Holy shit this game is so fucking HARD FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
Dark Souls was like 1/10th the difficulty of this fucking game FUCK
Holy shit this game is so fucking HARD FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
Dark Souls was like 1/10th the difficulty of this fucking game FUCK
On what boss are you stuck?
>stops your run
eh, nothing personnel sekirooooooo
Lady Butterfly/General Yamauchi
How do I get better at deflecting?? I feel like I’m just getting hit non-stop even when I try to deflect
This game and ninja gaiden black are objectively the two most difficult games in history
You only think it's more difficult than it actually is.
Play Pathologic to understand what difficulty actually is.
>How do I get better at deflecting??
You can either start spamming L1, or watch the movement of the enemy attack. It might take a while to get the timing right, but it's always the moment when you see their weapon coming towards you that you have to block. Not the moment when they move it, since some attacks have a wind-up time.
Butterfly does have an attack where spamming L1 does work tough since it's a flurry of quick attacks. And whenever she's in the air, use the shuriken prosthetic to bring her down and get 2 or 3 hits in since it's stuns her for a moment. In phase two either use Snap Seed if you have 2 or 3, or run away from the ghosts. They're slow and Butterfly will close the distance herself.
>broken design = difficulty
Anybody could beat Pathologic with a guide whereas the same isn’t true for Sekiro
t. mong
It's a fucking rhythm game
once you realize this, the game becomes significantly easier
>How do I get better at deflecting?
Muscle memory.
>Holy shit this game is so fucking HARD FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
You are playing it wrong. I guarantee it. This game isn't any harder than anything else FROM had made recently but if you play it like DaS you're going to get fucked up.
>end game skills against early game boss
>Barely does any damage
Wicked sick, bro.
The combination of the weightless movement with a parry system really fucked me in this game.
It's all about SSStylin' bruh
That skill is notoriously shit for no reason whatsoever, surprised they haven't tripled it's damage or some shit, or make it cost no tokens
>about swordfighting
>people don't realize that's a rhythm game from the get go
Fucking brainlets how have you not read Book of Five Rings?
Early game Sekiro can be difficult since you aren't used to the combat system. Once you do, Sekiro is far easier than any Souls game.
Based and Miyamoto Musashi pilled
Reading is for fags.
I thought Midir and Pontiff Sulyvan were harder than any the bosses in Sekiro.
I spent 5 hours gitting gud on him in NG+2 Charmless parry+sword-only and it was some of the most fun I ever had
You mean Musashi's ramblings about pottery and carpenters?
>Once you do, Sekiro is far easier than any Souls game.
Your posture recovers faster when you are blocking. Use jumping for repositioning. Use the mikiri counter. Don't try to dash through attacks, deflect. Soon enough you will get familiar with enemy patters and deflecting will be a breeze.
Sekiro is not hard at all.
This, thing is confusing because looks and kinda plays like a souls game, you focus on the HP bar and think "yeah just hit and evade and bring that shit down ez pz" but it doesn't really work like that, gotta focus more on that posture bar than HP.
Slow down, the parry timing is way larger than it ever was on dark souls. Playing it like Dark Souls is actually the reason you think it's hard.
At least it was for me. The game is actually substantially easier than souls ever was, when you get the combat down.
It's easier than DS games.
It's just that you aren't used to it.
Yes. You could argue that one should go no Kuro's Charm plus Bell Demon to up the difficulty, but you can do the same in any Souls game. Sekiro is a great game, but the increased mobility and easy ways to negate damage make its overall difficulty lower. I honestly found Code Vein's bonus dungeon harder than most of Sekiro, and I assume that is just midgame stuff.
I spent 4 hours and 70 attempts on that bloke on NG+7, charmless and bell. That fucking second phase took me a while to look down.
But it sure as hell is a very satisfying fight. Too bad P3 is easy as hell.
I agree it definitely does get easier. After Guardian Ape there was a streak of bosses that I killed first try, including Guardian Ape 2, both Corrupted Monks, and the first Owl. Owl Father and Sword Saint Isshin only took me 2 and 3 tries each respectively. In comparison, bosses like Prince Lothric, Nameless King, Midir, and Gael took me 7-8 tries
Sekiro is monotonous whereas Souls and BB especially were masterfully crafted and entirely about understanding how to play. Even when you understand how to play Sekiro, you need to have a monotonous grind of learning the exact parry time of every move on 50 different mini-bosses and 10 bosses, with Isshin being the main target of this. It's just draining and basically a rhythm game with 50 different songs, all played one after another that you can't replay once you beat. It's pretty fucking shitty when you realize it.
That's a surprisingly good way to describe it, but I disagree about it being shitty
You can see that Sekiro is not very replayable miles away from NG+, and I'd still take it over anything Souls have to offer. Even though the combat system lacks variety, it's still way better than Souls.
>Sekiro is a great game, but the increased mobility and easy ways to negate damage make its overall difficulty lower
>Hurr durr I'mma taking out mechanics out of context and put them in Souls context so brainlets believe I have a point
Souls battles last an average of thirty seconds with how much you can abuse the RPG elements of the games, bosses there die before they can even have a chance to hit you, this is something that has been true since DeS.
