Witcher 3 for Switch is real

Call me Oles, a false name. I have just seen the Switch version of Witcher 3 in CD Projekt S.A. studio. I'll keep this brief.

- Nintendo Direct announcement, "Fall"

- Completely changed graphical style to account for weaker system

- Style reminded me of Wind Waker, very colorful

- The environments seemed the same but less detailed and brighter.

- Less trees and draw distance, but not foggy

- Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek

- Character models look cartoon like but animations looked exactly as prior release.

- I was told the story is same, all voice acting is same and nothing censored, just new character models.

- DLC is all there.

- Full price for Switch version

- New graphical style titled "Mud and Velvet" is going to be DLC for other consoles and PC but no date yet, just told "later" and not at E3.

Attached: chinawasright.jpg (300x168, 10K)

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>Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek

Attached: 1502485873089.gif (480x358, 1.16M)

>Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek
What the fuck


I believe it

>- Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek

Attached: 1542648740718.png (534x699, 44K)

>- Style reminded me of Wind Waker, very colorful
so you are telling me they basically build a new game just for the switch, yeah fuck off mate

>thinks adding new overlay to textures is "building a new game"


I'll be fine if its released solely for the pro switch. That's gonna look like absolute shit on the first generation switch. Especially in handheld mode.

>Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek
Kek, based and pacanówpilled.

>when you're shitposting so hard you forget to clear the name field


Zell already confirmed it and at least two (2) other high profile ports. What are they lads? One is most likely from Microsoft.

Banjo & Kazooie Remaster

Hey Oles!! What’s up??

Yeah, I could see that. Wonder what the other one is though. What else has been rumored? What ever happened to that dead game Nintendo was reviving that wasn't Scalebound?

Okay Oles (false name). I was also in their studio.

>game isn't actually Wind Waker style, it's more in the style of Persona 3 Portable where the combat is in 3D and the rest is in a 2D point and click / VN

>Geralt voice actor changed into Henry Cavill

>The quests are rewritten and it's more of a comedy now

>also, Triss is now a black trans woman and you HAVE to romance her in order to progress through the game

>>also, Triss is now a black trans woman and you HAVE to romance her in order to progress through the game


>Henry Cavill
Lost it

Master Chief Collection, not even joking.

Is it recommended to play the first two witchers first

>Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek
>Geralt voice actor changed into Henry Cavill
>Triss is now a black trans woman and you HAVE to romance her in order to progress through the game
Game of the century, Nintendo fucking won
I'm pretty sure MCC is actually pretty heavily rumored to be coming to Switch but I have no fucking clue how it'll run at anything higher than 360p 20fps

Witcher 3 on Switch would probably run at 480p in docked mode, dude. No way is this happening.


There's no such a name in Polish you fucking larper



I believe it'll come out. It'll run and play like shit, but I think it'll come out.

Yeah, my money is on that too. I think the third will be Automata

>I have no fucking clue how it'll run at anything higher than 360p 20fps

Do you have any idea how much more powerful the Switch is than the Xbox 360?
At the very least it will be able to run Halo 3 at 720p@60fps.

>Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek

next time mention a character that more than 3 people know with those features

Attached: fccd68826047d01d955d7796e9513d16[1].jpg (800x1536, 82K)

>runs LA Noire at like 22fps
>thinks it'll run Halo 3 at 60fps

The fact that they actually released MK11 and Wolfenstein despite them looking and running like ass makes me realize they would actually do It.

Well here's the thing user, halo mcc isn't a 360 game, it's an xbox one game

Dumbest post of the year

>Wanting to play a shitty version of Witcher 3
What is wrong with Nintentards??

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they could "cheat" like MK11 did and turn all thein game cutscenes into FMVs

Switch also runs Dark Souls at 1080p@30fps. What is your point? It's all down to the developer's ability to optimise.

>Switch is literally 4 and a half times more powerful than the Xbox 360
>But it's somehow going to run Halo worse than the 360 because LA Noire was a shit port

Attached: 61118223_10156219070146039_2769005741179142144_n.jpg (275x314, 10K)

Switch can barley run Saints Row 3

>Geralt has exaggerated features and black dot eyes like Koziołek Matołek

Attached: a2c.gif (480x360, 1.62M)

So just like the 360

lmao, this shit is so stupid. I actually believed it for half a second.

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