Early Banjo & Kazooie celebration thread

how does it feel to win, bretheren?

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Would you even main banjo-kazooie?

I'm almost certain he'll be low tier. but at least he'll be in.

yes, very yes, even if he plays like trash

>Early Celebration

Fuck off, I will celebrate the day I would be able play as him on smash

What the heck is that thing, Jak? Two heads!

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They could be Little Mac tier and I'd still main them.
It'll be weeks before I return to K. Rool, Daisy, and Bayonetta.

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clearly a stevefag posting this and immediately screenshotting it so he can shitpost about banjofags "premature celebration"

the big cope

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No need to be so hostile, Stevie

This is my dream

Reminder you would have been happier had it been a surprise instead of having it leaked.

I'm too old for the hype train, that may have genuinely stopped my heart.

It hasn't leaked though

but this 6 is just as good as a leak

Post react when Banjo is revealed and Erdrick isn’t

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How many fucking threads do you need of this. Holy shit

I don't really care about Dragon Quest but I don't mind it, either.
Better Dragon Quest than yet more "no it doesn't have anything to do with Nintendo, we just threw it into this Nintendo crossover because" bullshit.

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Can you explain to me what B&K could possibly do for an interesting and unique moveset? Or at all, for that matter?

I want Steve and Waluigi as well.

I would honestly welcome a new, bare-bones character with no gimmicks and BK would be fine enough character for that, but I'm sure he'll have like an egg counter that operates on a cool down, or have to collect feathers to use a recovery special or some stupid shit.

Have you ever considered the possibility that Nintendo doesnt actually tell anyone what the DLC picks are unless they are trustworthy and work closely with the project?
Do you think for one goddamn second that any non important asshole in NoA would know about Smash DLC before its officially announced?

No, its fucking blasphemy, the "sources" could simply be trolling, fed lies to be weeded out of the company, or both!
Why would anyone trust these, at best, safe guesses and at worst complete fabrications?
It boggles my fucking mind that people still believe any of this shit after the grinch leak.

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>mfw it's Jibanyan

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You guys already have him in PSASBR. Was it not enough to quench your never ending thirst?

Their recovery is probably gonna be pretty fun.
>Short range, snappy horizontal recovery options for edgeguarding
>Long range is the flight pad which shoots you up into the air, but the flight speed is super slow just like in the game
>To overcome edgeguarding for far recovery, you have to all or nothing gambit back to the stage with beak bombing

They'd also probably have a dual stage down air which will be super fun for mix ups
>If you just tap it, it's a normal slam down like a lot of down airs
>If you hold it, they begin to spin around in place and then slam down and drill the ground, catching people in a multihit like Masterhands drill thingy
Would be super dank if you read someone rolling up and get the started where they'll be with a shorthop bill drill

They might have a slightly modified recovery order like Bayonetta.
There's a move Banjo can use where he spins the backpack in the air in Tooie and hangs in place, but afterwards he get's an extra jump in the air from it. If they kept that in Smash it'd be pretty awesome.

Also eggs, obviously, he might be able to cycle through them with the input Inkling has for restoring Ink. And they can do some pretty cool stuff, Clockwork Kazooie especially would be a fun tool. Even if it's just a walking Nikita missile.

Honestly I kinda don't want them to have some goof-ass gimmick like collecting stuff on the stage to use moves or whatever the hell. I like the idea of them not having a centralizing gimmick beyond faithfulness to their Banjo-Kazooie and Tooie moveset. I'd much rather have a bunch of little details like the neutral air jumps or forward aerials hanging in the air like in the original games than YET ANOTHER fucking meter or something.

>counting your chickens before they hatch
Remember what happened last time

Playstation All Stars was trash. Smash is where it's at

I memba. I hope he's in, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

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Just like Joker you mean

I honestly wouldn't mind someone completely unexpected like Hawlucha or even Kyu from HuniePop.
I think it adds to the excitement

Surprisefags are a pox.

Seems like a premature victory desu.

We're doing the thing where we act like retards, get proven wrong, and then proceed to shit on ourselves, pretending that we were the ones against this

Banjo should have been in Melee. Then Steve could have been in this game without so much shitposting.

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These threads make me so sad.
He’s never getting in, you delusional faggots.

I just want the next fighter(s) to be reveal already

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Seethy Stevie Seethy Stevie

>farting eggs out at people to cover the possibility of them approaching on land
>Goofy ass sound effects for every move
I can't wait

Sorry guys, but here's some footage from the Direct proving Steve is in Smash.

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imagine if Banjo got in despite the Rare buyout
imagine if Geno and Mallow were in Double Dash

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Master Chief or another Rareware IP deserve it over Steve.

Literally 6 rectangles doesn't deserve a fighter spot. Minecraft could stand to have a shout-out but it doesn't warrant a fighter.


I genuinely cannot see myself ever playing another character if they got in.

assuming this is true and rare remembers these characters exist, maybe now they will make banjo threeie...

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Is this picture supposed to be reminiscent of that Drawn to life 2 ending?
If so, fuck you

absolutely i would. playing this game competitively is autistic so who cares about using a low tier.