And even when they do hit you, unless it's DS3 it doesn't matter because you can facetank with poise and upgraded armor, chug and mash your favorite stick's R1 like an idiot, or just spam any overpowered spell like a Karasawa all day long.
And this is without getting into the real bullshit in each game like Fire Spray, Homing Soul Mass, Climax, Dhorys etc.
Sekiro's various ways of negating damage work and are balanced in its own context because unlike Souls, you will NEVER outrun the statistical difference between you and the enemy in neither attack values nor defense, whereas Souls games, being essentially RPGs systems in an action based context, allow you to trivialize them in a large number of ways.
>Souls and BB especially were masterfully crafted and entirely about understanding how to play.
No, just no.
>Even when you understand how to play Sekiro, you need to have a monotonous grind of learning the exact parry time of every move
So you're saying that all those people who say they killed bosses on their first try are lying?
How is that any different from Souls either way?
Well fuck you, I found Sekiro vastly easier.
you just suck dude. game is easy.
>tfw all these threads and posts about how great Sekiro is
>like souls game and it's been a while since I played one so I pick it up
>didn't think not having variety in builds would bother me much
>bothers me a lot
>can't stand the game
I appreciate what Sekiro wanted to do by devoting to just a single weapon and primarily a single combat playstyle but man it just sucks the enjoyment out of it for me.
>any sekiro boss
>get hit twice
>have 86% hp
>get hit with a combo and die
That shit has no balance at all. And increasing your vitality/posture doesnt do SHIT
I mean you can beat Isshin on your first try just like someone can succeed at Expert in Guitar Hero their first try. I'm not sure what you're saying here despite being a hypocrite more than likely and like Sekiro but hate other rhythm games (assuming because you post on Yea Forums)
Posture is your second hp bar. If you're getting hit for hp damage, you're fucking up big time.
How far did you get into the game? I felt the exact same way for a while, but at one point (admittedly it was probably halfway through the game) it just clicked, and I started having a lot of fun with it
Also, posture can't be broken as long as you keep deflecting. It's just like dodge offset in bayonetta, it makes you incredibly overpowered. As soon as you learn how the game works, your struggles end and the only thing that remains is pure fun.
Once it clicked, it will be easy. DoH is a different story tho
>DoH is a different story tho
Not that hard if you use the upgraded umbrella.
Dude just jump lmao
>nothing personal kid
I'm not saying the nigger is hard, you need to play differently with DoH.
Deflecting AND holding guard
Whistle at him
Reminds me of Zedonius from Ninja Gaiden 2, he's way more dangerous at long range.
I dunno whats gotten into me because I love Sekiro but I can't get motivated to play anymore. I beat Genichiro, Way of Tomoe and ever since I'll make up any excuse to myself to not play.
It's actually an easy game once you get used to the posture and parry system.
DS3 is far harder, even if that isn't all that hard outside of a few instances.
watching this just makes me want to reinstall to fight him again for like the fifth time. What a great boss battle
Just wait for the DLC announcement on E3
The clashing of swords is literally addictive, the sounds, sparkling of metal against metal, how the fuck did they do it
it's a lot easier once you get the rhythm of the game down
having put some 100 hours into MGR doesn't hurt either
>mfw i got the ability to dive finally
I am at G/Isshin, first (and only) playthrough. I’ve had ups and downs (Demon was a multiple session affair) but I still don’t feel I get the deflecting in that am I pulsing it? Can I deflect visually or is it memorizing a rhythm that I had to learn through trial/error? Most importantly, am I tapping or holding the deflect? I one-shot the centipede guys but have never had a perfect deflect record like some of the speed runners can do with zero damage.
exactly how I feel about it, the dlc cannot come soon enough
early game is tough because you are probably trying to play it like souls. try and stay in their face and either attack or parry to build up their posture damage. some of the later bosses are pretty difficult though, there a couple i find harder than any souls bosses.
I mean at this point i'll just restart the game. I'm really not sure what is keeping me from enjoying it. When I sit down and force myself to play I have a great time but I can't seem to force myself into it again
I didn't find it too bad. But I'm really good at mastering the basics but hate thinking too hard. I died to the more gimmicky enemies but beat people like genichiro and the final boss within 3 tries or so.
>am I tapping or holding the deflect
You never are intended to hold the deflect. It’s a handicap to help you regain composure
Would be fun but for pathetic limited uses before rest. Spirit emblems made me a sword guy only.
You can tap it, also it's a good idea to deflect out of block since blocking recovers posture. You can deflect on reaction, but as you keep playing you will get accustomed to different enemy patterns, then you will start using your muscle memory to deflect.
Try NG+ when you finish the game and see just how easier everything gets.
how long did it take for you to beat Genichiro?
you might have just burnt out a bit by banging against that wall for so long
he's right though, you can write a detailed guide for sekiro and the player still has to learn how to play, where as pathologic had no skill based gameplay.
