How will Yea Forums react to the PS5's huge success?

How will Yea Forums react to the PS5's huge success?

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They will be happy because they'll own a ps5, but they will shit on it on Yea Forums cause hivemind thinking and all

Xbox and Nintendo fucked up.
Sony got lucky AGAIN apparently.

>PS5's huge success?

by claiming pc/nintendo's underpowered sega-tier console are better

I'm rooting for Sony but to answer your question it depends on what they turn the PS5 into. Hopefully, they don't become Microsoft

the usual dank nintendo memes from 2 generations ago when the jealousy started.

bing and snoy posts

>he owns consoles

The future is mobile, faggots

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Really the PS brand has become the defacto console for any 3rd party game really. Even if Xbox tries their hardest to get back up, the PS5 will still be number 1.

It's not 2011 anymore, user. Mobile market killed itself years ago. It's too full of garbage.

>censorship enforced and determined by sony

not remotely worth owning.

Same, I was not even interested in ps4 but that latest shit just cemented my feelings.

>seething nintendies

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fuck off pedo, your shitty series are dead

Rent free

How can I react to something that will never happen?

>so easily admitting your falseflagging niggerness
nintendbabbies are truly the lowest fruit

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you mean when its get btfoed by Stadia?

it won't be a success if they keep censoring shit

>I decide this
Hah, no you won't.

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After the pay to win and loot box ban this will definitely be interesting, I wonder if gambling is more addictive then video games. Most games on mobile are fucking slot machines lmao.

yeah just wait till all the normalfags find out gta 6 is only censored on ps5

You are now banned from ps5 and will have your entire library removed because you posted a naughty image

>Movie games
>Windows Games
>Windows Games
>Fun Games

I'm indifferent because i'm not a corporate slave.

I could care less if the PS5 is a hit or not because I'm pretty much done with the PlayStation brand altogether after Sony's dumbass move of censoring japanese games. Shame really because I loved both the PS2 & PS3 equally and liked the PS4 for the most part up until the PS4 censorship started to happened last year.

With a lack of interest. It'll likely the same as the PS4, no games, and then in it's later years it'll finally have a couple worth playing and a handful of worthless movie games, normalfags will buy their fifa/cod and, kids who started during the 8th gen will still willingly accept all of sonys bullshit because xbox fucked themselves over.

yea maybe for someone who touches themself at night

Pretty unsuprised if it doesn't

MS seems to just be rolling over and dying atm

unfortunately, I suspect ps3 launch all over again
sony's pretty cocky right now, that's when they fuck up the most


>Food analogy

GTA 6 isn't getting censored retard.
See the newest Metro and life is strange 2.
Only your pedo VN garbage is

they censored DMC 5 so what's to say they won't censor other AAA games in future? provide me proof they won't expand on these policies within lets say 5 years or fuck off.

DMC5 was uncensored via a patch.
You're forgetting that they didn't do shit to RDR2 either.

it wasn't uncensored in europe or japan. and gta 6 isn't out for another 3 years most probably and i'm asking what proof is there they won't expand on these policies based on their position as a market leader? you don't have any proof. for that reason i won't buy this console. sony have done and said retarded things in the past so there's no guarantee they won't do something retarded this time.

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Mommy let me have my fun!

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Fucking ugly

I'm gonna switch brand this next game I don't want to support censorship and faggotry.

>Four Hundred and Ninety Nine US Dollars
>Always Online


this is most 'adults' these days
just substitute nintendo for ps4 and xbox

I meant next gen

get with the times granpa

PS5 is the console to end all consoles

>navi 5800
>1tb ssd nvme
>20gb V/RAM
>just 499€£$
no reason to own anything else

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Exclusive lineup was disappointing this gen, only ones I liked were Bloodborne and Horizon. I didn’t buy a Pro, and the controller kind of sucks.

more obnoxious golden face memes

>PS5 is the console to end all consoles

you're wrong

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only ones I liked were Bloodborne and Horizon
you clearly have terrible taste
>I didn’t buy a Pro,
big mistake
>and the controller kind of sucks.
the controller is absolutely AMAZING, doesn't even compare to ANYTHING else

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Shit post like they always do.

>they put a fucking BENT PS5 in the marketing material

lmaoing at snoys

I won’t buy the same console twice. I bought the OG model, I refuse to repurchase the same console.

I always buy 2 launch consoles 1 for use and another for eventual cfw.

I don't like this whole pro-model post release bullshit, though.

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they cannot lose if they don't go higher than 500$ and has out of the box ps4 bc

Literally no matter what their opponents do with those two things sony guarantees that normies won't switch camps because 1 their games carry over 2 their friends are on sony platforms

and it has been confirmed that voice chat parties will be cross consoles between ps4 and ps5

No matter what happens, Yea Forums will shitpost about it.

sounds good. I loved the Genesis

and every game ever made is shit and you're retarded for playing it.

yeah, pretty much how it goes.