Bro he was joking you are just a homophobe
Bro he was joking you are just a homophobe
can this guy just get bullied into suicide by SJWs now?
Imagine spending any amount of time obsessing over the sexuality of other people. Then imagine doing it with a fictional video game character.
It would be a lot easier to be a left winger in this world if it wasn't comprised entirely of rabid jackals and vultures who will tear you apart even as you try to please them.
What does this charade of assclowns have to do with left wing? Also situation is mostly rampant in the usa.
It's great actually. Eventually they'll eat themselves alive in a leftarded Oroboros.
imagine being the guy behind one of the most masculine, violent, iconic men of the 2000s gaming era, and this is what you've been reduced to.
Flailing your flippers at the internet because you thought you were woke enough to be allowed to make a joke, and your own allies tore you apart while you continue to blame your enemies who are just laughing at you.
The homophobes won, now he is being called homophobic by his own crowd. Hope he enjoys the irony.
Their identities are built on the backs of creations made by people smarter and more creative than they are.
You will notice that the LGBT is basically just a hodge-podge of stuff they "claimed" from existing culture. It's funny cuz, they already had their own culture they could draw from, like how the Greeks went about it, but instead they just take hetero culture and pop media, and paint rainbows all over it
not video games
kill yourself
Yes, "people writing shit on twitter" is my favorite videogame too.
what was the original tweet
why am i even posting on this shitty fucking thread and why do i even care, im going to retain this information for 2 minutes at most
its really fucking cringe, he even mentioned the harry potter bitch (rowling or w/e the fuck her name is)
Do you have it
>put hand in fire
>ow it burned
holy shit dude what the hell was he thinking? he should've just either never said anything to begin with or just ignored it after people gave him shit on the pride pandering. now he's gonna get pilloried the left wing witch hunt mobs.
>I-I-I was just trying to upset the bullies!
>How dare you be angry at my poorly thought out post!
Why can't he just admit he fucked up and move on?
and the right wing ones
don't be so biased user
why can't boomers or gen-x'ers understand the in and outs of posting on social media in a modern culture war setting? I can't think of anything he could've done more wrong in this case.
>Why can't he just admit
Never admit that you're wrong, they'll never leave you alone.
right wing ones can get reported and banned. the left wing ones are all protected under the checkmark umbrella. they're way more dangerous.
They'd never be satisfied so best he can do is own his answer and keep moving on.
He was literally better off saying absolutely nothing. There needs to be a "stop, dont talk" campaign against these retards
Farming brownie points is so alluring, they just can't help it.
it's twitter
>Give fags hope of being represented by saying Kratos is one of them
>Rips it away from them as they celebrate
>Call them idiots and to 'Fuck Right Off'
Absolutely BASED
Better double down like a retard and garner twice as much hate.
yeah because no ones ever had their lives and career ruined by social media or anything heh heh
At this point, he deserves it. If guy had half a functionnal brain, he wouldn't have made that "Joke". Let natural selection do its thing.
Eh, that's not really how it works
It's only a loud vocal minority that even cares, it's not like more people from that already niche group are gonna "hear" about it
It's all just so tiresome
The right wing wouldn't have been surprised if a Sony Interactive icon turns out to be LGBT.
Twitter can ruin careers. People are more easily manipulated on social media.
>saying fuck you to SJWs
>making the only AAA game with no PoC
>offering absolutely no DLC
>reinforcing the importance of a strong father figure
How can one man be so based?
He had nothing to do with nuGOW AFAIK.
Fair enough. Don't really know why you'd connect your real life and job and internet persona all together though, sounds like you're just looking for an excuse to put evidence out there to get you fired
>and that's a good thing
which is why this is so perplexing to me. this dude just painted the most massive target on his own ass I've seen in a while. it's even dumber than when ESPN went all PC and then tried to go back on it after their ratings started to drop.
could he have picked a faggier word?
Don't ask me. Deleted all my social media accounts when I turned 18.
That's the left in 2019.
telling those kinds of people to fuck off will yield much better results in the long run than apologizing
apologizing is admitting mistake or fault, which will attract more of them like sharks to blood
This is the modern day left. Sorry deny it all you want but these are the base.
That's a whole other thing, don't they realize that when CEO's and companies saying they are lgbtqstuv or anti gay, it's literally just a ploy to get you to buy their product? Fucking idiots I swear
I see you're a man of extreme intellect as I
>pander to homosexuals and trannies
>"wtf, why are they so vile and mentally ill????????"
