Why did it fail to kill fortnite
Why did it fail to kill fortnite
People that have spent hundreds/thousands on a game are more likely to keep playing the same game (just look at LoL which people still play to this day)
Besides that, Apex isn't getting updates nearly as fast as Fortnite. It's also more accessible (I think)
Well, remember that Fortnite's audience is young kids. They like the brightly coloured, cartoony aesthetic of that game.
Apex feels like it was designed for older gamers. So really it's competing against games like COD, Rainbow Six Siege, Destiny, PUBG, things like that. And on that front I think it's not doing too badly. Pic related, it's only just below COD.
You could argue that Apex's lack of variety might hurt it. Fortnite's map has many different biomes - Apex's is basically just one biome. And other games have multiple maps. Also, I would argue that Apex's lack of a solo play mode probably hurts it too. It can be intensely frustrating if you have no one else to play with so you are forced to depend on sheer luck of whether your random teammates will be semi-competent or just fucking idiots.
way too many niggers
Apex didn't fall apart for literally any reason you're attempting to list
Apex failed because it can't keep an update schedule that keeps people interested and its season pass was trash. Pubg even has a better update record than Apex, that's fucking embarrassing
boomer cope
>Shit map
>Unbalanced weapons
>Unbalanced loot
>Most of the playable characters look like shit
>Not a single remotely attractive female in the entire lineup
>Terrible looking skins/cosmetics
>Terrible mechanics and too many movement mechanics for a Battle Royale
>Following a trend that has died down in popularity
what do you expect?
I play Apex Legends to preface.
First the economy and battle pass are awful and extremely greedy. Spend a couple bucks to get some common quips. In Fortnite you can get most any cosmetic you want for a reasonable price or by simply playing with the battle pass. You might even have fun doing the challenges. Apex's battle pass is disgustingly boring and unfulfilling.
Second the game doesn't have different modes (solos, duos, etc.). It's frustrating to play with a bunch of people who might just quit immediately or alike.
Last I think people just might like to build and like the cartoony style. Maybe it's a kids like BRs thing.
18 naked cowboys at ram ranch
Fortnite isnt a battle royale, any game that trys to compete with Fortnite as a battle royale already lost from the start. Apex Legends is only competing with PUBG and Blackout.
Pretty much this. If you want to keep the game alive, you better pump up content fast.
no one want to spend money on character skins and clothes if they look like literal goblinos
Not enough updates and barely any new content added. Gameplay is good but couldn't carry the game alone, so it fell off. I feel like the game needs EA's involvement for the game to get more updates out faster
>he played it
>i feel like
Why don't we have a zoomer filter yet?
I fucking hate this autistic new way multiplayer games have been trending. I don't need new content every week to be engaged, i just want a good base with a solid foundation.
I'm not saying Apex is that game, but games eschewing balance or skill in favor of 'adding new thing or uprooting balance every few weeks' gets tiresome.
It's a good game, cry more
hideous characters
It just needs more updated
The thing is that popular modern genres need constant content updates to stay fresh due to their repetitive nature and lack of community tools.
Tried to be woke, didn't have the competence to update or improve the game adequately enough to keep a player base.
too many niggers for a real person to play
the closer we are to apex dying and titanfall living again the better
Because Ninja carries the BR playerbase (9-10 year olds) in his pocket and he was getting carried by his teammates in Apex.
Apex is the least like that of any BR. It probably hurt the game's popularity but it's also part of why it's the only BR fun for people who can legally drive.
This argument is wrong. People my age hate the game because of all the niggers, you're probably past the age of where you should be driving.
You faggots don't play video games so you're irrelevant anyways.
Just look athow ugly they are Yea Forums is the most nigger friendly board on 4channel and half the posts here are still complaining about the ugly nigger characters. Nobody wants you monkeys in their games.
>patches and updates far an few between
>overprices skins on everything
>ingame store takes a year to refresh
>other stuff I'm probably forgetting
sorta fun game... but they didn't do much with the popularity
This. They'll try a free game out but sunk cost fallicy will drag them back into their chosen skinner box. How do you think WoW has been going for so long?
This. Are we really that fucking attention deprived that we need flashy new shit every 5 minutes to keep us entertained?
1 map.
Fortnite is looking pretty outdated it's interesting, I can easily see another BR taking over it.
>Expecting an EA game to excel in any way other than exploitative practices
Oh you!
uh well i got to level 100 in Apex in about a month so there really wasn't anything more to progress towards and they no longer reward you for playing the game at the point
so yeah, need new stuff
Yes, I think the state of Apex Legends proves that
>f2p battle royale
nah it's totally competing with fortnite
Cause it's sucks and is gay. The building in fortnite is a unique gameplay element. If you want to play apex, just play titsnfall 2 because it does everything better than apex and has giant mechs, a unique gameplay element
The only people that give a shit about "muh new shiny skins" are children. Are you children? You realise you have to be 18+ to post here right?
I agree. The whole "new content" meme of Fortnite is to keep its pre-teen audience satisfied with new brightly coloured skins that they can spend their parents' money on.
>yeah dude just totally ignore the fact that it's made for a completely different audience and differs significantly from fortnite in many, many ways
How is it possible to be as stupid as you?
> Game launched several months ago
> 1 new hero
> 1 new weapon
> Map hasn't changed at all
> Hitboxes are still shit
Any questions?
They went for the business model of 1-5% of people spending 500$ on the game instead of 50 million people spending 20$s.
if they made it third person they would be able to show off their skins and emotes better which would entice young children.
this is really all it is. not the game mechanics, just the personalization.
>building in a run and gun game
it's a major reason why a lot of people don't play it.
game needs a burst delay hop-up
What the fuck are you talking about? None of those posts are saying that skins are the "content." That's you.
I only boot up fortnite maybe once a month, and every time I do, there's at least one new area to explore, or a wacky new game mode to try. What has Apex done since release? One new character and one weapon. Next to nothing.