What age are you in? And what is your favorite civ in AoE II?

What age are you in? And what is your favorite civ in AoE II?

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Imperial Age, Goths.

What day do they talk about AOE 2 DE? Do you know?

Chinese, they have an answer to everything, unpredictable

AoE 3 is on sale right now on steam but apparently the definitive edition is coming out at some point
what's the difference between that and the Complete Collection?
also: teutons just cause I thought the teutonic knights looked cool as a kid


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Definitive Edition has much fancier graphics and will have new civs.

Do people really hate singleplayer that much?

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more new civs beyond war chiefs and asian dynasties?
I thought they stopped development on it a while ago

Unfortunately it seems so, I seem to be one of the few people who prefers single player. :(

I’d imagine that most people playing HD Remaster have already played the campaigns back in the day if they ever cared about RTS singleplayer campaigns, and there’s not much reason to return to them once you’ve played them once.

That’s what they’ve been saying. Four new civs will appear for this.

Try playing the mod age of chivalry hegemony

wow guess I should wait for it
though it's only 10 bucks right now

Imp Goths. Only real choice for a chad. Imagine needing towers or walls to boom behind.

Yeah, they just haven’t given any details about who they will be. But they will almost certainly be in DE only, I’d guess that’s because they need something new to hook people playing the current remaster in, so that they won’t just go ”meh, it just looks a bit better and is otherwise the same game, not gonna pay for that”.

>bought aoe3 collection from gfwl
>can't download it anymore
t-thanks digital game distribution

the muzzies with their mammeluks (or however that was spelled) and the mongolians' archer riders
though I remember the teutons' unique units being completely OP and having some fun with them

Playing Goths is also a great way to get new players actually building militaries instead of over-relying on walls. One of my friends was the slowest military buildup player ever, but once he got the idea to start playing Goths, it didn’t take long before he actually learned to play the game.

He's talking about Age 3, the new civs were confirmed for the 2 rererelease.

They’re OP against AI and new players, but they will be kited by archers hard if anyone competent is facing them.

Industrial Age. AoE3, with fortification mod + bodies dont disappear immediately mod.shits cash

based and Chu-ko-nupilled

This may seem like a dumb suggestion but if you got a key, try registering it with Steam as some game companies do that.

For example I know for a fact if you register the CD-key for a hardcopy of Med2 Total War, it'll give you the Steam version for free.

maybe, I just played it on PS2

There's a PS2 version?


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