>wins by using a cheatbox
heh nothing personnel kiddo
Wins by using a cheatbox
Name one (ONE (1)) advantage a hitbox has over a regular fightstick
Faster and more accurate inputs.
You can skip neutral.
So? Just make a better fight stick, they're not all created equal
Oh great, good thing all the charge characters are top tier
Dashing is also faster since you can double tap the buttons. Tokido has been whining that you can't even react to pad players dashing around.
seething shitter
Not with an actual hitbox but with the modded box daigo had, the ability to hold left and right simultaneously to basically negate fucking up blocking mix ups apparently.
Not to mention he plays Guile in SFV, so you basically get to cheat your charge inputs.
What are the red buttons mapped to?
>more accurate
>only 8 different directions possible
Damn... if only someone invented a controller with a stick designed for those 8 directions...
Faster inputs.
Can skip natural part of the sticks movement.
This basically lets you do perfect timing Charge moves something thats impossible on stick.
People can do standing no jump 720 zangief super using the thing.
>sticks are fine, and until very recently were considered superior to pads
>pads are fine
>mixboxes are fine because lol keyboards
>hitboxes are bad because they're objectively superior
Fuck you. Hitbox army is gonna trample you.
people can do standing 720s on stick and have been doing it for years
only thing a hitbox can do that a stick cannot is opposite directions simultaneously. And that is on the developers to prevent
At least make it a funny reply if you don't know the answer.
Gotta love all the dummies jumping on Hitbox's nuts since Daigo started playing on one. Oh wait, actually no, Daigo was playing on a Gafrobox, which is a legitimate cheating device with extra buttons for macros and opposite cardinal directions not giving a neutral input, both of which aren't present on a Hitbox.
A Hitbox does have minor advantages to an arcade stick, sure, but anyone claiming it's an unfair advantage don't know what they're talking about.
Isn't this the same shit?
Fighting games dont use more than 8 directions cucklefuck.
SF doesnt care if you do 236 or 26 when preforming a fireball (look at your Nmpad an pretend its stick directions)
And you can literally ether do 623 for a shrunken or double tap 26 at the same time.
So diago literally is holding 4 or 24 and just taping 6 and punch to instantly do Sonic booms at a press of a button.
And the moment that boom comes out he starts charging again no down time new boom charge at frame 0.
Hitbox army needs an easier controller to use to keep up
Just try playing street fighter in an arcade
Left, down, right, and the big one is up.
>implying tiers are real
>implying that “improving” a joystick will allow it to skip entire sections of the gate it’s in
>implying guile mirror matches won’t heavily favor the guy who bought a special controller
You clearly don’t know shit about about anything. This is actually Capcoms fault for making SFV without knowing people might use button-based directional inputs to get around the game and create shortcuts.
It was just 3 extra jump buttons lmao.
speaking of dummies, I guess you didn't know the DS3 can do the same thing as the opposing cardinal directions as the gafrobox by using dpad and analog
I love this
>Fighting games dont use more than 8 directions cucklefuck.
Well it's an absolute shame NOBODY has made a controller with a stick designed for those 8 directions yet, isn't it? I bet if someone invented such a thing you'd have people still grasping to that controller over 15 years later
A good keyboard do exactly same shit as hitbox and I don't see people bitching at it.
You retards are just mad because Daigo played with one. And shit wasn't even a hitbox.
Maybe if you put all four fingers of your left hand on the d-pad, because you’re some kind of fourteen fingered super-human
Yeah it's good thing they play on arcade machines at tournaments
Looks like you need to keep up
What the fuck is your point you mouthbreather? Are you implying that jerking a joystick around is faster/mor accurate than having every input under your fingertips at all times?
>His sword was made from superior japanese steel
while mine is made from shitty european steel it's not fucking fair ban him
This is literally what you fags sound like complaining about hitboxes
I've been assuming they're directions.
>3 red buttons for Left/Up/Right and a big bottom button for Down
Makes sense to make it that and then the other 8 white ones are just other buttons.
You can’t take a keyboard to a tournament
Competitive players should use the best option available in order to demonstrate the highest level of play possible, to both players and the developers. Capcom should realize Hutu fucked up by programming their “competitive” game to heavily favor special controllers
Literally don’t hate the player, literally hate the game. SFV is still ass.
I'm implying there is a controller that exists with a stick designed for the 4 cardinal and 4 diagonal directions, and therefor is just as accurate as a hitbox
i can get the complaint about holding 2 directions at once being bullshit, but complaining that inputs are better, easier and faster? what the fuck is wrong with you FGniggers, no wonder no one plays your shitty games unless they're a masochist
No. Suck my balls.
