Do you play vidya at work?

do you play vidya at work?

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Only clicker / incremental games.

What map is this?

nah but we boomertop buddies

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>Work at some shitty card shop
>Have to scan cards to put them up on ebay
>Scanning process takes about a minute
>Check my phone within that time since there's nothing else to do except literally stare at the printer while it scans
>Boss tells me to stop, no phones allowed during work hours
>Okay that sounds fa-
>Literally every other employee is using their phones in front of them

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What ThinkPad is that?


C-can chinkpads join too? We can play ds games with the stylus.

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Yeah but I have a somewhat proper computer so I'm not forced to play fucking doom

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Ty. I kind of want to get one to mod.

Yes, I play on my laptop in the server room until I get called.

tfw t420 and t450s
I am the zoomer of thinkpads

>mouse isn't microsoft intellimouse
ya blew it

t420 and t430 reporting in.

Suck his dick and record it then tell him you'll send it to his wife if he doesn let you use your phone at work. That's what I did and it's worked so far.

yeah I have a gap of about 3 hours every day so sometimes I bring in my laptop and play games on it. It's a pretty sweet deal

t450s masterrace. Upgraded from a w700, no regrets.

yeah, that and default fov and r settings

Fuck yeah I love my chinkpad, $80 at a pawn shop cos they don't know shit about computers

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Thats quake 3, heres your you

>Work from home doing IT support
>Some days just get a few simple emails to reply to and no phone calls or remote support requests
>Spend 8 hours playing Vidya, browsing 4clam, listening to music, whatever

Its not the life expected, but it's p good.

I was drunk and thought it was a really good deal on a 220t for 120. Really like it on the whole but had to go full faggot for something you could actually use as a drawing tablet.

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>im going to have to get a new job AGAIN because the people I work with literally cannot fucking handle it

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That fat fuck didn't have a wife, he lived with his mom.
He was a jewish sociopath.

I play tetris at work sometimes

Occasionally, if I'm on nightshift. We only do nightshift during exercises and shit so there's not much to do then.

Shadowgun Legends

How do I get this job

Be good at what you do, in this case, IT support.

Imagine the smell (after it rains)

Yeah but what certifications and shit do you need to be considered that good.

Lately pic related and Persona Q on Citra. 12 fucking hours a day 3-4 days a week. And I can't use headphones.

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used to play a lot at work

favourite part was going through the eye machine in dead space 2 back in 2017, all while being watched

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You fall into it accidentally.

>Leave company amicably to pursue other opportunities in a different area
>Old boss dies in a car wreck two months later
>"We'll give you his job since you know how our stuff works, you can do it remotely, and here's a significant pay raise"
>Company has no policies toward documenting anything, so the four IT guys are basically a wizard council that jealously guards its secrets and management is afraid to upset

I make decent money and do very little actual work. Its not the "doing computer science and making 150k at Intel" I wanted as a kid, but its certainly more relaxing.

Proven experience beats certs but certs look good to hr retards.

I work in vidya. I play games way less than I did since getting the job.

If those matter where you live, you're fucked anyway. If you get interviews and the IT department isn't present so you can prove your actual skills to them, it's pretty useless.

How's the stylus? I want a screen I can draw on, taking along a drawing tablet gets cumbersome

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Yes, I've used to bring my laptop and play full games there but carrying that heavy gaming beast with me got on my nerves. Nowadays I just play Switch at work when I am not browsing the net or watching TV.

HotMan DeadCold

Found you

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On the 400? The screen ruins it and it can't handle big boy brush sizes. The fagpad pro? Fucking dank in spite of the rest of it. Gucci as fuck but as an androidfag it shits the bed on basic features I've come to expect.

i drive around town all day by myself so yeah, mostly pokemon go or if it's a rainy/snowy day then i bring my switch and sit under a bridge til it's quittin' time.

How is this device mounted on your snes called?

yes, currently playing BFV

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game doctor sf7

Not him but you guys don't go into any detail about how to get these kinds of jobs.
>Which companies hires for IT support?
>Do you go to trade schools for certifications?
>Age ranges?

There are NEETs here waiting for a second chance at life, and those who have made it do not go into detail on how to help these people climb out of their situations. It's identical to those who work out but never go into detail on how to properly get started.

Luck is the most important thing, but people refuse to admit it.

>being the office bitch
not big sup prize.

You have to have a job and apply for a different one. Some make it, some don't. There's a lot of luck involved. Some jobs are thrown at you but you have to have one first.

You might not believe it user but I literally quit that day.

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sounds like you're just lazy

You know. I'd argue that it's far less luck and more of your own upbringing. If you're brought up and tossed into the military or college, you can easily find opportunities for jobs (as well as the knowledge on how to get them) as opposed to a kid fresh out of high school who wasn't pushed to go to college. They have no experience. The only jobs open to them (as far as they can see) are retail jobs and fast food work.

Eurokek here.
Got my current job by completing a 2 year apprenticeship (usually takes 3 years, but again, have to be good at what you do) followed by a bachelors degree. The latter doesn't matter at all though, at least to my current employer. I'm a linux sysadmin working on virtualization and big data clusters. I got the job by acing the recruitment test which wasn't any whiteboard crap, just a simple debian install, installing and configuring bind, tomcat, mysql, showing that you have the basic skills which are required in the environment bascially. Not much to it.

Not really, most college grads do shit that has nothing to do with their degree and doesn't pay worth shit. It's luck because I'm certain most of us aren't as good as half the guys at the last job. It's more about being an entrepreneur that gets you a better job. You stink to most people but smell good for shit most people don't want to do.

I'm So let me try to give you a decent answer, but it's kind of a hope-killer.

The company I'm working for is the first one that ever hired me for IT work (26 years old). I started with them as an intern in college and worked with them for 7 years before I tried to go elsewhere, because it was obvious my only route to promotion was through my boss. And he was the kind of guy that planned to stay for life (and did, as it turned out).

So with 7 years of experience and a handful of IT certifications (mostly basic shit, A+, Network+, various Microsoft certs) the company paid for I tried to do better. And that led to two months of daily job apps, phone interviews that didn't turn into anything, interviews that went nowhere or were incredibly fucking dumb ("If you were a color pencil what color would you be and why?"). It was hell. I did get some job offers out of it, but they were barely paying more than the job I had left. And rather than a standard M-F 9-5 job, a lot of them were night shift / weekends / swing shifts. It was actually a pretty soul-crushing experience on the whole. I'm thankful every day of my lazy life that the first company called me back after my boss died.

Which leads me to echo this guy It's got a lot to do with luck, a lot to do with who you know (the college IT department recommended me for my first job), and a little bit to do with your actual abilities. I think only one of my interviews actually involved their IT staff presenting me with a laptop and a problem to solve. And that was one of the ones that led to a job offer.