This is my wife Yea Forums, say something nice to her

This is my wife Yea Forums, say something nice to her.

Attached: 1559845093607.jpg (574x597, 262K)

Your wife really should get some korean-powered face mods.

Looks like a boy.

she looks like a retard bro

put that Pukei-Pukei back where you found it OP.



haha idiot thats a video game not your wife idiot



She's cute
You're just jealous because she's my wife and not yours.

it made me realize how bad the game was sooner than i maybe would have otherwise

Attached: necessary mod.png (689x108, 9K)

I've actually grown to like her English va after replaying it. That said she's still a big ugo.

she looks very cute but she's my wife

Attached: the handler is cute.png (1200x1500, 1.69M)

>English va
>Not MH language or at the very least nip
do you hate yourself?

That's an insult to real Pukei-Pukeis

True, if she was a Pukei-Pukei that would be an improvement

Attached: 1534292822003.png (935x953, 153K)


Attached: Pukei2.png (1097x1200, 1.45M)

I replayed it 3 times. First in jap for PS4 then MH language and Eng on PC. Also speaking of MH language, World's sounds freaking weird. Idk what it is but I just sounds so different compared to the other games that i ended up hating it.

Your wife's annoying as fuck mate

She ruined monster hunter.

>Still no nude mod for handlers
>Still no mod to replace her with Serious Handler

Attached: 1559854134886.png (760x902, 243K)

best new character

> Korean faces
Their MMOs are sterile trash. Handler is cute