A keyboard is even worse because it can skip neutral like his gafrobox.
Execution is the least relevant aspect of high level matches.
>lol he plays arcade games at an arcade what a loser
Capcom is trying to adapt their arcade games to home console and they still haven’t quite figured it out. And tournaments for games that aren’t made for zoomers are played on arcade machines.
>You can’t take a keyboard to a tournament
Except you can? Someone won using a fucking steering wheel.
You can’t take a keyboard to a tournament
Competitive players should use the best option available in order to demonstrate the highest level of play possible, to both players and the developers. Capcom should realize they fucked up by programming their “competitive” game to heavily favor special controllers
Literally don’t hate the player, literally hate the game. SFV is still ass.
>And tournaments for games that aren’t made for zoomers are played on arcade machines.
lol evo totally isn't the biggest tourney in the world or anything
Boomers like you genuinely deserve to die
That’s only because both players have reached the maximum level of execution possible. Execution is the most important factor of getting out of pools.
>Someone won using a fucking steering wheel
>Someone won using the dpad on a steering wheel
Octo gates have been around forever and they are shit compared to square gates let alone a hitbox.
You can take a keyboard to a tournament, you just need to mod a pcb in.
There's also a "mixbox" that combines keyboard directionals with sanwa buttons.
>pads are objectively worse
>sticks are way better
A different controller not going make you magically better or do sick loop de loop combos right away.
Execution do matter but this kind of shit have diminishing returns.
Hey man there’s nothing wrong with admitting you don’t have the execution for the classic controller layout. Take your butthurt somewhere else
>People have to come down to my level
>I refuse to go up to theirs
Fighting game fags are fucking pathetic
Luffy won evo with a fucking PS1 controller for fuck's sake
Hitboxes aren't banned and no one is calling for them to be banned.
Are you getting dementia in your old age, boomer? Because that retort made no fucking sense
hitbox chads rise up
>that kid that blamed the controller when he lost
That's regarding the GafroBox which is different. Hit Boxes are still allowed.
You have ugly lumpy man legs, sorry bro you'll never pass
Its not about accuracy you mouthbreather.
With a hitbox, there's no downtime between holding back, or holding forward. Any other input is gonna have some dead space between the two.
Please point to where between that and this image (from the TO of Combo Breaker) either tweet saying hitboxes are banned
Except you can do the same thing with a PS4 controlelr by holding back on the analog and forward on the dpad
Just get fucking good
Literally every fightstick is 8 directional, your entire premise is based on a retarded misunderstanding.
Its all a big marketing stunt and you're falling for it by discussing them.
We've known hitbox is a superior input method since launch, but few notable players have been willing to put in the time to transition.
When you're playing at such a high level, changing input devices is a massive setback as any input error can lose a round on the spot.
You know that you can do same with analog + dpad right.
You are so defensive of the hitbox that you responded like four times, implying that stick players need to “keep up” by buying products that lower the execution barrier. You’re so mad you already forgot what we’re talking about. Fortnite and twitch streams have ruined your attention span.
That shouldn't be allowed either but there's no need to ban it. Capcom should just patch the game so you have to select either the dpad or analog stick in the controller options.
>You are so defensive of the hitbox that you responded like four times
So what are you doing right now you senile retard?
>PS4 controllers shouldn't be allowed for a PS4 game
This is your brain on fighting games
>oh noes he won because he is using a better controller than mine :((
Name 1 major someone has won with a hitbox
You actually need a dead neutral frame to get a dash, which is why daigo himself misses so many dashes on the box he does them too fast
Delaying your inputs by exactly 17ms is very difficult. Any more or less subjects you to frame-time variance.
That's the opposite of what I said.
>That shouldn't be allowed
are u okay hun?
Almost all of them are actually shared by pads but most stick users are retards
Warning, major spoiler.
>Analogue stick for fighting games
You are actually retarded. No one is having trouble finding the diagonals, what hitbox allows is a faster speed and shortcuts. Try doing this on your shitty ass controller
I don't get the obsession with the GC controller, especially from smashfags. You need to mod or find ones with special defects for them to be actually good. It is legit just a bad controller for the game but they can't move on. FGC can be bad about sticks being better but at least pros are willing to move on.
You talk like Yea Forums understand how fighting games work.
Can't you do approaching Sonic Boom on these things?
It shouldn't be allowed for you to use both the analog stick and dpad at the same time, but rather than banning this, Capcom should just patch the ability to do it out of the game.
Super Akouma won The Mixup this year with one.
>With a hitbox, there's no downtime between holding back, or holding forward.
Git gud. Go from one direction to the other within a frame. It is possible
Or how about you admit that fighting sticks are worse than the OFFICIAL controller and the people complaining are idiots?