Tap the deflect. Holding does block damage, but it doesn't increase the enemies posture meter. First pahse of Isshin shouldn't be much of a problem since it's quite similar to the first Genichiro fight. The second phase is quite difficult since his attacks are wide and fast, and it's a mixture of seeing what attack is coming, and knowing the rhythm to counter it properly.
I had the hardest time against enemies with really delayed attacks
the human bosses, even ones with off speed attacks, weren't that bad because they were still relatively quick
but attacks like what headless had just fucked me up
Not that long at all, Lady Butterfly took way longer but beating her made me get good. Dropped Genichiro on like my 3rd try, went and did the few story beats right after the fight and haven't touched it since. This is like a month ago now.
Delayed attacks/wide swings that take long ass time threw me off guard too, but you have to understand that the long wind up animations give you time to sneak in a couple of slashes in there for that vitality damage.
Sounds like you just have to boot up the game and let it grip you again. Always a good idea to sleep on it when you can't beat a boss within reasonable time.
Headless killed me more than the bosses everyone else struggled with combined.
You must be an amazing player to one shot Owl blind.
Yeah, ill get back to it. Maybe I just gotta be in the mood for it. Right now i'm on this huge castlevania kick. Maybe after I get that out of my system i'll get back to it
What do you mean?
It’s stressful. All From games are and must be why folks get addicted. I played Dark Souls, BB, and in final fight of Sekiro right now. I won’t ever look back unless the GoT guy really interests me with the new Rune whatever.
Using the same combat system (just not the ninja flips) to a Medieval Euro system would be 10/10
Hopefully their new Celtic/Viking-style game has similar combat.
Same here my dude.
Beat Monk 2.0 and can't even bring myself to finish the game.
nah, I one shot owl too and I'm pretty mediocre. the game is really forgiving if you just pay attention to animations and play on reflex.
Not him but here's my interpretation: deflecting out of block prevents you from spamming L1, since you are holding it for the block. Spamming L1 might seem viable for new players, but it's easier to fuck up your deflects this way and if you do fuck up, you get vitality damage as opposed to posture damage when you fail a deflect out of block.
Reminds me of dodge offset, since dodge offset makes you hold down the attack button, thus also discouraging spamming.
>parrying xboxhueg zweihander slashes
Not sure I see myself doing NG+. Rarely ever played anything more than once. But I believe what you’re saying.
This is where I’m at and glad to see a straight sword fight coming out of a long stretch against DoH. Must have fought him 100 times...
The Shichiman in the river with the lightning dogs took me several times. What a juggle. Even fell down the waterfall once.
I guess I’ll never be in the big leagues of reacting to animations. When Genichiro does the wind up on his mortal blade mid fight, he can still catch me off guard.
Besides perfect tap deflects I suppose the only way to get good is the hold block, release, tap the delfect, and release method. Then back to block unless you’re counterstriking?
The last boss can be trivialised by running and poking when he's open. Infinite running in general is pretty op.
I really loved this game. I beat NG+ charmless with bell and it was honestly one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Then on NG++ I went back to normal difficulty and I was shocked at how easy it is now. I'm up to NG++++ now, still farming skill points, and I'm finishing off all of the bosses in about 2 minutes, not even getting it. I can almost ace Owl and SSI. I feel like god.
You can deflect the beam he shoots after teleporting. And you can air deathblow him whenever he jumps.
if you want to drink your zippy water and spend 40 minutes running in circles, sure
Holding block resets posture damage my dude
I just dodge behind him, and I'm generally up in his face since his attacks are easy to punish/deflect. if you're lucky and he doesn't stop the second strike then you can sometimes get in 4-6 hits with basically zero risk.
just dodge to your left towards his back, hack away 2 times, dodge again in the same direction for the second charge up and then hack away again.
Yeah, once you get familiar with the patterns you will see when exactly you can insert your attacks into enemy combos.
I guess holding block is not that important since good players will keep their deflects going never allowing their posture to break. I'm not that good though, so I try to keep my posture meter down.
Other than blocking, jumping is good for repositioning and has the same few i-frames the dash has at the very start.
I barely healed, he can't hit you if you're running.
Never tried that block—think I used Umbrella if it got hairy. Always attempted the jump kill on Capt Caveman but tough to stick the landing.
The start of the game is the hardest part because it does a bad job of teaching you and early game enemies hardly use the game's mechanics (chained ogre, Gyoubu, the bull, Juzuo) and have gank squads with them. Once you beat the boss on top of Ashina Castle the rest of the game will feel easy to play but still challenging to succeed.
Stay aggressive, be cheesy as fuck (you're a ninja, honor is for samurai). Attack them until they perfect parry you, then parry their attacks until you have another opening. Never be afraid to run away and look for other bosses you can kill for more attack power or health, it helps a fuck ton.
Just beat the demon of hatred, a very late game boss. I found the butterfly harder, infact for me she was the hardest boss in the game (so far). Just keep at it lad and you will get it.