Biggest disappointment of the year by far...

Biggest disappointment of the year by far, it's just a cringy as fuck storyline with DmC:Devil May Cry tier art design and dialog.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>DmC:Devil May Cry tier art design and dialog
Only Nero's dialogue is comparable to DmC and it reflects his personality pretty well. I like the more realistic style as well, although 1 will always have the superior art design to me. I'll agree that the story was fucking dogshit though, but the game is fun so can't complain too much. I'm still enjoying dipping into Bloody Palace every so often.

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I agree.

Dante's dialogue was god awful and Nico is the worst out of anyone.

You're wrong, and only feel that way due to having suspect tastes.

And don't forget how cringy V was.

>mfw they ripped off the DmC intro in this
>the entire game actually just feels like DmC 2.0

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>Dante's dialogue was god awful
Didn't seem much different from his dialogue in 3 and 4 to me
I kind of liked how dorky V was because everyone else thought he was a weirdo as well. It's not like the game was playing him straight

Double digit retard detected.

OP is gay for donte

I wouldn't go that far, but i'm seven missions in and Dante is still nowhere to be found. Why do they hate him so much? He hasn't had a starring role since 2005.

Thats a funny way of saying the best gameplay to ever exist in a single player game.

Its ok, dante is secretly the star of the game anyway. Nero spends most of the game confused, and you are almost at Dante.

Not an argument

Dante is basically the second half of the game again, like DMC4.

Best gameplay...... after sekiro

Honestly Sekiro is pretty sweet, but id still say DMC 5.


Too janky in comparison.

After you get Dante Nero gets pushed to irrelevancy until the end of the game where he saves the day. The story is all over the fucking place

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Maybe the shitty bayonetta story is more your pace with 3 hours of cutscenes and a rasta child.

Nah, Bayonetta 2's story is even worse. Bayonetta 1 had a pretty entertaining story though, even if it was overly convoluted for no reason

>muh storyline
how to spot a DmCuck

>play Bayonetta before DmC5 comes out
>holy shit what a badass game
>can't wait for dmc5
>it comes out
>play it
>punchbag enemies
>meh characters
>slow gameplay
>cringe dialogue
>graphics without much personality
>get to the first couple Dante missions
>cool moveset I guess but the game just isn't doing it for me
>sekiro comes out
>ditch dmc5 halfway through normal mode and never come back
>beat sekiro 5 or 6 times

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Based. DMC5 is good but Bayonetta is on its own level

Just a single digit. 4.


Tasteless faggot

Yeah well I came at least 500 times since the game was released and they were all loads dropped to either Nero or Dante

cope some more, Barry.

Barry will never get over it will he?

I have no idea why this game makes so many people so mad. It's just a fun video game, bros. I guess Yea Forums nowadays really doesn't like games.

GOTY imo.

Does anyone else miss crazy combos? Also attacks felt crunchier in dmc3

To be fair that are criticisms to be made about DMC5 but DMCfags are super defensive. I agree that it's a fun game though and people shouldn't be too down on it.

>DmC:Devil May Cry tier art design and dialog.
Yeah, but not in the same vain. 5 and m are clearly similar but they are both cringy for different reasons.

The environments are meh for different reasons. They are both England in some way shape of form but m's are retardedly bright orange and blue while 5 is just plain old boring.

It's pretty much all Nero in terms of the design for the character but they decided to make everyone look like they shop at a homeless shelter. Everyone's clothes are tattered, Nero's sweater, Dante's duster. V looks like shops at hot topic but he doesn't stand out with hobo Dante and broke Nero so that doesn't do him any favors.

>DmC art design
Do you not remember how blue and orange everything in that game was or are you being a lottle bitch about the RE engine changes(character faces) that look leagues better than DmC anyways?

Pretty much this. I enjoyed dmc5 to an extent, but it felt so underwhelming. Sekiro was way better, and bayo is an absolute blast, I hope you learnt dodge offset.

If DmC did one thing right, it was not forcing you to play multiple characters in the same campaign.

Imagine Dante doing 69 with Nero in the van when Vergil walks in and immediately does 180

>when Vergil walks in and immediately does 360

Devil May Cry as a series needs to go to more varied locations. 2, 4, DmC and 5 all taking part in largely Urban landscapes is pretty boring. At least Bayonetta took us to Heaven, Hell and the Pat.

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so what else is capcom making?
some user leaked dead rising but i belive is is taking that out of his ass

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>"cringy as fuck storyline"

>expecting a good story from capcom

yikes.. dmc 5 is as if GoW (2018) had worse combat and somehow even more cutscenes but all of them bad

>Yea Forums nowadays really doesn't like games.

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I like that all the games take place in a small location in a small amount of time. It feels like you're really on a job. I don't need something like Ninja Gaiden two where every level is totally different.

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why does this thread have posts in it? this has to be the dumbest and laziest bait i have ever seen on this website

Attached: DMC-5 (16).webm (800x600, 2.58M)

this is Yea Forums you're talking about
also taking over bait threads to talk legitmately about the game they're shitting on is fun

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>now that the dust is settled thread
jesus christ

someone leak vergil dlc pls

Is there anything in dmc5 as fun as fighting Grace and Glory?

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>boring level design in the second half
>lackluster story.
those are all the valid complaints i ever see, the rest are just retards fishing for (you)s with DmC and sekiro (of all fucking things) comparisons and the good old "enemies are sandbags because they dont randomly break out of hitstun" bullshit

i forgot about V being really awkward to play as on higher difficulties but that honestly varies from person to person since ive seen alot of webms of people styling DMD in these threads

Yea Forums not liking games is a staplecorner of Yea Forums you idiot

I would say Furies are the closest equivalent. I'm not so knowledgeable as to give you in depth details about them like in your video, but they're probably the most dangerous mook in DMC5; they're fast, have a flash step and quick attacks.
They're a bit like DMC4's blitzes but without that period of hyper armor.

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Furres are the definition of anti-fun.

Literally me

>Dante's dialogue was god awful
>Literally the least gay dialogue of the franchise.
Wow user, Do you want to give you a ride?

this nigger again.

A lot of people seem to be disappointed with dmc5.

>A lot of people

this fag makes daily threads and you can always tell it's him by the way he types.

Why do you think it's the same person?

Read the thread.

Awful bait, or pathetic existence that can't enjoy anything. Waited 10 years for this game and it exceeded my expectations in every way besides the FUCKING LOADING TIMES / Menus and no DLC

There is a lot of games I enjoy way more than dmc5.

Literally nowhere lmfao, it's like one of the least attacked games to release in years on every gaming website
Seething KH3 retard mad that DMC5 and RE2 were great

>Why do you think it's the same person?
I literally mentioned why
>you can always tell it's him by the way he types.

I don't visit a lot of gaming websites, do they attack games at all? I'm judging by the discussions I partake in on Yea Forums.

I preffer enemies beinh punchbang than being like DMC4, i which everyone have a different way to be defeates and that breaked the flow of the action

>Read the thread.
I only see a few actual posts that could be considered disappointment with the game as a whole
most of them are people who still like the game but have some critiques about it

stay in school