Using both the dpad and analog stick at the same time wasn't something the game was designed around. It's essentially a bug. But it's not a huge issue anyway because almost no one does it.
Over a stick? faster inputs
HOWERVER, everything a hitbox can do a controller can also do. Its the cry baby controller users getting mad that stick users have an option for the same tricks that made this happen.
Would you care to show me the interview where Ono explained it wasn't intentional?
I don't know anything about fighting games but you guys are making me laugh
Ok Yea Forums, I have 2 PS4 controllers who have the classic left stick error. Can I somehow build a pseudo Hitbox with them? Or should I just buy this ?
Where can I find more information? Do I need to ask /g/ or something? Should I ask these questions in a website where people actually play fighting games?
I've recently got into fightans and I'm having a blast, sadly in my third world country these pads are expensive as fuck.
>Yea Forums
>Ever understanding how fighting games work.
If it was intentional then they wouldn't have issued the statement regarding the gafrobox.
Get a pcb board and some buttons.
Oh so you're saying they've banned PS4 controllers?
>You can’t take a keyboard to a tournament
No, they banned the Gafrobox for the having the same ability as the PS4 controller, but obviously they can't ban the PS4 controller. They probably will just patch out the ability if it starts becoming an issue though.
I know most of you are casual players, if you even play fightan at all.
I'm a tournament-level player.
There are small advantages to the input device; daigo's character choice a charge character is perfect for highlighting the advantages.
He can gain charge 1~2 frames faster than a stick user, and reaction uppercut at least a frame faster as well.
It's the kind of thing that will literally never matter to you casuals; you're still going to lose doing the same dumb shit because you don't really know how to play the videogame.
If players should only use the superior control option to play.
Then why consoles shooters don't use KB+M?
t. angry yurop
how is this any different from playing on a Keyboard?
You can if you want
Aside layout.
Nothing, its pure asshurt from people that don't play fighting games.
Show me some tournaments for games like battlefield where the option to use KB+M and controller are both available and there's people in top brackets winning with the controller
coping cheatbox users.
Capcom will balance SFV to make it fair one day
There is a reason of why consoles don't get crossplay with PC for shooters.
Hitboxes ARE bullshit and controllers should be standardised at tournaments. Specific brands and models should be used for tournament play. You're not going to accept a boxer who put fucking rocks inside his custom boxing gloves, are you?
For a simple test, try to dash so fast that you don't get the dash.
If you can't doubletap forward twice so fast that it registers as holding forward, you can't input as fast as a hitbox user.
>Why is the GOAT winning again when he's past his prime? He must be cheating!
The FGC is such a joke
At least Smashfags still has respect to the old guard
geee thanks Yea Forums
It's cheaper than buying some brand controller you retard.
If you want drop money on some controller then go ahead.
Rocks inside gloves would be the equivalent of characters having their damage buffed ya dummy. Technology in sports gets better everyday so that's a crappy argument.
Do people get grief for using keyboards?
>The absolute state of FGC newfags
Retards who jump on the Daigo hate train tends to forget that it's Daigo that made it work and not some new rando
Why are you being autistic? The comparison is a contender weilding superior tools in order to win. It's not that deep you sperg.
Doesn't matter. Can d-pad that or set dash on other controller buttons.
You might get chuckled at, but if you can perform they will respect you.
You know that they actually banned some custom swimsuit back them right?
Athletes use all kind of shit that makes their performance go up like 1% but people still call it cheating.
And it doesn't even matter when people who know how to play can win on pads.
Ain’t seen nobody advocating to ban stick after hearing for a decade how they’re so much better than pad. Funny.
>People can do standing no jump 720 zangief super using the thing
So can I and I don't even like fighting games.
>dissecting semantics rather than trying to get the point of what the poster is saying
Finish high school
>Superior tool is legal
>Doesn't use it
People who advocate for handicapping are the ones who are not even that great to begin
Only assmad shitters complain about keyboard when someone beats them, especially if the game is also on PC
Standardizing the tools available to ensure skill is the greatestdeciding a match is not handicapping
>People can do standing no jump 720 zangief super using the thing.
Imagine being a shitter that can't pull a fucking 720 with a stick.
Only assmad shitters complain about hit box, but as it turns out there are enough of those for this thread to exist.
Oh yeah let's just change the entire landscape of the already struggling FGC forcing everyone to buy a hitbox just to be able to compete on an even playing field purely because some people want to use their clickety clackety autismbox.
standing no jump you illiterate lump
>I'm not a shitter, it's his controller I swear.