>Sony owned IP
>Appearing in a Nintendo IP
That will never happen. That in the same league as getting Goku in Smash Bros.

Don’t celebrate now, it could be a Grinch 2.0 and you all get BTFO

This thread is so funny cause he's not a newcomer.

>Instead of Erdrick we get Artorias as the 2nd fighter making that Google Theory and the Artorias leak legit the whole time
I'll laugh for days if that happens.

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Is he the new Geno?

As long as they aren't Jigglypuff in Smash 4-tier bad, yes I will

How the fuck do I get into Rusty Bucket Bay again?
I stopped right before there in my replay months ago and now I can't remember anything about where to go. I found the actual entrance but I have no damn clue where to raise the water level

couldn't tell you, never played it.

Yeah I learned not to even give leaks more thought than simply listening to them then immediately forgetting about them.
Why are Rosterfags so positive Banjo is in?

>The Square rep was Crono all along
The nut that will be expelled from my body could rival the force of an atomic bomb

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neutral b: banjo holds kazooie like a gun and she shoots out an egg. if you hold it, it becomes a fire egg, hold it longer, a grenade egg.
side b: breegull bash: banjo charges into the opponent at a floor-level roll like in the games.
up b: kazooi flies up.
down b: drill move from BK. hold to get drill move from tooie.
Jab: banjo does his bear swipe, hits with his backpack
forward tilt: kazooie does her 3-hit ta-ta-TA attack from tooie.
down tilt: banjo sweeps at the floor. if held, becomes a backflip that hits enemies above banjo kazooie.
up tilt: kazooie reaches upward to peck at the opponent.
final smash: GUH_HUH. banjo and kazooie enevelope themselves in gold feathers, becoming invincible for a short period.

Actually the Square rep was Cloud you stupid fuckhead

no why don't YOU fuck off

No, the actual Square rep was the friends we made along the way

>No farting eggs
It's shit

I'd buy the game for B&K.

As long as he's not broken OP and I'll feel bad playing him, then yes I'll main him

It will be so cool if they have an endless taunt where they just play various songs from the games , of course you would be able to cancel it at any time

It'll be this hero, instead.

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Exit Mad Monster Mansion as the Pumpkin and go through the other gate near the entrance to that level down the hill to the small shack (make sure you broke the gate before going in to become a pumpkin). You can enter the shack door through a hole and there will be a switch inside.
This is what stopped me from beating this game as a little kid for fucking years because I gave up looking.

I'd certainly play them if they're fun, which I'm sure they will be. Maining them is a whole different story and will depend on how much their playstyle clicks with me.

Fuck thanks man I would have never gotten that since I have 100% on MMM already.

I remember the first 2/3rds of this game like the back of my hand but I don't remember the last stretch nearly as well.

these anons are delusional, they should go to the infirmary

If you take just a few minutes to look through what they're able to do in their games you have the pieces to an entire moveset right there. Whether or not it's "interesting and unique" is mostly up to you to decide for yourself.

Probably not main, but I've wanted Banjo in the game since Brawl and I would love if he is actually in.

I main Little Mac.
Banjo can only be an improvement if he floats around with Kazooie flapping her wings and gets and extra jump with her.
Yeah I'd main him.

Kazooies flap gives like almost no vertical lift in the games. I'd rather see that maintained and pack whack jumps as an alternative. With flapping and rat a tap rap as the forward aerial being good horizontal options

Yeah, I would.

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Way to set yourself up for disapoinment Banjie. I wouldn't recommend doing that

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up special - shock spring jump - a spring pad spawns under banjo and, after a short delay, kazooie catapults them high into the air. the pad remains for a short period and can be used repeatedly

neutral special - taxi pack - banjo swings his backpack, catching any items or projectiles in front of him. the ability can be used again to release the item or projectile. after a while kazooie will automatically expel the item or projectile

side special - wonderwing - after a delay, kazooie uses golden feathers to make banjo invulnerable, and the duo charge forward for a few seconds or until the button is let go. enemies hit during the charge take damage.

down special - egg shot (backwards) - repeatedly tap the button to rapid fire bouncing eggs backwards. holding the button will cycle the egg type (normal - fire (damage over time) - ice (slow effect) - grenade (high aoe damage)). different egg types cannot be rapid fired and have a small cooldown between shots

down tilt - egg shot (forward) - repeatedly tap the button to rapid fire straight-shooting eggs forwards. holding the button will cycle the egg type backwards (normal - grenade - ice - fire). different egg types cannot be rapid fired and have a small cooldown between shots

would you play him???

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Absolutely. Even if they’re dogshit tier.

His games(except for Nuts and Bolts because that game barley features any moves) show that Banjo and Kazooie are worthy Smash Bros material.
And if Banjo and Kazooie have an interesting moveset like King K Rool, Incenaroar, and Duck Hunt, Yes I would main them.

Yes. Even if they're considered "bottom tier" I'd still find a way to make them work. Because if Jigglypuff mains made Jigglypuff work, same can go for Banjo and Kazooie.

I never stopped thinking about banjo ever since dhd placeholders were used for a new placeholder character