend gave it to me. I'm an outside observer. You're the one stuck in your fantard bubble.

Because the existed for longer? Are you stupid or just underaged?

That Vulpix is a fucking travesty
Pidgey and Krabby are pretty cute tho

>I'm an outside observer.

You don't know anything besides your little small spectrum of a complete outsider. You don't know what people care and what the fanbase looks like, you only have your shallow ass view of the series and now is shitting through your keyboard from the top of mount stupid.

Please refrain from saying something about a subject you know nothing about, it makes you look like a complete retard.

The first two I'd gladly take, but there's just no way to fix Sobble. It's an abomination

So your view is people who only played the first game, and you wonder why people only remember the Pokemon from the first game.