This guy is a fucking idiot
>Makes a tweet about Kratos being bi for pride month
>Lots of people rightfully call him out and ask why it was never brought up in the games and that is seems like he is pulling a JK Rowling for brownie points now that it’s “woke” to make characters gay
>Says all the people questioning it are homophobes and LBTQ people cheer
>Now comes out and says it was “just a joke”
>Wonders why everyone on both sides is mad
Like how can you fuck up this bad
Attention. That's all social media is for. You want people to know where you work, what you do, what you eat, what you wore, what you play, etc. so they can click on the heart and circle arrows to like and retweet and make you feel like you matter in some way even though it's just internet likes by strangers who have no relevance to your life.
Jaffe is un-bullyable. He's incredibly self-assured and secure in himself.
Sure, I get all that, Yea Forums is technically social media after all, but why connect it so willingly to something that can have actual bearing and extreme detriment on your life?
people are nuts and dox you and family on there. dare you to post something saying you hate lgbt and see what Gallen s.
This is randy levels of just
I doubt anything will happen because the way that twitter seems to work is that you're in your own little hugboxes, be it right wing left wing or whatever. If I was famous, however... Yeah
Twitter should be illegalized
>Yea Forums is technically social media
you're wrong
be that as it may, now he's gonna have the checkmark cartel doing their best to sure he won't be able to find work. pissing off conservatives means nothing, they won't do anything but make fun. pissing off the left means scorched earth these days.
David Jaffe created Twisted Metal and God of War. He'll be fine.
1. Pride Month is counterproductive to gay people. If you want someone to be considered normal, you don't celebrate them, you ignore them - just like you do to NORMAL people. By saying, "Hey, everybody, let's have a month where we tell this small group of people to be proud of who they are," all you're doing is highlighting just how abnormal they actually are. If you actually cared about them, you wouldn't say anything at all, because every month would be Pride Month to you. But it's not. And the reason it isn't for someone like David Jaffe is because he's an idiot and couldn't think this through himself even if he tried, but for the people who aren't idiots, they do it specifically to antagonize their cultural and political opponents. Which raises the question: if the "gay allies" have so much power they can dedicate a month to them, why are they even bothering to antagonize their opponents? It's because disliking gay people is completely natural and you need the constant propaganda to brainwash you into thinking otherwise.
2. Homosexuality is not good. Just like depression, anxiety, being fat, balding or wearing fedora -- these are all bad things because they are anathema to reproducing, which is the entire point to life: to propagate life. That doesn't mean it's your fault or that you had a choice at all, nor does it mean you have to get it fixed. Everyone's fine with you being you so long as you aren't hurting anyone else.
3. Pro-gay propaganda is hurting anyone else. It's an attempt to normalize or desensitize people to an inarguably negative trait. Again, no one cares if YOU are gay, but they do - they SHOULD - YOU should - care if others are trying to spread the message that being gay is something others should be or should be happy being. Likewise, no one cares if you pour acid in your eyeballs -- they do care and should care if you dedicate a month to it.
4. Homophobia is a misnomer meant to slander normal, good people.
>be virtue signaling online
>make simple mistake
>my "allies" start tearing me apart for thoughtcrime
>check my playbook to see what I should do next
>option 1: State my case calmly and clearly
>this option has a frowny face next to it, so I ignore it
>option 2: Just don't say anything
>this option has TWO frowny faces, so I ignore it
>option 3: Admit I made a mistake
>whoops, forgot to rip out that fake option they keep putting in these books, better do it now
>proceed to shitpost as hard as possible on Twitter for the next few hours, then declare myself in the right and block everyone who says otherwise
Trnslator note ally means enabler
Explain how it isn't
You come here for social interaction, attention, to show what GAEMS you playan, what you're listening to, what you wore, what you ate, so people can respond to you to make you feel like you matter in some way even though it's just internet (you)'s by strangers who have no relevance in your life.
The only difference is the account, which isn't a requisite to "be" social media
But that's 50% of conversation here what do I have to imagine?
Kanji is str8 btw.
It's an anime image board where you come to talk about children topics. You require social skills to be able to get your point across. Shit posting counts too.
I sleep
It's neither social nor is it media
>checkmark cartel
I'm using this now.
Piece of shit
The very idea of interacting with people is social you fucking retarded nigger idiot
And the whole idea is sharing media with those said people you soft skull
Think just for one second before you post
He wanted free brownie points and when he realized they weren't quite so free, he'd already stuck his hand in to grab some and got caught. Then he tried to scream back he didn't do it.
If you want to use the broadest definition of the term possible then telegrams would be classified as social media. But it's clear that there's more to the definition than just 'talking to people on the internet'.