If you people want to take E-sports seriously, they must accept the fact that tools are always evolving
Look at every goddamn sport ever
>Football added s bunch of auxiliary gear and improved the design of the football itself
>Basketball shoes might look ridiculous but it actually serves a purpose
>Baseball bat materials have improved significantly
>Cycling gear in general
>Specialized ports training equipment
The hitbox isn't banned. Daigo switched to the hitbox specifically because it's not banned.
Daigo said it himself, why block an attack when you can flash kick it instead.
>everybody getting into fighting games feels compelled to buy a 3rd party controller in order to compete
Can’t imagine how awful that would be
It’s not like this has ever happened before
>Oh no Carbon Fibre rackets are too OP, somebody ban them!
Keyboard is too rare to be a problem at tournaments. Online I’m sure it’s horse shit, but netplay is horse shit in general
Hitbox offers a greater amount of options and techniques. This is called an unfair advantage when it comes to a competition, and it is clearly one that the developers of the game did not anticipate when they made it. There’s more than enough reason to be assmad here, but I don’t blame hitbox users. I’m sure this will get addressed eventually in future releases
So are we going to see an influx of Japanese hitbox users? Because from what I've seen it's mostly US/European players that use them.
People go around with PS1/Snes controller, steering wheels or even a fucking GC controller without any issues.
A better or "worse" controller don't replace player skill. And Daigo wasn't using a hitbox you retards.
>People comparing ergonoic footballs provided by FIFA (of which there is one on the entire pitch thereby making it equal) to forcing these kids showing up to fighting game tournaments having to splash hundreds on a fucking controller just to play on an even playing field.
You niggers really are stupid as hell.
Using a carbon fibre racket is not fundamentally different from using another tennis racket. Hitbox is fundamentally different from a fight stick due to having a greater amount of features and options. Tennis has regulations on how wide a tennis racket should be and what it should look like
Now you’re the one struggling with analogies
It would be more like a racket that could grab the ball and then shoot it out at high speed when you press a button or something.
>two players of equal skill meet
>one has access to more options and stronger special moves because of his controller
>he is more likely to win now
It’s as simple as that.
So you're telling me someone good finally picked up the hitbox and is just wrecking everyone with it? KEK
I wish there were more controls like this.
Highly customizable and horizontal, which is easier on my hands.
This is true. It’s up to the developers to ensure that one input method does not flat out outperform the others, without just banning them entirely. Let’s hope they’re actually competent enough to do so
Yeah because match ups don't exist right?
And game plays same for both sides just because someone can do something half frame faster don't mean he already won.
Don't see why his controller was banned.
This is just an unlabeled keyboard. What is so special?
You can literally do this was a DS4, what is the fucking problem?
The hitbox adds far more advantages to some characters than half a frame. Just watch the daigo gafrobox videos on YouTube. We’re talking access to techniques that are flat out impossible to react to, or simply can not be done on a stick or a pad. And mirror matches absolutely happen in tournament.
it looks like arcade sticks and doesn't have too many buttons so the consolefriends don't get confused/scared of using it
See the responses to
This thread should have ended a long time ago
Perhaps the original fightstick is simply a flawed design
It's harder to do and no players as high profile as Daigo uses this technique. Also, the only reason they disallowed his gafrobox was because he asked them what their position on it was. If he did the same for using the dpad + analog stick together then they'd probably make a ruling on that as well.
>we live in a age where someone can actually think controllers should be the standard for fighting games
>has more buttons than a regular controller
What did he mean by this?
Why don't the tournament sponsors just bring whatever controllers instead of demanding everyone brings their own?
>the original input method the entire genre was founded on was flawed from the start
It is current games which are flawed, for not having yet adapted to an increasingly popular controller type. I was having an easy-peesy time using a keyboard to play guilty gear back in 2010. Like always, Capcom is way behind its player base and it’s the players who are suffering the consequences
>added expense
And they want players to use whatever input method they do at home. There are so many janky issues with SFV that it’s no wonder some controllers can exploit them better than others
We didn’t have these issues when tournaments were done on arcade cabinets. Some venues have switched their locals back to cab when they can, but the future of fighting games is on home console. Until arcades become a thing again (never ever) it would be a regressive move.
just 4 more is not that much, even consolefriends can deal with it
even the most cucked keyboards have around 80 so that's gigantic YIKES
Literally knuckledu
Not quite as high profile as Daigo and also didn't ask Capcom whether it was okay so they weren't forced to respond.
This has been standard in fgc for over a decade and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. No way in hell are sticks going to get banned, and neither is hitbox for that matter.
But you can do this on stick too, he's just not gutsy enough.
Basically everyone can reaction block overheads in sf5, it's only a tiny flick farther to up+KK.
Maybe the solution for stick users is a tighter stick.